Jedi Business Part 3

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Hey I am dying. The episode was so awesome. I posted my thoughts on it. Please vote. We have to wait a week. Please help me. *faints on bed* What happen? Oh it has only been a second. No why couldn't I be out for the whole week. 😥😢😭😢😥😭😢. I am going to do something today. ROLE PLAY FROM SATURDAY:

Ezra: Taylor, why are you squealing like a fangirl?

Taylor: *punches him in the gut* Shut up! Tomorrow SWREBELS comes out. Sabine, Kanan, and you are going to Mandalore. *Keeps squealing like a fangirl*

Ezra: Okay. You punch hard.

Taylor: I KNOW! Sabine let's paint.

Sabine: Got it. And Ezra this is for not fangirling. *Punches Ezra gut too*

Ezra: Why does this keep happening? Girls are so complicated.

Enjoy part 3.

Ezra's POV:

After Yoda explains how they are still in the Clone Wars, I explain how me went to sleep and ended up in one of the quarters.

Yoda understood everything while the other masters tried to wrap their heads around what's going on. Kanan and Ashoka were still trying to function.

It felt so nice to be around other Force sensitives who follow the light. I remember Yoda and Obiwan but the others were news to me.

"Thank you, Padawan Bridger. Talk we must, with Kanan and Ashoka," Yoda says and I hope they can talk.

"Ezra could you stand outside for a moment?" Kanan asks and I smile. Great they can do something.

"Yes master." I walk out and I run into a another Padawan. We both fall into the ground. He gets up.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I'm so late to my class. My master is gonna kill me," the Padawan complains. I laugh and I get up.

"It's okay. I'm Ezra. And you are?" I ask and the Padawan gives me a sly smile.

"I'm Caleb Dume. We can talk later in the mess hall, but I have to hurry. See ya," Caleb says and I go lean against the wall. I got a friend.

Kanan's POV:

Ezra leaves and I stare at Master Yoda. He still looks the same. The kind wise eyes but the seriousness of a master.

"The force works in mysterious ways, does it not. Sent here, you were for another purpose. Deep inside, it lies," Yoda says and we nod.

"You have taken on an apprentice. He seems pretty powerful. We can, if you like, assess him and give you training space," Windu says and I smile. Thank goodness. This trip needs to benefit Ezra in every way possible.

"I would appreciate that master," I say and Ashoka finally has something I say.

"How is the war going on? Where is Skywalker? Lastly, we will be staying here for a bit. Can we have a bedroom?" She asks. Oh yeah. Forgot about that.

"Ashoka you can go back to your chambers with Skywalker. Kanan Jarrus you and your padawan can go into the quarters next to your master's," Obiwan says and we nod. The council says they have to go back into a meeting and we say our goodbyes.

What did Yoda mean we have another purpose? Can they help Ezra from falling to the dark side? Can they give Ezra the training he needs? No deserves. Yoda was right about one thing at the Jedi Temple. It's a dangerous time for me and my Padawan.

I know it's short but the next one will be long. What do you think there inner challenge is? Tell me in the comments below. I love Yoda and Windu. Expect Obiwan and Anakin banter with Ashoka.

Now that picture:

Will relate to the next chapter or the one after that. Depends on how fast I want to go. I got a cool idea from Fett1551 and don't worry it's Sabezra. I will post first part maybe tomorrow. I am still shaking form the episode and the clip from recon. Please vote for my episode reactions and thoughts.

I will start working on Different Universe. Three day weekend plan to do a lot of posting. We have to wait a week. 😥😢😵😥😢😵😥😢😵😥😥😢😵😥😢😵😭😥😥😢😵. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!

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