Game Night

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"Live from the McGee family living room, in Brighton's defund manufacturing district, it's Wheel... of... Chore-Fun!" Sharon said. "The heck is this? Other than a waste of perfectly good macaroni?" Scratch chews on a piece of macaroni from the wheel. "It's a time-honored tradition that all McGees must face." Molly said. "The McGee Family Chore Wheel!" (Y/n) said. Darryl snaps a rubber glove. "Hope I get trash duty! It's where I get my best blackmail material." He holds a picture of his dad from late 1987. "But why do I have to clean the house? You bought it, you clean it!" Scratch said. Sharon gives him a menacing stare. "And there's that stare, so I'm in for chores." He drops to the floor and drags himself away from Sharon. "Count me in." He said. "OK! Here we go!" Molly said. Molly and (Y/n) spin the wheel at the same time and it stops on "closets" "Ah hah! Closets! Nailed it!" (Y/n) said, and she and Molly high five. For Pete, the wheel lands on "carpets" "Carpets... 

Uh, not great for my dust allergies, but it could be worse." He said. For Darryl the wheel lands on "kitchen" "Kitchen. I'll take it!" He said. For Sharon, the wheel lands on "compost duty" "Compost duty. Phew." She said. Molly pushes Scratch to the wheel as it was his turn. He spins the wheel as he watches in suspense on what chore he'll be getting until it lands on... laundry duty; Scratch was relieved. Unfortunately, the wheel moved to "downstairs bathroom", giving him that chore instead. "N-- No, no! Not the downstairs bathroom! That's the—" Scratch retches. "That's the grossest chore of all! I command a re-spin!" He shouted. Sharon grabs Scratch away from the wheel. "Too late." She said. "The wheel... has... spoken." (Y/n), Molly, Darryl, and Pete said. "This is outrageous! When I became a McGee, I was under the impression families were all about perks." Sharon gives him a bucket.

 "Like unconditional love," Pete gives him a towel. "Free food," (Y/n) gives him a pair of rubber gloves, and Darryl puts a cleaning spray bottle inside the bucket. "And a bunch of schmoes who do everything for me. I did not sign up for manual labor!" Scratch shouted. "It's all part of being a family, Scratch. Sometimes it means fun and games, today it means hard water stains around the toilet." Sharon said. "I guess you're right-- Oh, what's that? Urgent ghost business?" Scratch opens a portal to the ghost world. "McGees, I'll be back. I'm so sorry. I gotta gooooo..." he enters the portal and the wheel breaks upon hitting the floor.

The Ghost Council are about to punish another ghost. "We hereby banish you to The Flow of Failed Phantoms-" Sir Alister said. Scratch comes in the middle of the situation. "Hey! Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. I know you guys are busy." He said. "No it's fine, really. Just take all the time you need." The ghost escapes the Ghost Council from being sent to The Flow of Failed Phantoms. "Great. I just thought I'd, y'know, check in. Any urgent scares you need me to, uh, scare up, y'know? I could totally do that. Watch this." Scratch quickly scares two barrister ghosts. "Boo! I'm just kidding, but that's how fast they were. I can-- Anything I can do for you personally? Y'know, that wig is looking a little flat." He messes with Lucretia's hair. "I could fluff it up for you. Give it some bangs." He said. "You are dismissed, Scratch." She opens a portal to send Scratch away. "Oooh, no!" Scratch shouted. 

