Undercover 14

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Well, it's been crazy. But hey we will get through this. Next week. It is going to be awesome. I need it all. NOW!!! Hey we will suffer together. Star Wars for life!!! Here is the really late final chapter. I have an idea. I would love your thoughts.

Saw asks the Ghost Crew for a mission, more specifically Ezra, to get information on prisoner routes. They decline because they have another mission coming out. Saw takes Ezra forcefully and they go to complete the mission. Things turn south when Ezra doesn't escape and is being sent to Thrawn and Vader. Will the rebellion get him in time or will it be to late? Before season 4 but after season 3. Good intro to the next episode why he is considered a criminal.

Well here you go.

Ezra's POV:

I blink open my eyes and I see white. There were lab coats and some beds next to me, both empty and filled. I hear a constant beep to my right and on my left I see a blood bag and an IV bag. I look at my body and see medical clothing and bandages. Seems right.

I try to rack my brain for some information of what happened before this but all I remember is being on a ship, fighting Vader in my mind, and Kanan and Sabine. I think I am with the rebellion. The empire wouldn't be nice enough to heal me.

I try to sit up but pain shoots through me and a few nurses come over. "Hey. Relax," says one of the nurses. She yells to another nurse near what I think is a door. "Call General Syndulla and tell her he's awake."

Definitely rebellion. That's good. No more torture, no more cells. The nurse gives me a shot of painkillers. At first, I freaked but she was able to give it to me after a couple minutes.

My surroundings were becoming clearer. There were only 5 people in the med-bay and 6 nurses/doctors. Medical supplies littered the place and the door was more of a curtain that was yanked open when Hera came in.

"Ezra," Hera says with relief. There were bags under her eyes and exhaustion was obvious. But she was smiling and sitting down next to me in less than a second.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess. How are you guys?" I wish I knew what happened. Maybe she can tell me.

"Worried sick. The doctors thought you might not make it. Kanan is going to be so relieved you are alright." She was smiling and the lines she's gained  for the past days were gone.

"How long was I out?" Days? Weeks? Months? Please be just a few days. Please.

"Almost a whole week. But I think it was mostly from the heavy painkillers. You were exhausted so those extra days were probably necessary." Now that I realize it, I wasn't tired. Sore yes but tired no.

"What happened exactly when you guys came for me?" Her eyes suddenly go sad for a moment. I saw pain flash through her features for a split second but it was gone in a blink of an eye I almost missed it.

"All I know is that the bomb in you was deactivated, then you couldn't breathe, then Kanan saved you both times , then finally you fell unconscious until you got here. But they instantly put you out when you went to surgery." Okay.

"Kanan can tell you a lot better. All of us were scared then the incident happened.  . ., Hera trails off. What incident?

"What?" She stops looking at her hands  and turns back to me. Her eyes were wet and so much pain and sadness filled them.

"During one of the surgeries, your heart stopped. They couldn't get it to start for a couple minutes. We thought we loss you but your heart starting up again after one more try. You were under 24/7 watch to make sure this didn't happen again. It was only 4 days ago too." My heart literally stopped for that long. It was fine now but I could sense the emotions of Hera. She was so upset and fearful. I go to grip her hand. I ignore the pain and squeeze her hand.

She smiles and I smile back. Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper walk in. Hera let's go of my hand and stands up for Kanan to sit down.

He grabs my hand and squeezes it too. A little harder but I don't care. They're all okay. Sabine and Zeb were smiling but I could see the lines of wiry and the sadness in their eyes.

"You gave us quite a fright there, kid," Zeb says. He punches me lightly and I start laughing. "Next time I'll try not to get so banged up."

"You owe me big time. Chores, peace and quiet, and just well everything for that stunt you pulled," Sabine says angrily. I roll my eyes and nod in affirmation.

Choppwr gave me some angry words of how to never do that again and more. I just laugh and turn to Kanan. His mask was on and he was smiling. I could tell there was something else. Something that is just Jedi talk or more family discussion?


He gets out of his trance and uses the force to examine me both mentally and physically. I allow him to and he seems satisfied when he stops.

