Alternate ToftA Part 7

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Hey. So I have been reading my chapters and realized that I have been super cruel to Ezra. Hope you guys are ready for some more torture and some stupid imperials. I will also get a rescue plan started. Don't worry. Don't kill me. Hope you enjoy. Here is an idea. Tell me your thoughts. Summary:

Set in season 2 after the Zeb and Kallus episode. Agent Kallus gets lucky and captured Ezra. He is assigned to torture information out of him. While the Inquisitors come to the location. What will Kallus do? Will he risk it or stay with the empire? Will Ezra escape or suffer?

Any ideas. Like most. The person who guessed my gender correct: @AliceAndMusic. Appreciate all the support. Keep commenting. So here we go.

Ezra's POV:

I lied to a Sith Lord. That is something I didn't think I could do. I went to the med-bay but everything still hurts. I lie on this metal bench awaiting Vader's wraith. I wish I could see Ashoka and Kanan. They could be injured or suffering from my lie. I still wonder though, what other pain will I suffer here?

Vader's POV:

He lied. The child lied to me. How? Anger was boiling in my veins. The boy is lucky I am in a different system. Once I get back, the child will be begging for mercy. If he'll ever move again. I go back into my tie and fly back to the Star Destroyer where Agent Kallus will be waiting.

Agent Kallus's POV:

What have those Rebels done? Vader killed 10 people upon realizing this planet wasn't their base. I don't want to be the person who greets him upon his return. I returned to Vader's Star Destroyer after knowing there was no Rebels. I have heard that Vader has captured the Jedi. Including the mysterious Fulcrum. There were also rumors that Bridger was seen in immense pain in the medical wing. I wonder what pain he suffered?

Kanan's POV:

What did Ezra do? I'm glad he is getting a break and all but lying to Vader! This dumbest thing he has ever done. Vader is going to kill him. I am also considering it too. Both Ashoka and I are worried for what Vader will do next. Especially when sensing the last 6 syringes and knowing what the last 4 have done.

Vader's POV:

I arrive and Kallus is there to greet me. I get out of my tie and ignore him. I see relieve in his face which goes back into a serious, stone-cold face. I think nothing of it. My only concern was Bridger. I walk briskly to his cell. Anger radiates off of me. Luckily the storm troopers step aside before I reach them.

I am right in front of the boy's cell. I stop myself. I have to compose and think this through. Don't let him use this to his advantage!

Ezra's POV:

Vader was outside my cell. I could sense him and I hear his footsteps from a parsec away. I am so dead. I know I made him mad. I could feel it, it was like waves coming off of him. I hear the door open. Hello death.

Vader's POV:

I open the door and see the child staring at the ceiling with a small smirk. It almost makes me lose it but I remind myself who I am and who he is messing with. I enter the cell and stare at him.


I lift my hand as he turns his head slightly to look at me. He closes his eyes and I lose it.

Ezra's POV:

I feel darkness as he raises his hand. Not good. I turn to face him and wince in pain. I close my eyes expecting the worse.

I feel a dark force as I am whipped into the wall and being choked. I can't breathe. All of it is in gasps. I see black dots enter my vision. I look at Vader and I swear I see him smile. Then my vision goes black.

Vader's POV:

The boy's slumps onto the bench. I command troopers to carry him back to the torture cell. Once he is locked on to the the torture table, I contact Kallus. I need someone else here to make sure I don't kill the boy.

I knew the syringe I was going to use. It is light blue and watery. This one should last an hour. One hour to be amused with the child's suffering.

Agent Kallus's POV:

I'm walking to Bridger's cell not knowing what to expect. Vader contacted me to overview Bridger's punishment. But I got a feeling it was more like insurance for Vader. Don't tell him I said that. I stand outside the cell. I breathe in and out. The door opens and I walk in. The breath is sucked out of me as I see the boy.

Ashoka's POV:

I see Vader but I feel him more. He is beyond pissed. What did Ezra get himself into? I don't want to imagine what the blue syringe, Vader picked up, will do. Then I see Kallus walk in. Fear and sadness wash over him. Which gets immediately covered by his imperial training smirk.

