First Day Frights

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Scratch is relaxing in a bath. With slow music playing on the radio. He bursts a bubble floating by. He sighs. "I'm just a puffy little bunch of bubbles..." he said. "Hey Scratch!" Molly and (Y/n) shouted. Scratch gets sucked out of his dollhouse. He hits the wall and screams. "Girls, turn around please!" He shouted. "Oh, what's the big deal? You don't even wear clothes." (Y/n) said. Scratch covers himself with a towel. "Yes, but I happen to be emotionally naked right now! Ahem, what's so urgent that you ripped me away from my me time?" He asked. "We're... afraid, Scratch." Molly said. Scratch is now interested on what Molly has to say. "Now we're getting somewhere!" He pulls out a pencil and paper. "Be specific please." He said. "I- I know you said that you're really popular in the Ghost World..." she continued. Scratch laughs nervously. "Yes...yes, I am." He said.


"This club is only for popular ghosts" he pocks Scratch. "Not the worst of the worst." He grabs Scratch and throws him out.


"Um, uh, yeah. I'm very popular. Like number one on the list, if there was a list, but of course there's not, or else it would hurt anyone else's feelings." (Y/n) narrows her eyes at him, making him chuckle nervously again. "Well, I guess you can't really relate then. but... today is the first day of school and our family's moved a lot. You know, like, a lot a lot. So, trust me when I tell you that the first day of school in a new town is super important and the stakes have never been higher!" (Y/n) said. Molly jumps in front of Scratch. "Do you realize that even one eency weency embarrassing mistake could turn us into a social outcast forever!?" She asked. "You'd be ruined..." Scratch said. "Exactly!" Molly said. "You'd have to leave Brighton." Scratch said. "Probably in the dead of night." (Y/n) said. "The curse would be broken and I'd be back in this house by myself!" Scratch said. "You know. Actually, now that I'm talking to you about it, I hear how ridiculous all my fears sound." (Y/n) said, starring in the mirror. "Uh, I don't think they're ridiculous at all..." Scratch said, causing (Y/n) to smirk. "It's gonna be fine!" Molly sung. "No, it's gonna be a disaster!" Scratch said. "And we love making people happy so we're bound to make tons of friends-" (Y/n) said. 

"NOT ON MY WATCH! THIS IS WILL BE THE WORST FIRST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF FIRST DAYS! I PROMISE MCGEES, YOU WON'T MAKE EVEN ONE FRIEND." Scratch said. "Ah, nice try Scratchy. I already re-energized my positivity. Thanks for being a sounding board, bye!" Molly and (Y/n) leave the attic, closing the door and accidentally pulling Scratch's face off. "They bother me." Scratch said. "Wow, all our kids in middle-school. They just... " Pete sniffs. "They're growing up so fast. Next, it's gonna be college, then a career, then grandkids. Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna be a grandpa! You do it!" He said. Sharon takes the phone. "Okay, big smiles! Who's ready for a fantastic school year with minimal trips to the principal's office?" She asked. "Us!" Molly and (Y/n) said. "Them!" Darryl said. "All right, you three, have fun!" Sharon said. "You know we will!" (Y/n) said. "I guarantee you won't!" Scratch said. "As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we have new students joining us. Welcome, Molly and (Y/n) McGee! Would you like to tell us a little about yourselves?" Miss Lightfoot asked. "We sure would! If you know only one thing about us is that we-" Scratch throws goo on the floor making Molly and (Y/n) slip. They try not to fall making it look like dancing. "Whoa, whoa!" They shouted. The class gasps. "What're they doing?" A student asked. "Okay, we got it. Whoa! We got it. Okay." Molly said. (Y/n) grabs her and helps her get her balance back, and gets her own back.

"We like to dance." (Y/n) said. The class cheers for Molly and (Y/n). They stop as a student starts slow clapping. "Brava!" A girl walks up to Molly and (Y/n). "Ahn"-drea Davenport, social influencer, future disruptor, Brighton Middle School's Official Good Will Ambassador." She said. The class cheers. "It's a lot of things in one, I know. I'd be honored if you'd both join me on stage this afternoon at the "New School Year Assembly". She said. "Wow! Thanks!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, that would be incredible, "Ann"-drea!" Molly said. Everyone gasps. (Y/n) looks around in confusion. "What happened?" She asked. Scratch eats the food of the class's pet. "Oh, what's this?" He asked. Andrea inhales, then giggles. "It's actually "Ahn"-drea." She said. "Isn't that what she just said?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah." Molly agreed. "Honey no, she said "Ann"-drea." Andrea said. "What's the difference?" (Y/n) asked bluntly. "(Y/n)!" Molly scolded. "I'm, I'm, I'm so, so sorry!" She said.

