Sabezra: Zero Hour Part 2

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Super true. If Ashoka dies, we revolt. If Kanera dies, we blow up earth. If Sabezra dies, we blow up the universe. Seems reasonable if you ask me. Question: If you had a chance to date Ezra would you take it? I know I would. Because free food and Ezra is a 12/10.

Want to make a fanfic on this. What do you think?

With what just happen I think it must happen. Dave won't let Sabine and Ezra hug. So I will. Sabezra please happen. I don't care if I said it 1,000,000 times and I will continue till it happens. Hope you enjoy and if you can ask questions on Sabezra for Rebels recon. I can't but you can.

Kanan's POV:

Ezra wake up. Please. Wake up. Please Padawan. I'm sorry I failed you. We were out of hyperspace finally and I kept gripping his hand. I felt his pulse but it was weak. I should have been out there. Not him. He is only 17 years old. I still remember the 15 year old boy that changed my life.


"Kanan," Zeb says louder. I get out of my trance and help Zeb get Ezra to the other ship. The medical team gets to work and we are sitting on the other side of the door. Sato takes Sabine, Zeb, and Hera for a debriefing. No comes near me or talks to me. I looked like I might kill someone if they ask me to leave him.

I stare at the door and after hours of waiting, a droid comes out. I get up and my legs were asleep. Not good.

"Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger is stable. You can come see him." I push past the droid and go through the door to see the kid having bandages all over his chest and back.

The only sound of life was the heart monitor and the respirator. I pull up a seat and I sit next to him. I put my hand through his and urge him through the force to wake up. To get through this.

Zeb's POV:

That kid had to go and almost kill himself. I went into the room with Kanan and the kid looked like a mummy.

"How bad?" I ask and Hera came in and she looked just as worried. Sabine came in afterwards and then Chopper.

"Third degree and second degree burns all over him. His side is healing. He has a major concussion. Several of his ribs are broken, but they are mending. Lastly, the toxins he breathed in are being cleaned out of him with the respirator. He might make a full recovery," Hera says but I know there is more. She looks like she is about to cry. Even after saying that.

"What else?" Kanan asks still gripping Ezra's hand. He doesn't want him to die just like us. Sabine was next to him and was starring at his face. I was at the foot of the bed with Chopper. Hera was on the opposite side of the bed.

"During the explosion, not just one piece of metal but three hit him. One on his side, one in his leg, and one one his head. The side and the leg were the biggest but the one that hit his head was enough to cause a lot of internal blood loss. We don't have his type of blood, yet. Once we reach the new base, they should have it." Hera was gripping his hand now too.

"How long?" Sabine asks and I'm afraid of the answer.

"Three to four days but we already in hyperspace for the new base. We should be there by tomorrow," Hera says and then she leaves to go help Sato at the bridge.

I look at the kid and realize that he isn't one anymore. He has grown up, a lot. He is now 17. He is one of the leaders for the rebellion and a Jedi Knight with Kanan. He has fought some of the most evil people people in the Galaxy and lived.

"Kanan, do you think he'll make it?" I ask and Kanan looks at me then Ezra. He was his master but at the same time Ezra was his son. To Ezra, Kanan was a father. To me, he was a little brother who always has my back.

"Ezra is strong. With the force and not. He'll get through this. I know he will," Kanan says and I depart leaving Sabine and Kanan and Chopper with him. Get better kid.

Sabine's POV:

"Kanan, can you leave?" I ask. I was expecting a no because well Kanan looked like he was never gonna move until Ezra woke up.

"Okay Sabine. Just if anything happens, shout," he says and I nod. He goes out and I look at Ezra again.

He has grown up so much. I always thought of him as my little brother but after seeing my brother. They seem so different. I missed our talks, our arguments, and especially the long nights where we both can't sleep.


It was 1 in the morning and I can't sleep. Come on. I get up and walk into the common room. I get some water and sit on the couch.

The door opens and Ezra walks out. He was wearing an orange shirt and grey sweatpants. I guess I didn't look any better. I had a pink shirt and black sweatpants.

"Couldn't sleep either," Ezra says. I nod and he gets water too. He was so tall now and he just sits next to me.