Kanan's POV:

I can feel Vader before he even arrived back here. Anger and hate pour off of him as I feel him stalk down the halls to Ezra's cell. My Padawan is scared out of his mind. Almost more then Vader's anger. But somehow I could feel his victorious smirk. That's Ezra for you.

Then pain goes all over me. I feel our bond screaming. Ezra is screaming in pain. I can almost hear it. Then I feel him black out.

Time Skip

I feel the cold metal Ezra lays on and the presence of Vader in the cell next to me. Kallus enters and I hear Ashoka gasp. She tells me Vader picked up another syringe. I don't need the force to know this will end poorly.

Vader's POV:

I hold the syringe into the light. Pausing to feel the fear race through Ashoka, Jarrus, and Kallus. It was amusing and of course enjoyable.

"Kallus do you know what this syringe will do?" I ask him. He looks dumbfounded for a second but of course returns into another boring imperial.

"I-I. No Lord Vader. I was not trained to torture," Kallus says. I almost laugh as I start to explain the effects of this particular syringe.

"I see. This syringe will instill a fear of. . . a daily necessity. Guess which one Kallus?" I say daring him to answer. He cast a glance at the syringe. His eyes return back to me.

"Water, based off the color of the liquid," he says. I ignore the ignorant tone he gives off. Some people break along with their prisoners. Pathetic if you ask me.

"Yes, Agent Kallus. They boy will feel like he is drowning. Like water is being shoved down his throat. . . constantly," I say as I bring syringe closer to his neck. I look towards the window knowing both Jedi are on the edge of their seats.

I dig it into his neck, emptying it into his blood stream. Knowing it will be a minute till the effects come in. Fear ripples through the room.

Time Skip

Ezra's POV:

I get a gasp of air before more invisible water shoves down my throat. My lungs were on fire, yearning for air. I can't take much more. But I feel Kanan and Ashoka. They have a mysterious hope coming off of them. If I break or die then they will suffer as well. I try to gasp more air but all I get his more invisible water flowing down my throat.

Time Skip

Vader's POV:

The boy is gasping as the effects start to wear off. He has been choking on nothing for the past hour. Amusing but not enough. I can tell he is scared but  not to his breaking point. I get a feeling we have a long way to go. Especially after the lie. Anger goes through me again.

I activate my saber. I can still see the smirk on his face. He will pay. This was just the beginning. I will make him in more pain-

"Ahem," Kallus coughs knowing his purpose here. I deactivate my lightsaber. Breathing in and out. Maybe later but not know. He still serves some purpose to me and the Empire.

Ashoka's POV:

I can tell the effects are done. Ezra's breathing is becoming normal along with mine and Kanan's. It has been only an hour but it felt like centuries.

He didn't break but his fear was there. I didn't need the force to know. Vader was still standing there, staring at Ezra. Anger radiates off of him. I had to watch as Kallus stopped Vader before he. . . Lets not think that way.

I look at Kanan, still adjusting to being blind. He has mask at least to hide his whole face. Ezra was barely conscious as Vader picks up another syringe. He inspects it and puts it back down.

Vader's POV:

I knew which one to do next. The child's mind was weak and I knew the effects of this will work with his mind to make his worst nightmares come to life. Maybe his mind will bring back the dead. . .

Kallus's POV: 

Bridger has been suffering for whole hour. I would have given up but no he still fights. He can't take much more but that is obvious. Vader is looking at the other syringes on the tray. What? Vader is going to do another this soon. He picks up one that is orange and yellow. What will it do?

Ezra's POV:

My eyes slit open. I see Vader pick up another syringe. He puts it back down. I see Kallus, I think. I slump into exhaustion and fall into a deep slumber.

Vader's POV:

I am debating on whether to give the child a break. If he is too exhausted then the next syringe will not have the same effects.

"Agent Kallus you are dismissed," I say. Kallus bows and turns to leave. Suddenly I remember that this one will force him awake. Either that or he'll be immense pain. Both work for me.

I put down the syringe so I can summon the prisoners. The troopers bring them here and force them to their knees. I turn to face them and Ashoka face shows no fear only vengeance.