Scratch falls straight into the toilet. "Ahh!" Scratch makes disgusted noises. "Yuck! I'm too dead for this!" He said. Molly picks up a box of clown stuff. "So many memories, so little resale value." She said. She immediately drops the box as she is shocked to see what she saw in the closet. "Sweet baby corn!" She shouted. "What is it, sis?" (Y/n) asked. Sharon and Pete glare at Darryl who did something suspicious. "MOM, DAD, DARRYL, SCRATCH! COME QUICK!" Molly shouted. They assemble in the living room. "Huh? What? I'm still working!" Scratch said. "Look what I found!" Molly shows the family a board game called "Mega City" "Mega City?! Oh, We haven't played this in forever!" Darryl said. "I thought we lost it in the move." Pete said. "It was all the way in the back like someone was trying to hide it or something." (Y/n) said, and Sharon looks guilty. "What's the big deal? It's just a board game." Scratch said. (Y/n), Molly, Darryl, and Pete gasp as they were offended by Scratch's statement. "Just a board game?!" Molly asked. "How dare you!" (Y/n) shouted. "Whoa, hit a nerve there." Scratch said. "Mega City is the game that inspired me to become a city planner. I might just be the best player in the entire world." Pete said.

"Dad, you're not even the best player in this entire family." Darryl said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Heh, thank you, Darryl. I have won the most games." Molly said. "No way. Check the tally." (Y/n) said. On the back of the box, the tally shows that (Y/n), Molly, Pete, and Darryl won the same number of games, except for Sharon who never won. "So, you guys play this game a lot...Some might say too much." Scratch said. "We used to play every week for Family Game Night." Pete said. "Why did we stop playing?" Darryl asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Pete points to Sharon's empty tally... "The goose egg over there?" And then points to her, who looks grumpy. "And it's all right, Sharon. You're good at many things! Like, board-- board games is the one thing you're not good at. But other things you're good at! Oh, I'm blanking right now. This is a bad time to blank. I'm sorry I'm blanking. But many things!" Pete said. 

"Uh... thanks? Now let's put the game away," Sharon seizes the game. "And get back to our chores!" She said. Scratch snatches the game from Sharon and holds it tightly. "Whoa, whoa whoa, we're just gonna go back to chores? Without playing one game of Mega-whatever? Y'know, you say I'm a member of this family, yet I've never experienced the camaraderie of Family Game Night!" Scratch said. (Y/n) crosses her arms and glares at him and he chuckles nervously. "That is a really good point, Scratch. And we could finally break the tie," Molly snatches the game from Scratch and raises it. "And declare the ultimate winner of Mega-city!" Molly said. "Molly, come on, can't you see what he's doing? He's trying to avoid cleaning the bathroom." (Y/n) said, and Scratch gasps dramatically. "I would never!" He said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes slightly. Pete snatches the game from Molly and has his game face on. "Game on!" He shouted. The board game has been set up. Scratch picks up a red game piece. "Ooh! Scratch, red's Mom's color." Molly said. "Oh, that's fine. Scratch can take my place. Some of us have better things to do." Sharon slams the door. "See? She can't stand losing. Still love you, honey!" Pete shouted.

They laugh while Scratch is puzzled about the game, and Sharon sees them from outside the window, angrily grunts, and rakes the leaves aggressively. "In Mega City, as in life, I believe you can play nice and still win." (Y/n) puts two of her game pieces together. "See? I have a Cat Café and a Doggy Daycare living next to each other in harmony and peace, baby!" She shouted. Pete taps on the dome to roll the dice, and prepares to place his next piece. "Ah, tract housing. Now that's how you build a city!" He said. Darryl blows his dad's away with a triggered blow horn as demolition. "Goodbye, Pete's Suites." He moves his big piece into the empty space. "Hello, Darryl's palace. The biggest casino in town!" He said. "My turn!" Scratch rolls the dice and picks up a card. "Ooh, a gold card. What's that mean?" He asked. "TOWER OF POWER!" (Y/n), Molly, Darryl, and Pete shouted. Darryl quickly sets a timer as Molly drops a pile of small wooden blocks and all of them. 

