Sacrifice Part 4

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Hey Rebels! I know this is a long one shot but isn't it getting good. Okay please vote, comment, and read my other fanfics. Okay I posted a summary of another one-shot please tell me what you think. I am almost done with the Power of the Force so the last final chapter(s) should come out soon. Hope you like this.

Ezra's POV:

I felt a something push me. I didn't wake up. It is probably Kanan telling me to wake up or Zeb. Wait, the slaver ship, I'm someone property.

This time I felt a foot kick me and I woke up instantly. I was facing Rico and Getty. I was on my side and my hands were handcuffed behind me still.

I notice that no one else had a collar. Or handcuffs. Lucky. I need to get this collar off if I have any chance to escape.

"Wake up, Taylor. 'Cause your the youngest, you do most of the work. You still have strong bones and back. So you will do the dishes from last night and if you finish in time for breakfast. You get some. You've got 2 hours," Rico says as he grabs me and takes me to a huge sink with a lot of dishes. At least most of them don't have food still on them.

"Got it," I reply. They take off the handcuffs and I feel the force. Once I don't see them, I try lifting a plate. It goes up and I set it down. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Time Skip

I was done in only a hour. On the Ghost we have to do chores a lot worse than this. And sometimes I can't use the force for "discipline reasons". Hogwash if you ask me.

Afterwards, I meditated. I just waited for them to show up. By the end of the hour, Rico came and was surprised that I was done. He was more surprised of me meditating.

"Your done," I nod and open up my eyes and get up from my position, "Okay then. You get to eat. . . today."

"Thank you," I thank and go to sit down at the huge dining table. Why did I say thanks? Well I need to show him I'm not some sneaky slave that plans to kill them all in their sleep. I don't plan to do that, I swear.

As I sit down an alarm sounds that almost breaks my eardrums. Everyone is launching into a seat and are going to Getty that had a clipboard. What?

"Those are today's assignments. Some will clean, guard, or serve just depends on what is left or what you choose. For you, on the other hand, don't get a choice. Her Majesty has already chosen for you," Rico whispers into my ear. I didn't notice he was behind me. He left and went to Getty and helps him through the assignments. What did she choose for me? Hopefully something I can do.

After all the assignments are done, they finally pass out food. I gotta say it's pretty good compared to some things I ate. It was eggs, toast, and water.

All the men dig in and I join them. I was finish in 10 minutes with the rest. I put my dish in the sink and walk off until I'm shoved into a wall again.

Just like the night, they chain me to the wall and put the handcuffs back on. Come on! Once the males were done eating they punch me then once all the punching was done, they whip me. Lets just get this over with as I take the first punch to the face.

Time Skip

After all of the whipping, Rico takes off my handcuffs and takes me to a room and hands me a new set of cloths. Gray and colorless just like the rest of them.

"Change and them we'll go see master," Rico says as he leaves the room. Once the door shuts I change. I notice my own clothes are covered in a lot of blood. My chest is covered in many marks. Some small and some big. There are purple, blue bruises all over my chest. This is only from two meals. I can't expect what a month or a year will look like.

I knock on the door once I'm done. Rico comes in and sees if the clothing is good. It fits well but I prefer my other clothing any day.

"Good. Let's go. Her Majesty doesn't like to be kept waiting," he says as he leads me to the throne room. I turn the corner and I'm looking at my "master".

"Thank you Rico. Now go and make sure the other slaves aren't misbehaving. Bye," she yells as she waves him off. Once he leaves, Onlina stands up and walks to me. Her hand grabs my jawline and I have to put all of my discipline and training not to punch her.

"I have to say. I like you better in that orange garb then this. But your eyes do stand out more. Oh well," she says as she releases me. She walks off and beckons me to follow. I do and we go down a hallway to go to a room full of boxes.