 "Oh, honey, it's fine. It's your first day. Forgive and forget!" Andrea said. "Wow, thank you, "Anh"-drea, that's so nice of you. Oh, crud, is it "Ann"-drea? Or, wait... What was it again? Is it... Which vowel? Is it E? A, E, I, O... Onn-drea? Or is there an umlaut? Is it like "Aun"-drea? Or did..." Molly asked, and (Y/n) face palms. Miss Lightfoot clears her throat. "Maybe you should take a seat...before you make this even worse." Molly and (Y/n) walk to their seats. "Ooh..." the students said. "Once is an innocent mistake, but twice..." one girl said. "She's a monster!" A second said. The twins go to the back of the room where another girl is also sitting. "Hey, in the first grade, there was a girl named Libby. She was bright-eyed and full of promise, until one day, she called "Ahn"-Drea "Ann"-drea, and from that moment on, she was an outcast, forever shunned from respectable society." Libby said. "What happened to her?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh, she's me. I'm Libby. And don't get too close! I think I've almost got her worn down. Looking good, "Ahn"-drea!" Libby said. Scratch is laying on the table. "Well, I think we can safely call this day ruined. You wanna go home? I'll help you start packing your stuff?" He asked. "Oh, come on, Scratch, it's not that big of a deal." Molly said. "Yeah. I think you're overreacting." (Y/n) said. "We have the whole day. We're bound to make at least one friend." Molly said.

♪ You can't judge a book by the cover ♪
♪ Some books start out slow ♪
♪ And the first time you try kombucha ♪
Andrea clears her throat making the students move away from Molly and (Y/n)
♪ You might think it's gross♪
♪ Well, just like that kombucha ♪
♪ Keep on sipping and you'll see ♪
Woman: ♪ That I'm great ♪
Vocals: ♪She's really great ♪
Woman: ♪ So won't you take ♪
Vocals: ♪ Won't you take ♪
Woman: ♪ A second chance on me ♪
Vocals: ♪ Won't you take a second chance ♪
Woman: ♪ Take a second chance on me
I'm beggin' please ♪
Vocals: ♪ Won't you take a second chance ♪
Woman: ♪ Take a second chance on me ♪
♪ Just like a stinky hunk of cheese ♪
♪ On the platter of party charcuterie ♪
♪ Won't you take a second chance on me ♪
Scratch: takes Molly's money. "I'm getting soda."

Molly is facing the mirror. "C'mon, pull it together, McGee!" She said. "Come on, stop worrying so much. We got this." (Y/n) said. Scratch goes through the bathroom's mirror and inside the bathroom. "I got to hand it to you two. You ruined this day WAY better than anything I could have done! I mean, that was some primo stuff." He said. "No, no. We can still turn this around!" Molly said. "Nah... This day, like you, it's over! So, let's go home, pack up your things, I'll call a moving van and you get out of here." Scratch said. "There's still the assembly!" (Y/n) said. "And what do you think is going to happen in there? Some kind of miracle where suddenly everyone likes you? It's done (Y/n). You have no future in this school or this town." Scratch said. "You are right. This day has been a disaster. Things couldn't get any worse..." Molly said. Scratch grins as he pushes Molly and (Y/n) out. "Yeah..." "Therefore..." Molly turns around with a grin. "It can only get BETTER!" She said. "What?!" Scratch asked. "Yup, you were wrong." (Y/n) said. "No she wasn't!" Scratch shouted. "It isn't about the first day!" (Y/n) continued. "It's totally about the first day!" Scratch shouted. "It's about EVERYday!" Molly said. 

"NO, ITS NOT!" Scratch shouted. "So, I'll just keeping being who I am, and one fine day, someone will be my friend!" Molly said. "You got inspirational... IN A BATHROOM?!" Scratch asked, and (Y/n) snickered. "Oh, yeah. It's our superpower. We can do it anywhere. We did it in a funeral once." (Y/n) said. "It's true." Molly said. "You two ARE THE MOST FRUSTRATING—!" Andrea enters the bathroom unaware of what was happening. Scratch scares her. "AAAAAHHH!" Andrea faints, and (Y/n) catches her just before hitting the floor. Scratch switches back to his normal form. "Oops, reflects." Scratch said. "Oh, no, no, no, no! Wake up Andrea!" Molly said. "It's Ahn-drea." Scratch said jokingly. "Now is not the time, Scratch! Help us get her into that cart." (Y/n) said. Scratch pushes the janitor's cart close to them. "Ah, Disposing of the body, right away!" He said. "What?! No! We have to get her to the nurse's office." Molly said. Molly and (Y/n) dash out the restroom leaving Scratch behind. "That lady has nothin' but Band-Aids." He said. The girls run fast with the cart to the point they leave flames behind. "Wait, we don't know where the nurse's office is!" (Y/n) said. Scratch points her to a map that is in the corridor. "Ah! A map!" Molly tries stopping the cart but fails in doing so since it's going too fast. Her and (Y/n) pass the map and go through multiple school rooms until they reach the school stage. The cart abruptly stops, making Molly, (Y/n) and Andrea fall into the ground, one of top of the other.

