Mid season trailer season 4

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Just omg. Wow. I am dead and alive and dead and alive. It's a weird thing. There were so many things. I am heartbroken but also so excited. Again weird things.

First off, so like the first trailer we had the flashbacks of the last three seasons and Kanan and Ezra's conversation that made us all happy inside. Then in turned to them saving Hera. Flipping yes. Seeing all of them. Hot Kallus. That's all you need to live.

Hera. I love her so much. Even being captured she still knows when she is going to be rescued. Her and Kanan's connections. Then the hair part. I agree. Don't let a blind man cut his own Jair. I'm telling myself I might like in the future if there even is one.

Kanan might just die. So messed up. Dave is doing this to make it easier when he dies but I feel worse cause then he will die ugly. As well, there better be a kiss scene or else. Or else.

Ezra so much of me is either what are you doing or get the hell out of there. I think it is in the Jedi temple but it was destroyed in season 2. As well, Palpatine. Ezra why do you do this to us. If he is there, Vader might be there and well that's bad.

Owl. It's Ashoka right. I want it to be Ashoka. I need to see her. Or else. Ezra is going to need all of them plus the wolves if there going to get anywhere.

Thrawn bombing Lothal. And just the fact Ruk or how you spell it, is fighting Kanan, Zeb, and most likely Hera again. Rematch!!!!

Things will be tested and my heart will either be ultimately broken or just gone.  I can't wait for this season and let's do this. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!

What the hell does the final lesson me. Don't be foreshadowing of Ezra's death. At least let Sabine and Ezra kiss once. All we ask or a hug. At least. It better happen Dave or else. OR ELSE!!!

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