Maul and Ezra Part 10

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10 parts. Wow! I have been really mean to Ezra. Like I've been the most cruelest person he has ever met. I must be doing something right. You all seemed to like this so great. Well let's continue. Today has becomes one week till. . .


Then another week then finale. Dying. Then we have to wait forever. Dave is killing us. So what are your thoughts on surviving this long break? I think I will just die or I will distract myself with basketball. But I would be dying internally. 4 weeks was hard. Now 6 months. . .

Dead! I died! Help me! Let's do this. Enjoy. Try to find a way to save me. Now rethinking my life for this summer.

Ezra's POV:

What happened? Where am I? Why is there so much pain? What's going on? I really need to stop these questions.

I wake up and I had no shirt and Taraka was laying next to me luckily with clothes on. I wanted to scream. Punch her. Then get the hell out of here. Maybe or maybe not in that order.

I tried to scream but a gag prevented that. Suddenly she wakes up and I stare at her yellow black rimmed eyes. She smiles and starts running her hands through my hair.

I try to get away from the touch but she help me still with the force and I was able to examine my new surroundings. Who's room is this? It was all red and dark and just creepy and Sith like. But on the plus side, I now can't see all the blood that came out of me.

"You're awake. Good we can continue what we started last night," she says and leans in and removes my gag. Before I scream, she kisses my lips. I hate this. I want to get away. No I need to get away. I squirm and she moans with pleasure. Then I'm on my back and she is sitting on my stomach. I beg the force to let this end.

"Once you join, I might just stop," she whispers and then kisses my ear. Please. Please somebody, anybody. Save me. Save me.

Time Skip

Taraka's POV:

I climb out of the bed and leave the boy unconscious. It was such a good night. The boy didn't fight. I should just keep him on that drug 24/7. Oh that would be a complete pleasure.

Maul is going to comfort him and hopefully in a few more days he would break. His fighting spirit would end for his own innocence. His freedom. But I was speculating if it might happen.

The boy doesn't care for anything but others. I could point a gun to his head and cock it and he still remain emotionless. Stupid Jedi. He made the boy a rule follower and emotionless. This might be harder to train him but he will break. He must.

I get dress and try to wake Ezra. He needs sleep but I want him awake. Maybe I could get undress in the tub with him and. . . .

That's a thought I'll be keeping for a bit. I remember every detail of last night and she couldn't wait to reveal it to him. No detail too small. Or too big.

The boy's eyes glance open and I softly touch his head. He goes into the touch. Then goes away. I had fun earlier this morning with him off the drug and that was a pleasure too. Maybe not for him.

"Hello again my precious boy," I say and the child unhooks the handcuffs and runs into the bathroom. He locks the door and I smile.

The boy's fear and pain will help lead him to the dark side. I slip out of the room and let Maul in. The boy was washing off. He was trying to forget. Adorable. Even if he doesn't break, I might just keep him for the fun. Tonight I will continue my fun and the boy will become the next apprentice.

Ezra's POV:

I hate her. She she- No don't think about it. Just relax. Find peace. Stay with the light. I scrub my skin raw trying to get rid of the feel of her. Dear God, what should I do? I contact Kanan. I don't even know where I am. But maybe Kanan would know.

No if I contact him I will lead him straight to his death. I can't do that. But Kanan is strong both physically and mentally. He can take on Maul. I can help him. But Maul will do everything in his power to keep me even if that means hurting me.

Doesn't matter. I'm contacting Kanan. The longer I stay here the closer I'll be to the dark side. I go through the force and find Kanan's signature.


Ezra. Where are you?

I don't know. You need to hurry. I can't take much more.

It's okay. We'll find you Ezra. I won't leave you with him. What happened?

I'll tell you when I'm saved. Okay Master.

Okay Padawan. Don't get yourself killed. And Ezra if it comes down to your life over mine. I just want you to know-

It won't go to that. I won't let it. Just hurry Master. I'll stay with the light. I'll follow your teachings.

Good. I got location. See you soon, Ezra. Don't give up. May the force be with you.

May it be with you too, Kanan.

I get dress and go out to see maul there. He had medical supplies for me. I force it into my hands and start to heal up some wounds that don't require me to remove clothing.

"I'm sorry for what she did to you," Maul says and I don't respond. I was mad at him and her. He could've stoped her but no, to break me he has to.

I finish and I think he's taking me to the great, but instead I get over the head. Great more torture.

Time Skip

I wake up and blood drips off of me and I know I'll need actual medical attention now. There was a mirror in front of me again but my reflection this time was worse. It truly scared me. More then anything in the Galaxy.

Cliffhanger. I am evil. Hope you like and ready my reaction stuff for this episode today. I'll update Seventh Sister torture soon. Poor Ezra. Taraka was ruthless to him that night and during that last Time Skip. Well still poor Kanan. His Padawan could die and he can do nothing. Also, where was Kanan this episode. He would've been perfect. Well Kanan is always perfect. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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