Kingdom And Traitors Burn

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The traitors were marin's formal friends that left her for lila

The gems flowers did not betray their leader


Marin awoke in the arms of his boyfriend, they had a great date and they just fell asleep in each other's arms.

" jasper dear wake up, it's time for the liar's kingdom to burn to ashes along with the traitors " he gently whispered as jasper's face twitched and he woke up.

He just softly smiled and kissed marin's lips, it ended with a small makeout.

Soon they parted their lips and got dressed into their uniforms, marin blushed as jasper wrapped his arms around his waist and stole a kiss.

Marin let out a whine as jasper chuckled, seeing marin's cute little face when he whines is just too precious.

They left with cheese flavored croissants in their mouths and they finished them when they got to school.

Marin along with his group and boyfriend entered the school and students parted like the red sea to give them space.

There was lila and her sheep, looking smug and shit.

But their expressions changed when zoè and juleka gleefully told them that lawyers and cops were coming.

The charges of their crimes were of the fullest extent.

Marin enjoyed the look of despair on adrien's face when he realized he truly fucked up, his dad was there in the flesh and he ripped adrien a new one.

He also fired lila and said that every thing of Gabriel's that had her face was being burned.

Gabriel was so disappointed in his son, sure he wasn't the bets father but he tried his best to teach his son the difference between right and wrong.

Now lila was spewing more lies to try and stop the flames from burning her kingdom but it was too late.

" YOU " she spewed out venom at marin when she said that.

But Marin simply raised a eyebrow.

" oh please lila, I'm not the one who sucks dicks to get ahead in life " he simply said with a smirk as lila's face went a deep red.

Everyone (including gabriel) was shocked !

" oh yes ms lila here sucked a lot of dick to get what she wanted, she sucked dicks to get rid of rivals, anyone who didn't believe her or to get boys who had what she wanted " juleka said with a gleeful smirk.

" she broke relationships and ruined lives, like poor marin who lost his friends and even his past. Rush to lila " zoè finished as she patted marin's shoulder in comfort.

Lila was taken by police and was shipped back to Italy, never to be heard again.

From then on life at dupont school was changed, the gems flowers made sure of that.

Students can walk the halls knowing that bullies and bad teachers and principals are gone.

The akuma class was never the same and they never got the jobs they wanted.

Marin and his group transfered to Ms. Mendeleiev's class, the class welcomed them with open arms.

Chat noir was retired after footage of him and every bad thing he ever done to psyllobora was released to every news source in Paris.

The black cat ring was put back into the miracle box.

A new fox hero that goes by the name thievul was now a permanent member of team miraculous.


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