"Could we talk alone?" Kanan asks. Hera nods and directs the rest of them out. I look at Kanan and get some guilt in me. He can't see me. He never will. I did this. I should've been more powerful and a better apprentice.

"Ezra," Kanan says in the lecture tone, "I'm so sorry."that is different then I thought. "I should've helped you more. You shouldn't have even been there. You sacrificed yourself which you should never do, ever again!" There it is. "Just know I don't blame any of this on you. We just need to make sure it doesn't happen again."

I nod. "Kanan I don't blame you. Any of you. You saved me. Twice! Without your training I would be dead. You don't need to say sorry. I should be. I pulled this stunt off." Kanan chuckles. I laugh with him. This was what I missed. These talks where we were both open and vulnerable.

"Fine we both don't blame each other and we are both sorry. Problem solved," Kanan says. "Now relax Ezra. You need to be back on you feet by next week. We have a new mission." Already. The life of a rebel, never-ending.

Time Skip

Took me a couple days but I finally was able to walk. Now I can run and do everything. Well almost everything. Kanan took my lightsaber for "safety purposes". Like my life isn't dangerous enough.

Tomorrow is the mission and I couldn't wait. I already got the lecture from everyone except Sabine. That scared me the most. She is going to prank me hard or torture me in her Mandalorian ways. Either or is bad.

"Hey Ezra," says Sabine right behind me. I jump a little and turn around slowly looking for signs of danger. The force was giving me no warning, but can't be to careful.

"Hey Sabine. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Ready for the mission?"

"Oh yea. Can't wait."

"Ezra, be serious. Promise me you will never do that to me again. We were all scared but I was with you and I could've stopped you and I didn't-" She was looking at me with a determine look that made me scared but also happy.

"Sabine. It wasn't your fault. It is all mine. I chose to do that. No one else would've changed my mind. Not even you." She looks at me again with a more softer look. I relax for a second. That was my mistake.

Paint and sparkles were thrown on me at all different angles. I'm a idiot. A complete idiot. Sabine was laughing so hard she was on the floor. I will so get her back.

Zeb and Chopper were taking pictures and even Hera names Kanan were on this. Revenge will be mine. I was about to yell at Sabine but she was already gone. Karabast.

We might not be perfect but we are family. A cruel, prank if family bit still a family and I was so going to get them back. They so won't see it coming.

Here you go. This is so fluff. It was weird to write but hey I can do it. Here is a snippet of my idea if you like it.

Hera's POV:

"Saw we already have a mission for Mothma. Maybe another group can do it." Saw was in our main room and I was on edge. Last time he did the right thing but I've heard he was getting more and more extreme. All of us were here except Sabine. She had a Mandolarian thing to handle.

"Yea but no other group has a Jedi that can get us in. It will only take three days at most. We will be in and out in no time," Saw argues. The mission was to bring a prisoner of high concern (Jedi, Generals, Commanders, etc.) then get the information while in there then break the prisoner out and be out of the prison before they knew anything.

It was a good plan but with many ifs. As well, I need both my Jedi to be in the next mission. Both a supply and rescue mission on the planet Nansen in the Outer Rim.

"Sorry Saw. It's still a no. Chopper put in the hyperspace coordinates," Hera turns to Saw. "Maybe you can ask Mothma. She might have some people willing to do the mission."

"Thanks. I'll ask." I leave with Kanan and Chopper. Zeb goes back to his room to either sleep or clean his gun. Ezra stays in the main room. We get to the cockpit when I hear



"Sorry Ezra. It's for the best."

Kanan was already up and running but it was to late. They were already gone. I don't care how or when but Saw is going to pay. No one comes on to my ship and takes one of my members, my family without permission. I see Saw's ship go enter hyperspace. Oh wait till the rebellion hears this.

Hope you like. I feel interesting. Tell me what you think. I think Saw would totally do this. Like completely. Well, next week. Happiness. Hopefully we get more clips. Second two parter so it has to be good. Kanan and Ezra. Father and son. Also, angry Mothma. Badass Hera flying. My dreams. I think Kallus will be in this episode too. More happiness. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!

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