Scratch watches the McGees grab the blocks and make towers while confused. "Oh, wait a minute. Should I-- What's going on? Should I be doing what you're doing? Seems like you guys--I mean, it's my first time, so bear that in mind." The timer rings as Pete has the highest tower. "In your face! Thank you, civil engineering degree and crippling student loan debt!" Pete shouted. Molly topples her tower out of anger from losing. "Ahh!" (Y/n) does the same with hers. "Dang it!" She shouted. "Wow, you McGees are really competitive." Scratch said. "Count up those pieces and declare a winner already! I'm making my famous chili." Sharon said. The others count their pieces. "Who won? Was it me? Bet it was me, right?" Scratch asked. Molly pounds the table. "Oh, no! Another tie!" She shouted. "Ugh, seriously?!" (Y/n) shouted. "A tie will not stand!" Pete shouted. "We have to play again." Darryl said. "We'll stay up past our bedtime if we have to!" Molly said. "A victor must be crowned!" (Y/n) whispers. "Guys. This is why we canceled Game Night! You all get too competitive over a silly, meaningless game! I want everyone back on chore duty." Sharon said. "Yes, Mom..." (Y/n), Molly and Darryl said in disappointment. "Yes, honey..." Pete said, also in disappointment.

"Oh, and Scratch? I got something that'll make your job a lot easier." She gives him a gas mask, much to his disappointment. Later on, Scratch speaks with the gas mask on while pulling hair from the drain. "This isn't a chore! This is cruel," he removes the gas mask. "And unusual punishment! If I'd known I was going to get bathroom duty, I would've cheated!" He thinks about the idea. "Cheating?" The idea 'dings' as he smiles wickedly. "Oh, there's an idea." Later, the McGees play Mega City in the basement as Pete switches on the lights. "We're breaking this tie one way or another. Just no one tell Mom. She's really committed to chores." Pete said. "I was thinking, musing if you will." Scratch chuckles. "What if we made this interesting?" He asked. "What'd you have in mind?" Molly asked. "Losers do the winner's chores." Scratch said. "I knew it." (Y/n) said. "That's three out of four chance we get... extra chores; that's risky." Pete said. "What? Afraid to lose? Mmm... sounds like someone doesn't know their civil plumbing regulations." Scratch said mockingly. 

Pete gasps by Scratch's comment. "You're on!" He and Scratch put their hands together meaning he accepts the ghost's wager. "Oh boy..." (Y/n) said. Sharon gasps to see her family play the game instead of doing chores. "Peter McGee!" He scolded. "Sharon, you knew I was a thrill-seeker when you married me." Pete said. Sharon avoids the family to wash the laundry. "Good luck against these maniacs, Scratch." She said sarcastically. "Ah, don't worry about me. In Mega City, as in life, I play by my own rules. Uh, ghost rules!" Scratch leaves as she wonders. The board shows an empty space labeled "Theme Park" "Only one theme park and four of us. Lotta points on the table. Lotta points." Pete said. They exchange determined stares until Darryl rolls the dice and Molly quickly claims the spot. "Too slow! Molly World is open for business, baby!" Scratch cheats as he places his pieces without her noticing. "Heh, heh, heh," Scratch puts on shaded sunglasses. "Ghost rules." He removes eyes to peek at Pete's card. "Darryl, I challenge you to a special election." Pete said. While father and son continually roll the dice, Scratch removes their pieces, replaces them with his pieces and laughs. Darryl picks up a card which is revealed to a golden card.

"TOWER OF POWER!" (Y/n), Molly, Darryl, and Pete shouted. Unlike last time, Scratch sucks up the pieces and instantly made a very tall tower. "Hah! Faster! Higher!" The other McGees struggle to keep up with his tower that their towers fall over, and he laughs again. (Y/n) picks up a card that Scratch placed in the pile. "Tornado? I don't remember this card—" she said. "It's super-legit!" Scratch becomes a tornado and removes all the other pieces, leaving only his pieces left on the entire board. "Well, would you look at that." The McGees were shocked and then disappointed of their loss. "Mega City is mine! I win! Hah, hah! Now if you'll excuse me," Scratch clears his throat. "The winner, that's me, has earned himself some chili, while the losers clean the disgusting downstairs bathroom for me, the winner!" He laughs evilly as Sharon grunts angrily while glaring at him. (Y/n), Molly, Darryl, and Pete clean the downstairs bathroom. "I learned a valuable lesson today: Never attach your self-worth to a board game. Unless you win. I mean, then- then you're probably good." Pete said. "I don't understand how Scratch beat us." Molly said. "He cheated! Obviously!" (Y/n) shouted. 

