Maul and Ezra Part 7

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So I want to do a little one-shot on the Seventh Sister and Ezra. Here is the summary:

Ezra has a solo mission and he runs into the Seventh Sister, again. He has to survive and wait for the rebellion to come. But what does she have planned for the young Padawan?

Planning on putting Ashoka in it. But you tell me. Comment and tell me your thoughts. Enjoy this and well poor Ezra Bridger.

Maul's POV:

The boy was unconscious and taking him to a cell was difficult. I didn't want to hurt him but it must happen. The child was lifeless the whole way and he wouldn't wake up for a few more hours.

The black body paint was already there. It was permanent unless he wants to scrub off his skin. Taraka chained him up in the center of the room and took off his shirt. We'll only do waist up. It would take too long and we didn't have enough. His face would not be touched.

"The apprentice will be in for a shock, when he wakes up. Grab a mirror, droid," Taraka says and grabs a brush and unlocks one arm from the chains.

She goes slow not making one imperfection. The lines, some thick some thin, are all meaning something the boy might learn or not. My apprentice just stays there unmoving and unflinching.

The wounds from me torturing him were under multiple bandages. We will have to remove them but Taraka says it won't be a hassle. I lean on the wall watching her paint he child with utmost concentration.

After an hour, both arms were finished and if you look at it in the right way, you see the Sith code. Permanent reminder of what he is what he will become. I smile at the fact that if he does escape he will have this forever. A thought came to me.

"Put something about him being my apprentice somewhere he will always see it," I say and she nods smiling cruelly at the thought. She waits a second then she continues with the brush. Where is she gonna put it?

Time Skip

Taraka's POV:

Took 5 hours and it was all worth it. The black lines were so elegant and were perfectly worked into the bones and muscles. My best work if you ask me.

On his neck, I put Maul's apprentice. It is not to big and not to small. He'll notice it and nothing can completely cover it unless he wears a extra large turtle neck. It was written in Basic and could be read on both from behind and in front. I really want to do his whole body still.

The paint needs to still dry so another hour or two. But the child was still lifeless. The mirror was positioned right in front of him so once he wakes up he will see my work.

I can already imagine the tears, the anger, the hate, and then the dark side. The boy will fall. It's his destiny. He wasn't a pure Jedi. He has touched the darkness and used it. If he doesn't break from all my tactics then I will let him stay a Jedi. But with doing that means taking him to the empire or killing him. Either way works.

Maul and I left and I went into the child's room and started redecorating. I made the room darker and filled with more red. Lighting, furniture, and blankets. White was Jedi. He is no Jedi.

In the bathroom, I made it so that he has to use the force to activate the water. If I'm awake at the time, I'll make him use the dark side. The towels became blood red and once I find a red crystal. I'll change the boy's weapon.

My plan was working perfectly. The drug will make him mine for whatever I please. Then Maul will come and help him. And when he wakes up, he will see the only thing that matters. The Sith, the red, the power, and the darkness. In time, he will amount into the perfect apprentice.

Ezra's POV:

"What happened to me," I thought and I looked like I was painted on. Or tattooed. Oh please not tattooed. The mirror in front of me showed my chest, arms, and neck covered in lines and marks all in black paint.

The worst part was the neck. It said, "Maul's Apprentice." My hands were chained above me and I wasn't against the wall. This is bad. No it's worst than bad. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

After further inspection, I found the Sith code and multiple pyramids. Great either Maul did this or that witch, Taraka. My bet is on Taraka. Karabast.

My normal cloths can't cover this. I can't buy some turtle neck. That would look horrible and I think you'll still see it. That's the point.

I will always have to see the Maul's apprentice thing and I'll have to wake up and change every morning seeing this. What will Zeb think?

It's ridiculous. The Sith marked you. You should've fought back. I will kill whoever did this to you. I'm sorry. I wish I could've helped you. What about Sabine?

Black is not your color. Those Sith know how to do good art. I'm sorry. I can see if I can take any of it off. Maul will pay for this. We know your not his apprentice and that is all that matters. What about Chopper?

You look stupid. I missed shocking you.  Everyone was so worried. Why did you let them do this to you? They can draw. You look dark. You look like a Sith. But I knew, Chopper misses me and wishes I was there. What about Hera?

It's okay Ezra, it's not your fault. We're proud you didn't fall to the dark side. We were worried sick. We thought we lost you forever. We missed you. I missed you. Now let me see if I can remove this stupid paint. What about Kanan?

This all my fault. I should've been there. I should've saved you sooner. I'm sorry Ezra. I'm so sorry. I failed you. You didn't fail me. You stayed with the light. I failed you. I missed you. We will find a way to get rid of this. You aren't his apprentice. I know that. We all do.

Tears streamed down my face. I missed them so much. I need to get out of this place. I can't let them keep doing these things to me. I won't fall.

"I am Jedi and my master is Kanan Jarrus."

"I'm sad to hear that, my apprentice."

Hope you like. Enjoy. Let's wait these last few days. Here is what he looks like except for the long hair.

Poor Ezra. I am so evil. Well next chapter, it gets worse. Can't wait for it. Update soon I promise. Will also update Jedi Business too. Final chapter I promise. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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