"You have an advantage over all of my slaves, but that doesn't mean you get to use the force whenever you want. We have 36 boxes here set up 6 by 6. You get to use the force for only 10 of these boxes then the rest you must lift, push, or pull. In the end, these boxes must be set up exactly the same way on the other side of this room," she says. I nod and my handcuffs fall off. She walks away but not without yelling some crucial info.

"You have 2 hours and it begins now!"

I stare at the 6 stacks of boxes 6 boxes high. Each box was about 2 by 2. I go to the side of a stack and jump then run and jump.

Why would I be doing that? To see how many boxes high I can jump so I could make stairs. Instead of taking off the top row and the part of the row after it, I would be able to get all of the boxes down without the force.

I can jump two boxes high. Also, many are you thinking why don't I just force jump? Can't she took that too. I take off the 4 boxes in the the first stack and lay them out on the other side of the room. One for each stack.

Then I take of the last two boxes for the second stack and I lay them down on the other side getting 6 stacks. I have 4 more boxes to use the force with so I'll wait until I need to use. Now lets get this pointless task done with.

Time Skip

Took an hour and an half but it's done. I wait by the door and remember a memory of me and Kanan training a few weeks ago.


"Ezra lift that rock and move it over there," Kanan pointed. The rock was huge, but if I said I can't then we would have to meditate for another hour.

"Got it, Master," I said and put my hand out and called out to the force. I picked it up and moves it to where he told me.

"Good. Now put it back to its original spot. No complaining," Kanan said and I did it. What's the point of this?

I did everything he said and it was just point less stuff. But Kanan Jarrus does nothing without a purpose.

"I didn't think you could do this," Kanan said and I was surprised. He thought I couldn't move those things and move them back. Okay something's wrong.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Kanan walked to some rocks and motioned me to join him.

"Ezra you did everything I said without losing patience. You didn't fight. You listened to me like a true apprentice," Kanan said with a smile.

"So this was a test of patience and you thought I would fail," I said and Kanan nodded. What? Shock came over my face.

"Well padawan why don't we do some real training with blades?" Kanan asked. I smiled and stood.

"Let's do it, master," I replied and activated my green blade.


That was a good memory I say to myself with a smile. The door opens to revel her majesty and she goes inspects  my work.

After a few minutes, she nods and says, "Good job. Especially for your first time   Maybe I need to add some more boxes," she says. No. Don't need it. Please no more boxes.

"Come on. We need to go to the main room. My guests are really excited to meet you and see what you can do," she says as her guards appear from nowhere and make me follow her. Once we enter the main room(throne room), a table was sitting in the middle and it was full of people.

Oh no. I won't perform in front of them as some act or trick. I look around the room and see a mother cradling her child. I think I notice the mother from last night but her daughter was news to me. He looks younger than me.

"My guests let me introduce my newest slave: the last of there religion, the once proud protectors of this galaxy, may I introduce a Jedi!" She shouts to the whole table. She was at the the head of it and I was standing next to her. Everyone was looking at me and I just kept my head down.

"He will be our sever for the meal. Using only the force and I promise a special treat once we're done," she says and her collar makes me lift the meals from the side tables to each guest.

Time Skip

I just answered peoples' commands. It was horrible and the collar was annoying me to death. But one thought was racing through my head. What is the surprise?

I clean up the rest of the meals and Onlina clicks her knife on her drink. Time for the surprise.

Surprise! Cliffhanger. I want to discuss my new thoughts about the next episode. I now really believe Ezra will do something only a noble idiot will do to same Sabine because she had his light saber. Ezra has had the weapon is your life speech multiple times, I think so he shouldn't just be handing it off to people especially non-force sensitives. He should be fighting and Sabine backup fighting with her blasters and new gadgets. Also, I think her family will be nice to them then in the end betray them for the dark saber or something like that. Those are just my theories and if you have anything please comment or add it to your stories. Hope you like and may the force be with you always. Obiwan said that in Kanan's holocron and I can't wait for Maul vs Obiwan. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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