No Good Deed

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Darryl is pushing a janitor's cart, positioning it for his next stunt. He stops the cart at the edge of the stairs, puts on motorcycle goggles and jumps in the cart. "Three, two, one." He balances himself forward, rides downstairs and out the building. He takes a leaf blower and uses it to gain more speed for his last stunt, to the other kids' amusement. (Y/n), Molly and Scratch are playing basketball as Darryl passes through. "That's my man! You go, D-Dawg!" Scratch said. He finally uses a damaged fence as a ramp, jumps out the cart and causes an explosion behind him. Everyone praises him. "Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!" 

The kids chanted. Someone blows a whistle, making the kids run away and leaving Darryl behind. Darryl, along with his parents and three other teachers, are deciding on Darryl's punishment. Principal O'Connor sighs. "Considering this is the 27th report..." he moves a stack of previous reports aside. "In your file in three weeks, the punishment will have to be severe." He said. "Why does this keep happening? I'm just trying to be awesome." Darryl said. "We have no option but to expel him!" Mr. Bates said. "Expulsion, Mr. Bates?" Ms. Lightfoot asked. "He's a clear and present menace!" 

Mr. Bates said. "Oh, come on. He's a kid. The only menace around here is Miss Lightfoot and that stinky salmon she microwaves in the teachers' lounge!" Mrs. Roop said. Ms. Lightfoot gasps. "I have a vitamin D problem." She said. "Take a supplement!" Mrs. Roop said. "Supplements are a lie." Mr. Bates said. The teachers start arguing. "I really need to schedule a teacher team-building day." Principal O'Connor said. The arguing continues. Scratch is shown now spying on their conversation. Molly pulls him out. "So, what's happening in there?" She asked. "Oh, they're fighting. It's chaos!" Scratch said. "Fighting?! Who's winning? Is it Darryl? He's taken at least one-and-a-half Taekwondo classes." (Y/n) said. "No! 

The teachers are fighting! They haven't even gotten to Darryl yet. Now, lemme go back! I'm missing the good stuff." Scratch said. "Wait!" Molly and (Y/n) shouted. "I believe the fair punishment is... six years detention!" Principal O'Connor said. "But middle school is only three years." Darryl said. "Ho-ho-ho-ho, not at the rate you're going!" Principal O'Connor said. Once they leave school, the McGees talk to Darryl about his behavior. "There goes your fresh start at a new school." Sharon said. "I thought Brighton was gonna be different, Darryl." Pete said. "I was just trying to liven up recess! It's been so boring since they condemned the swing set." Darryl said. "That doesn't mean you can commandeer a janitor's cart! Haven't we had this exact conversation before?" Pete asked.

"No. Those were shopping carts, custodian carts, and go-karts!" Darryl said. "All carts are off limits. If it's got wheels, stop commandeering it!" Pete said. Darryl sighs. "What's your secret, Molly? (Y/n)? You never get called down to the principal's office. What are you doing that I'm not?" He asked. "It's more about what we're not doing." Molly said. "Which is pretty much anything you're doing." Scratch said. "Maybe you two could teach me your ways? Show me how to not to get in trouble?" Darryl asked. "Like, nice lessons?" (Y/n) asked. Molly has set up the basement for her "Nice lessons". She shows a board saying "How to be good". "Welcome, class, to our first-ever seminar: How to Be—" Molly began. "Boo! Being good's for suckers-" (Y/n) sprays water on Scratch. "Ack! Hey!" He shouted. "Please refrain from distracting the other students." (Y/n) said. Molly nods. "Thank you, (Y/n). Today, we will learn the 12 steps to being good." Molly said. "Twelve?! OK, real talk, my attention span is, like, 15 minutes, including a snack breeaa..." Darryl gets distracted by a fly. "OK. We'll skip being considerate to your elders, having a strong moral compass, befriending stray kittens. You know what? I'll just boil it down to the three essentials. Step one: Think About Others." (Y/n) said.