"The boy will live till he is of no purpose. This next syringe will make Bridger feel useless. And I believe that both you know what that feels like," I say. They don't struggle knowing if they do, Bridger will be in more pain.

"Maybe I should put him out of misery and begin your torture," I say. Ashoka's eyes widen in fear. She still doesn't speak knowing one wrong move will kill the Padawan.

I go back to face the boy and pick up the orange and yellow syringe again. I hold it to the light. I use the force to snap his other leg. He jerks awake and opens his mouth like he would scream but nothing comes out. He closes his mouth instantly and opens his eyes.

He fears that water will be shoved down his throat. Perfect. Then he stares at Vader's hand with the next syringe. Fear ripples off of him.

Vader slowly brings the syringe closer to Ezra. "This syringe will make you paralyze you. Not forever that would ruin my purpose here," I say as I stare at Bridger. Sensing the anger and fear rise in both prisoners I plunge the needle into the child's neck.

The boy's eyes widen knowing that's all he can move. His breaths become forced as he stops moving. Not even twitch happens. I put the empty syringe back on the tray. I summon a torture droid to this cell.

"What have you done to him?" Ashoka yells. Her voice was raspy but full of hate and fear. I turn to her and see both adults shocked with my actions.

"Bridger is currently experimenting a new drug that paralyzes the person. He feels everything, senses everything. But he can't move, only his eyes," I say. She scowls and stares at Bridger. Jarrus was looking in Bridger's direction as well.

The door opens and the torture droid floats in. The droid gets closer to Bridger and both adults try to get up. The troopers hold them down. This was just getting more and more interesting.

Ezra's POV:

I see the Seventh Sister. But she's dead. She walks in the cell and gets closer to me. My eyes widen. I wish I could move or say something but nothing. I just stay put, all in her disposal.

She smiles and brings her clawed hand to my face. She brushes over my scarred cheek. Blood drips from the scratches. I watch as her other hand goes over my other cheek. More blood drips. I watch helplessly as she brings both of her hands to my exposed chest.

Vader's POV:

The droid cuts the boy's cheeks then it was going down to his chest. Ashoka and Jarrus watch in fear as the droid brings the knife closer to his body. The droid slashes downward and makes a line down the middle of his chest. Blood trickles from it. The droid then preceded to shock the child. His eyes could show all the pain but his body remains unmoving. The Jedi try to reason with me.

"Take me. Torture me. It was my idea to lie. Not his. He is just a child," Ashoka says. She has a soft spot for younglings. I use the force to break the rest of his right leg. More pain. I keep my hand raised and break the rest of the bones in his other leg. Tears were streaming down the boy's face.

Ezra's POV:

The Seventh Sister has made one line on my chest and shocks me. She is probably using the rods or something. Out of the corner of my vision, I see Kanan, Ashoka and Vader. I hear Ashoka defend me but Vader ignores her. Then he breaks the rest of my bones in my legs. The searing pain was enough to make me cry.

"You're even prettier, when you cry," the Seventh Sister says. The shocking stops and her hands go to my arms. Her razor sharp nails take across my shoulders all the way to my wrists. I want to scream, cry out, or just say something, anything.

"I like you this way. Mute and still. I wish you were like this when we were at that medical station. Remember that. Unlike then I get to have my fun," she says. She smiles and brings her lips to mine. They were soft and warm, but cold. The dark side effect maybe. She releases me and smiles. Suddenly I am back handed.

Vader's POV:

"He will die if you continue this. Put me on that table or do you not have the courage to do it," Ashoka says. How dare she? I whip around and back hand the child with my robotic hand. There was only the sound of bones being crunched.

Jarrus grunted in pain. Ashoka glares and again tries to get up. He droid was floating around the boy and it was now about to begin another round of pain. This times the droid takes out something that looks like a gun. The boy's eyes widen in fear as the droid gets closer and closer.

Ezra's POV:

The Seventh Sister gets closer and closer with a gun. She puts right at my bare chest. I feel my pulse quicken and my heartbeat could be heard outside of this cell. Or is that all in my mind. I don't know anymore.

