Secret Cargo

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Love the episode. Ezra. Mothma. Hera. Badass. Two weeks till Maul vs Obiwan. I am dying. 

So thoughts:

Ezra oh my gosh. I didn't think he could get any cuter but he did. So I love when he says,"oh great." Rolled the eyes and the sound of his voice was perfect. Also, he can fly stuff now. First that y-wing then the bomber. I love it. Also, Hera has been teaching him. Good cause without Sabine Ezra had to fly the Phantom.

Hera is a badass. Just love her to death. Such a mother and a good friend in general. Hahaha. Pun. I love how she is   so creative that even though Thrawn found out about the nebula, she still got out.

Gold Squadron. I like them. A little snobby especially in the beginning about how they have caused trouble. F*** you! Deal with it. Don't complain. But now Ezra has earned there respect.

The rebel alliance is formed. So many ships. I am so happy and excited at the same time. Mom Mothma is a badass who is gonna lead this rebellion. I am her. Because my birthday is in January.

The next episode. Oh no. Chopper. Is in trouble. He has to become a Sith Lord and kill them all. AP-5 must do something other bore everyone to death. Actually do that please to those imperials. Down with the empire!!!!!!!!!

Other then a few things I loved it. Can't wait for next week and I presume we will get a clip on Tuesday and some pics on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. So let's wait another week then another week for MAUL VS OBIWAN!!

It's so close I can literally feel it. The season is about to end. So sad then April we hopefully get trailer and sneak peaks but then we have to wait a flipping f****** 5 to 6 months. Kill me now!!! Dave stop killing us!!! Just give us all the episodes!!!

So here are my favorite parts:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thrawn so smart. He is a secret Sith Lord who sees the future and knows what people are thinking. That is the only logical answer. Here is Rebels recon:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

So I can't comment on stuff for some stupid reason. Probably wi-go. Will try to fix it. But in others words. Good week and let's do this. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!

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