"How do you feel?" I ask. What am I doing? He just smiles. His eyes are such a gorgeous blue. His smile made me almost blush. I am not embarrassing myself. Not now.

"Fine I guess. Just can't wait for the next mission or anything. This quiet kills me," he chuckles and I join him. He is right. The quiet is just so weird. We aren't in space and the engine was off so no rumble or soft beat.

"At least you have Zeb's snores," I joke and he laughs. I missed this.

"Well it does give you something. But it's not pleasant. That is another reason I couldn't sleep, too," he says and that was our night. Joking, talking, and just being friends.


The heart monitor beats again but it's is saying his heart rate is dropping.


He wasn't breathing. Ezra don't die. Not now. I have to tell you. If this is our last moment, I should just say it.

"I love you. Being without you hurt me. If you die, I will kill myself. I can't live without you, Ezra." I cry and the tears hit his hand I am now clutching. It was still warm. Barely.

Kanan rushes in with the droids and he grabs me and pulls me away. Once I am past the door, he goes back in. No. Let me be in there.

Kanan's POV:

Ezra was dying. I knew it. I went up to him and the heart monitor was blaring louder and louder. I put my hand on his chest and I try to remember everything on force healing.

I never specialized in it but I knew the basics. I think of all the happy memories of him and the crew. I remember the happy times and moments that changed all of us.

Spark of the Rebellion:

"What's the force?"

"The force is everywhere. It surrounds us, and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together. And it's strong with you, Ezra. Otherwise, you never have been able to open the holocron."

"So what do you want?"

"To offer you a choice, you can keep the lightsaber you stole, let it become just another dusty souvenir, or you can give it back and come with us—come with me, and be trained in the ways of the Force. You can learn what it truly means to be a Jedi."

Rise of Old Masters:

Ezra: Look, don't bother saying it. I'm letting you off the hook.
Kanan: What are you talking about?
Ezra: I know you wanted to dump me on Luminara. Just 'cause she's gone doesn't mean you're stuck with me.
Kanan: I don't want to dump you. [Sighs] Look, I just wanted you to have the best teacher.
Ezra: I want you. Not that you're not the best. I--
Kanan: Ezra. I'm not gonna try to teach you anymore. If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try. So from now on, I will teach you.
Ezra: I understand, Master.
Kanan: Let's see if you do.

Path of a Jedi:

"A dangerous time this is for your apprentice, for you."

"I know, I can sense it. I feel as if his abilities are growing faster than I can teach him."

"You sense? Or you fear?"

"I lost my way for a long time, but now...I have a chance to change things."

"Last chance."

"I won't let him lose his way...not like I did."


It's beautiful, isn't it, son?

Yeah. So peaceful.

That is all going to change when the Empire arrives.

But I don't want things to change.

They already have, Ezra. You have made us so proud.

You are going to need to stay strong. Can you do that, son?

Yes, I can.

Remember, Ezra. Without hope, we have nothing.

Be morning soon.

I saw them, Kanan. My parents. I I can't explain how.

The Jedi teach that life doesn't cease at death, Your parents are alive inside you, Ezra. They will be. Always.

Steps into Shadows

"So, um, one more thing. I wanted to thank you for coming back.

"I'll always come back."

"I know."

Holocrons of Fate

"Well, I've been forced to see things differently since Malachor."

"About what happened I'm sorry for it. For everything Kanan."

"It wasn't your fault. I never blamed you, Ezra. It's time for you to forgive yourself."

"Yes, Master."

(I know there is a lot more but I am almost at 2,000 words. So just remember all of the good times for the Rebels. Okay)

A blinding light filled the room and I felt Ezra in the force. I felt his power. The power of both the light and dark pulling at him. I felt his fear. I felt his happiness. I felt our connection, the Master and Padawan bond. I open my eyes and collapse.

Cliffhanger. I know I am evil. Sith Lord is coming out. Post next part soon enough. It will be shorter I swear. I love the idea of Kanan force healing Ezra and they get a greater bond from it. 5 more days. Not 4 weeks. Awesome. Bring me some clips, Dave. Hope you like this. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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