The Seventh Sister slams the gun into my unprotected chest. I hear ribs break. She laughs and continues. Pain sears all through me. I hear the crack of the bones. Breathing was becoming even more difficult and I was begging the force to let this end.

Time Skip

Vader's POV:

The droid was taking another little break. The boy has been screaming in the force. I have heard some random things but this one was the weirdest.

"No! Please force, get the Seventh Sister away from me. I can't take much more. Please. I'm begging you."

The boy was seeing hallucinations. His mind really did bring back the dead. Maybe I could use this too my favor. The boy will see what his mind wants or doesn't want.

I activate my blade and bring it close to Kanan and Ashoka's neck. The boy's eyes were on the torture droid but snap onto me and the prisoners.

They were filled with sadness and fear. Tears stream out of them. The droid waits a little bit longer. I put away my saber. What was he seeing?

Ezra's POV:

The Seventh Sister was currently playing with my hair. She has been gutting me like a fish and touched me and talked forever. I am so tired and weak. I want to move again or do something at least. This has been killing me.

I suddenly see red where Vader was standing. What? I look at it more intensely and see my master being stabbed with Vader's blade. Then he took it out and left Kanan's body no dead body there. Then it was the same for Ashoka. No. NO!!!

The Seventh Sister laughs, "Your master is dead and so is Ashoka Tano. Now you have nothing to live for. Oh poor boy. At least you have me." No. I start crying. I don't care anymore. My master is dead. My father is dead. This can't be happening. This isn't real!

I swear I see the Seventh Sister glitch. She becomes fuzzy. I was not seeing her anymore. But I was seeing a torture droid. Hallelujah, I'm only seeing things. Wait. . .

I wasn't touched by the Seventh Sister. But Kanan and Ashoka. I glance over in their direction and see them breathing not dead. The force doesn't completely hate me. . . yet.

Relief sinks into me. Tears of joy fall down my wet and bloody cheeks. Vader is in shock. Did he know about the hallucinations? Does it matter? Serves you right, Helmet Head.

Vader's POV:

How did he get back into reality? He was out of it. He was weak. He is barely conscious. Relief floods into him. The drug was about to end and I needed to talk to my master about this. I might get this Star Destroyer to head to Coruscant. There I know Bridger will break.

"Bring these two back to their cell. Make sure they have food and water. Take the boy to the med-bay. Once he is fine, bring him to his cell. Tell the doctors to make sure he eats," I command. The troopers get to work and start to take Jarrus and Ashoka out of the cell.

They give one last look to Ezra and go away. Two other troopers go and unlock Bridger. The drug has finally stopped and he instantly fell asleep. Most likely from the blood lost and exhaustion he has gain for being awake for 3 hours straight. Once they all leave, I tell a trooper to clean the mess. I whip my cape out of the cell and go to my room.

Kallus's POV:

I was walking to the med-bay. I was told Bridger was there. I walk with purpose and don't talk to anyone. No one can know my reasons.

There was a glass wall separating me from the doctors working on the boy. There was a lot of blood. He looks like he was gutted open. And he probably was, now that I think about it.

I couldn't watch the helpless boy anymore so I turn to leave. How come the Empire did this? We should have rules on torturing kids even if they are Jedi. I head to the communication room, fast. One thought was racing through my mind. I thought the Empire was better then this.

Chopper's POV:

I was finally heading back to base. After two days of repairs, the Phantom is jumping to the Rebels. I was exhausted and needed to charge. But I had a purpose. The Jedi got caught and no one knows. Only me. I must give this information to Hera and Sato pronto.

This is the longest chapter I have written. 3753 words. But it is probably the best. Please tell my your thoughts. Also, rescue is in my mind don't worry. I am not a complete Sith Lord, yet. *Evil laughter* Couple more very torturous chapters then rescue and we all know what's going to happen. If not then you have to wait. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!

Also, I have a few facts to give you.

What gender am I?

Girl. I feel like that is obvious.

Favorite movie?

A New Hope. I love how they made one of the biggest franchises ever from that one movie. With a lot of mistakes.

Where do I want to be right now?

Someplace with great food and a bed to sleep. It is midnight here.

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