♪ It's nice to be nice ♪

♪ As my mother once said ♪

♪ It's good to be good ♪

♪ And it's fun to be fun ♪

♪ It's nice to be nice ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ It's nice to be nice ♪

♪ To be nice, to be ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ It's good to be nice ♪

♪ As my mother once said ♪

♪ It's good to be good ♪

♪ And it's fun to be fun ♪

A nicer Darryl calls his parents to the kitchen. "Dear family! Breakfast is served! Lots of condensed milk on the roti canai, just how you like 'em." He said. "How'd you know!" Sharon asked. "Nice people pay attention. (Y/n) taught me that." Darryl said. "This is just like a restaurant!" Pete said. "Wow, Darryl! Thank you! Molly, (Y/n), seems like your lessons worked! Eee!" Sharon said. Scratch shows up and eats some of the food. "Mmm, that's some good roti!" He said.

Time Skip

"Wow. Doing good really does feel good!" Darryl said. Police cars pass them. "What's going on?" Molly asked. They reach the school where the police cars are parked. The principal and students are outside. "The teachers! The teachers are missing!" Principal O'Connor said. Kids start to run away. "Wait! I'm still responsible for you! Until 3:14 p.m.!" He shouted. A random van explodes. "Wow, this worked out great!" Darryl said. "Wait. You did this?" (Y/n) asked. " No, sis. We did this. I followed your lessons to a T! I saw there was a problem, so I took responsibility to think of others and find a solution! The problem: Teachers ruin all the fun. But how to get rid of them? I remembered there was a prisoner pickup nearby because of our highway cleanup. So I gave the teachers orange jumpsuits to blend in on the bus, and I forged a note from Principal O'Connor to make their team-building day seem legit!" Darryl said. The teachers are stepping off the bus along the real prisoners. "Strange place for team building, but what do I know?" Mr. Bates said. "Oh-ho-ho, Bates, don't give me a set up line like that." Mrs. Roop said. 

"You sent our teachers to prison?!" Molly asked. "By your face, I can tell that you're... proud?" Darryl asked. Scratch takes a picture. "Sorry, I just want to preserve this moment. And one more with the failure filter..." he said. "This is bad, Darryl! Really, really bad!" (Y/n) said. "How? Look! I made everyone happy!" Darryl asked. "You made the kids happy, but what about the teachers? Do you think they're happy? In prison?!" Molly asked. "Teachers? Have...feelings? Wha-- uh– Where does it end?!" He sighs. "Being good is harder than I thought." Darryl said. "Ya think?!" (Y//n) snapped. "OK, well... To fix this, we gotta... flee the country?" Darryl asked. "Save the teachers!" Molly shouted. "Save the teachers, yes! Took the words right out of my mouth." Darryl said. The teachers are pushed to their cells. "Wow! What a realistic escape room! The walls even smell like–" Ms. Lightfoot sniffs the air. "Despair!" She said. "I should let my wife know I'll be later for dinner." Mrs. Roop said. A guard crushes her phone. "No phones!" He shouted. "Oh! How authentic!" Mrs. Roop said. Mr. Bates scoffs. "These bars. Totally fake... OK, production value's pretty good here." He said. "Well, let's move it, shall we? Pam's making stroganoff tonight, and I don't wanna miss that. Start lookin' for those clues!" Mrs. Roop said. Outside of prison, the kids try to reason with the guard. "You don't understand, they're falsely imprisoned!" Molly said. "Sorry, kid. I'm not lettin' you in or anyone out." The guard said. "Don't worry. I know another way in. But we might have to be a little bad to do a little good." Darryl said.