"Ah! What an elegant bouquet of emotional and physical floundering! Ah youth!" Scratch said. Molly and (Y/n) start dragging Andrea's body with great effort. "No, no. We can still fix this! We have just to get "Ann"-drea..." Molly began. ""Ahn"-drea.." Scratch said. "NOT. NOW!" (Y/n) said angrily. "We got to get her to the nurse's office before anyone notices." Molly said. "Great idea! And I'm going to raise this curtain for no particular reason." Scratch said. Curtains from the school stage are raised, allowing Molly's classmates to see that she and (Y/n) are carrying Andrea unconscious. All the students gasp. "It's Molly and (Y/n) McGee!" Someone said. "What're they doing with Andrea?" Another asked. "It's not what it looks like?" (Y/n) said. "Haha. Buh, Bye, Molly and (Y/n) McGee!" Scratch said. "Seriously, who do they think they are?" "They're worst of the worst!" Scratch is reminded on how he is treated in the ghost world after seeing how Molly and (Y/n) are treated by the other kids and gets a flashback of the Ghost Bouncer. "The worst of the worst!" "Oh, no... No. C'mon, It's this feeling. I won! You won! It's over! Molly and (Y/n) McGee are as good as packed and... yet... Aaghh! I can't believe I'm gonna do this." Kids from the audience boo Molly and (Y/n). "Please! When you hear the story of what really happened..." (Y/n) pleaded. "They are going to think that we are crazy. We're going to need a plan B..." Molly said. Feeling sorry for Molly and (Y/n) and guiltily because of his actions, Scratch possesses Andrea's body to help them. "Hey, Hey, gang. It's me! Andrea Davenport! 

Gimme that applause already. What I got to do." Scratch as Andrea said. The students applaud confused. Molly and (Y/n) notice that something is off with Andrea. "Scratch?" (Y/n) asked. Scratch, while possessing Andrea, winks at (Y/n). "Okay. Thank You. Where to start? First: I'm over the whole "Ann"-drea, "Ahn"-drea thing. I mean, believe me when I say life is too short. You can call me "Ahn"-drea, "Ann"-drea, "Or"-drea, "Au"-drea whatever. I say, go nuts with it. Let's get creative! Now I'd like to bring it down a little bit, get a little serious, because there's a girl out there having a really rough day and I think, in some small way, that's my fault. She doesn't deserve to be treated like the worst of the worst! No one does! So please, on my behalf, give a great big Brighton Middle School cheer for... Libby! She's okay now, I decree it!" Scratch as Andrea said. "YES, OUTCAST NO MORE!" Libby said. "Hey..." (Y/n) said quietly. "Also, Molly and (Y/n) McGee aren't so bad either. Cut them some slack, you animals." 

Scratch as Andrea said. Scratch, (Y/n) and Molly briefly exchange a smile before Scratch stops controlling Andrea's body. "Anndrea! Anndrea! Anndrea!" The students cheered. ""Ann"-drea?" Andrea asked, who just regained consciousness. Andrea takes out ghost goo from inside her ear. "What happened here!?" She shrieked. "See you tomorrow, Molly and (Y/n)!" One of the kids said. "Have a great night!" Another said. "Bye!" Molly and (Y/n) said. Molly stops and pulls out Scratch from inside her school bag. "So... You were wrong. We ended the day with a lot of friends." (Y/n) said smugly. "Ugh... like that's a good thing?" Scratch asked. "But you were also right. Because this day would've been a HUGE disaster if it weren't for our very bestest best friend ever. Eh?" Molly asked. " Who, ME? Oh, no, no, no. I am NOT your friend!" Scratch said. "Then why'd you save our first day?" (Y/n) asked smugly. "Uh, because otherwise, you would be headed to jail, you'd drag me along and I, you know, I can't get in that kind of shape." Scratch said. "Uh-huh." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "You can't deny it, Scratch. We're friends, my dude. More than that! We're best friends! BESTIES!" Molly said. "No! I-I don't have besties!" Scratch said. "Ooohh, we're besties! We're such besties! La-La-La-La-La!" (Y/n) teased, and Molly laughs, then joins in. "You love us! We're best friends forever!" She said. "No, no! No, no! I was saving myself for me! I was just- throw off! I can't stand-" Scratch said.

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