ZERO HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!

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The finale. Crying. Dear God. So intense. So powerful. I give it a 11/10. This season topped last one. There were a few things but mostly all amazing. Here are spoilers.

Kallus. So brace. He redeemed himself. Took two seasons to know the empire is horrible but he is fully redeemed. So happy. Good job, Zeb. Now Kallus is part of the rebellion. Awesome. I can't wait to see what he does.

RIP Sato. Your sacrifice was awesome and sad. I paused it and screamed in agony. I was like no no. He can't. Please dear God. Don't. Don't we need you. Crying. Now captain Syndulla is general Syndulla. Rest In Peace. Your sacrifice saved many.

Kanan and Ezra. I love them. Omg. They had the best moments after you know what. How Kanan is like you are not like everybody else. And Ezra did a lot actually. That message he sent in season 1ade everyone stand up. Got many planets to have some Rebel cells. Also, Phoenix Squadron wouldn't have gotten this far if Ezra didn't want to save Kanan. So Ezra you have done a lot. Also, Kanan saying he has not much left to teach him. That tells me that Ezra is close to becoming a Jedi Knight. Yes Ezra learning to be a good person and make life better is great and all. But in the force you almost over power Kanan so next season maybe, maybe not become Jedi knight.

Space Battles. Awesome. That imperial dude that died because of Sato. Yay. Finally, that idiot died. Also, just shows you how much is at risk. But the rebellion keeps fighting. When Ezra was going to Sabine, I was like you guys will destroy 2 two Death Stars. You will help steal Imperial plans for the Death Star. You will destroy Star killer base. And so on. You guys are going to destroy the empire. And when that happens. Thrawn better die.

Thrawn. How flipping dare you? Never underestimate anybody. Especially the force. I'd Kanan is scared of the storm you should be too. Just saying. Also, Thrawn is super smart he just has stupid workers. Troopers can't aim. Next season they need to bring back Vader. Rematch between Kanan and Ezra vs Vader. Then bring another force sensitive or make Ezra train an apprentice. Either or I love it.

Kanan. Just Kanan. I love him. So determine but funny. I love how he is wise and persuasive. But then he can be funny and dangerous. Going to Bendu. Well, it did help but he made him mad. So protective over Hera. Then his own Padawan. Just shows either trust or. . .

Kanera. It happened. They touched each their arms and the way they talked. They are in a total relationship. No doubt. Can't wait for the wedding. Also, just when Hera said. I can relate. That was so funny then. Kanan saying Thrawn is really trying kill us this time. I love how Hera was that was only funny because you are alive. The screams of FANGIRLS everywhere.

Bendu. Flipping omg. Just wow. You can't kill him. He can't die. He's to awesome. Just love him be like you will die Thrawn then laughs. Smooth. Kanan and Bendu talking. They had to put him into this somehow. Because he was here till the end.

Sabine and Ezra. I wanted a hug. Or a touch in the arm. But no. Only Sabine standing up for Ezra and going with him. That is not enough. I need. Sabezra. Sabine you have to stay. You are to important and is a badass that is in the main ship. Sabezra must happen. Next season I want something. A hug. Or a touch. Something. Please Dave. Please.

Ezra. Awesome Ezra. He was mature this episode. Shows some growth. He followed orders. So proud.  Also, Ezra should been injured from the explosion. At least a burn. But still great ending with Kanan and Ezra. Such a father and son bond. If anything that bond probably grew the most this whole season.

Let's explain how these three seasons been.

First season- all Ezra. This was the start. It was not as great as these other two seasons but still had its moments. Gave us a little from the movies.

Season 2- Flipping dear God. Awesome. Showed us the other characters and their back stories. Also, Ashoka vs Vader. Gave us a lot of stuff from the movies. Not too much but just enough. I feel like they used the force more in that season then the others. But makes sense. Because Ashoka vs Vader.

Season 3- All grown up. Showed Ezra maturing to an extent. And elaborated on all the back stories. Giving more details and bringing in more things from the movies. Then bringing more things canon. I love that.

Next season- More growth. Also, we are going into more backstory. Then as well as connecting to the films. Hopefully bringing closure to all of it. Also, maybe bring Ashoka back. And add a few more force sensitives. Or shows us some other important battles that prove that the rebellion is going to destroy the empire. Make things more canon. Also, show more Rebels. More fighters wanting freedom. And most importantly, Sabezra and Kanera. Don't care how you do it. Just make it happen.  Swear to the force, make it happen.

That is truly all I have for you. All we can do it wait and hopefully get stuff from the Star Wars convention in April. It's been a long amazing season with so much adventure. This is how you end this. By them going knowing they lived. Jana and Ezra connecting once more. May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels and Season 4!!!!!!!

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