"Oh! Do you think this is a clue?" Ms. Lightfoot asked. "I usually find you feckless and annoying, Lightfoot, but you've proved me wrong. In this case." Mr. Bates said. "Look, we just have to dig through that hole!" Mrs. Roop said. "OK, Scratch. Just go through the fence and open the door for us." Darryl said. "I mean, usually, people try to break out of prison, not in but what the hey." Scratch attempts to go through the fence but ends up electrocuted. He lands on the ground at the other side of the fence. "Is he dead?" Darryl asked. "I don't think a ghost can die?" Molly asked. "Of course not, Mol. They're already dead." (Y/n) said. Scratch wakes up but acting silly. "Oh, look! It's the great ghost expert here to tell us all the ghost expert stuff she knows!" He said. "Guess electricity makes ghosts... silly?" Molly asked. "So glad you're here to enlighten us, ghost-pert!" Scratch said. Mrs. Roop and Ms. Lightfoot are digging the whole on the wall while Mr. Bates watches for guards. "Here comes the heat." Mr. Bates said. A guard passes by to check on prisoners, the three teachers start to "act normal". The guard leaves. "Got away with that one." Mrs. Roop said. Scratch is still going through the effects of the electric fence. 

"Scratch, just open the door, please!" (Y/n) shouted. Scratch is playing the harmonica. "I got them jail house blues! ♪ Whoo!" He sung. "Yeah, that's great, so now could you please just—" Molly said. "I got them... jail house... blues! ♪ Whoo!" He continued. "Beautiful, Scratch. So could you please now– Could you—?" (Y/n) asked. On the other side, the teachers finally broke through the wall. "Yes! We did it!" Ms. Lightfoot said. They all look up and notice the electric fence. "How are we gonna get over that?" Mr. Bates asked. "I don't think we're getting the teachers out, guys." Darryl sighs. "At least, not till Scratch sleeps this off. I'm just no good at being good. I'm... I'm always gonna be... bad." He said. "You're not gonna be perfect overnight. Give it time. But in the meantime," the trio grab shovels. "Let's get diggin'!" Molly said. Back at the cell, a guard passes by and notices the "prisoners" are gone. "Hm?" He asked. 

The prison alarm goes off. "Over here!" A guard shouted. The teachers get spotted and start to run, accidentally starting a prison riot. "Obstacle course!" Mr. Bates said. They crawl away from the fight. One of the prisoners recognizing a teacher. "Ms. Roop?" Tommy asked. "Tommy Knuckles! Sixth grade history!" She said. "Third period!" They both said. "Freeze!" A guard shouted. The guard follow Mrs. Roop. She then hides in a dirty clothes cart along the other teachers. "I think we're gonna fail team-building." Ms. Lightfoot said. "We'd need a rocket to get outta here!" Mr. Bates said. "Maybe that delinquent McGee kid was onto something." Mrs. Roop said. Scratch finally wakes up from his nap and is back to normal. "Ugh. What happened? I have a splitting headache. Huh?" Just as (Y/n), Molly and Darryl finally dig their way through the other side of the fence, the teachers are seen escaping on their own using the same technique Darryl used with a cart and a leaf blower. "OK, I feel like I missed a lot." Scratch said.

Time Skip

"Not gonna lie, didn't have too much faith in you bozos, but we made a good team in the end!" Mrs. Roop said. Mr. Bates laughs. "We did!" He said. "Go team!" Ms. Lightfoot said. "Who knew prison would be such a bonding experience?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah! I hope I get to go to prison some day." Darryl agreed. "I think you will, sport. I think you will." Scratch said. "And thanks, Molly. (Y/n). You've both taught me a valuable lesson." He said. "Aw, I'm glad to hear that, Darryl." Molly said. "Wait for it." (Y/n) said. "Yep. I've learned that even when I try really hard to be good, I still get things wrong. So I should just be me and hope for the best!" Darryl said. "Wait, what?" Molly asked. "And there it is." (Y/n) said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I see an AV cart with my name on it!" Darryl said. "No, no, no, no, that's not the lesson!" Molly shouted. "I'm dropping your class." Scratch said.

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