A Lot of Ideas

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Look at him. He is so cute. Sabine why aren't you dating him. The jawline and the eyes are perfection. Then the eyebrows. Like I said before. Dave pays more attention to eyebrows then giving us episodes, clips, or pics.

So this idea has been bothering me for a few days. It is a Maul and Ezra fanific. Summary:

What if Maul was tired of Ezra choosing the light side. One day, Maul comet to the base and takes Ezra. Can the crew come in time before it's too late? Ezra has to deal with Maul and his corrupt ways. Will he break or stay with the light?

Tell me what you think. I say it's gonna be dark and creepy like. With hints of Kanan and Ezra father and son relationship. If you do say yes, do want this a fanfic or a one-shot. Please tell me.

Another idea is actually a theory too. So in one of the new episodes for season 4 maybe says Vader's Castle. My theory or thought is that Ezra will be captureed by Vader. I have two ways this could play out.

1) Saw Gerra is a known extremist but no rebel thought that he would take a Jedi straight from there ship. Ezra joins Saw and his crew for a mission for imperial intel in an imperial prison. Something happens and Ezra is stuck with Vader. Will the crew save him? Or is it too late?

2) Bader unknown to rebel knowledge has a trap set up for the Rebels. While on the mission, Ezra sacrifices himself and goes to Mustafar. Will Ezra not break for his friends and master or will he die at the hands of Vader?

So I like the first one because that gives me more ideas about how maybe why Saw left the rebellion. Because he made a stupid mistake and the Ghost crew threatens his life. I know I would. Lastly, remember our favorite female Sith Lord. Darth Taraka (Read Twist of Sight and the 3 Keys stories)

In a rebel mission, Ezra gets left behind and caught in a explosion. (I thought of making this Saw's fault too. Tell me what you think) Taraka comes and grabs him. But instead of killing him like the others and handing him in she keeps him. Ezra will be injured but will he not break? Will the crew save him in time?

Was planing on putting Marina in this one. Just imagine. Taraka vs Marina. That would be a good fight. Lastly, this one is about Saw's reason of leaving the rebellion.

On another mission with Saw, he does something, like I don't know, put explosives set to explode next to them. While running back to the ship, Ezra uses the force to protect his friends. Ezra in the end is unable to keep the explosion from hitting him. The rebels bring him back but Saw will get a talk with the whole crew.

It will be funny. Because all of them will be like how dare you leave now or get killed. Kanan will be like it's your choice but just know that if you hurt my Padawan again. You will pay for it.

That's it. If you have anymore please tell me. Like if you want me to do a fanfic for Through Imperial Eyes. If you choose one of them tell me if you want it to be an actual fanfic or one-shot. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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