"(Y/n)'s right." Darryl speaks with the gas mask on. He lifts his gas mask. "Trust me. I'm an expert on the art." He said. "Less yakking and more scrubbing! I wanna see my face in that toilet!" Scratch said while eating chili. (Y/n) stands against the cheater as her twin, brother and dad do as well. "We demand a rematch!" (Y/n) shouted. "Sorry, no takebacks! Oh, don't make a long face. It's just part of being a family." A loud squeaking sound is heard as Sharon uses a wiper against the bathroom mirror. "I was thinking, what if we played one more game? You versus me. You win, you never have to do chores ever again. But if you lose," Sharon brings Scratch close to her face. "You're on bathroom duty, forever." She said. 

"Uh, Sharon, are you sure you wanna be the one to play? Maybe it should be someone who's actually, you know, won a game." Pete said nervously. Scratch stretches his hand through Pete's chest to shake Sharon's hand. "Too late. Challenge accepted!" The board is set as Sharon and Scratch play while Pete, (Y/n), Molly, and Darryl watch on the couch. Scratch picks up the red game piece. "I'm sorry. Do you mind if I play red? It's kind of my lucky color." Sharon said. Scratch hands her the red game piece. "Go ahead! You need all the luck you can get!" He said. Pete moans as he can't watch. Suddenly, Sharon's game face was on which shocked the family. Throughout the game, Sharon dominates in the game with her amazing and unbelievable skills that Scratch was unable to cheat his way into winning, and the family cheered for their mom/wife.

♪ Give it all I got to give ♪
♪ Throw it like I got one life to life ♪
♪ And the win is on my mind ♪
♪ I'd do anything to win ♪
♪ Win, win, win, win, win, win, win ♪
♪ Win, win, win, win, wiiinnn ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Win! ♪
♪ Wiiinnn! ♪

In the end, the game was over: Sharon won. "Hah! Mega City is mine! Looks like you're on bathroom duty for the rest of your afterlife." The family cheers while Scratch was left shocked and confused. "What-- But how-- How do—?" Scratch asked. "Did I mention that I was Junior National Mega City Champion from 1990 to 1994, and then again in '96?" Sharon asked. "What happened in '95?" Scratch asked. "Disqualified," she takes one of her pieces and crushed into dust in front of Scratch. "For making my opponent cry. You see, I'm good at many things. But board games... is what I'm best at!" She shouted. "Yeah.., but you always lose to us..." Pete said in confusion. "Oh! I've been taking it easy on you four." Sharon pinches her husband's cheek. "I didn't want to crush your fragile widdle spirits." 

She begins to be more menacing to her family. "That's why I hid the game! But that cat's out of the bag now! So who wants to play me next? Know me! Fear me! Lose to me!" She shouted. "I think we should hide this game again." (Y/n) said softy to her dad. "Roger that." Pete agreed. (Y/n) grabs the game and hands it to Pete who runs off with it while she, Molly, Darryl, and Scratch hold Sharon back. "Cowards!" Her husband hastily buries the game in the backyard. "WHEREVER YOU PUT IT, I WILL FIND IT!!!" Sharon shouted. Scratch finally cleans the downstairs bathroom. "Phew." He said. "Thanks, Scratch. I know this part of being a family isn't fun, but we appreciate you doing your part." Pete said. "Ah, I guess it wasn't so bad. Just make sure you flesh-wads keep this bathroom clean from now on! 'Cuz I am—" Scratch began. "Out of my way!" Darryl rushes to the downstairs bathroom. "That chili ain't sittin' right!" He slams the door before Scratch could stop him. Scratch removes his faces from the door and screams his hands on his head. "Noooo—!" He shouted.

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