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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: ????

Height: 6ft5in

Title(s): The Ghost (of Sector-0), Demon, Amethyst Angel, First Son of Orvus, Cragmite Slayer, Guardian of the Lombaxes, etc.


Enhanced Strength: Y/N is shown to be extremely strong, being able to effortlessly lift large trucks, large boulders and tear through some of the strongest of materials.

Enhanced Speed: Y/N can move faster than most species, even species' whose main attribute is speed. Able to run at 120kmh, Y/N can outrun moving vehicles, wild animals, dodge projectiles and run on walls for an exceptional period of time.

Enhanced Durability: Y/N can withstand an immense amount of damage which would otherwise kill any other creature. It takes a lot to just bruise him, let alone land a fatal injury. He can tank an entire mag of fully charged Alpha Cannon shots with little to no injury and can even withstand the extreme impacts of the RYNO IV (ToD laser weapon) for an extended period of time.

Enhanced Stamina: Y/N possesses a high level of stamina which allows him to be physically more active than most other creatures. Due to this ability, he is able to run dozens of miles without breaking a sweat or fight for days on end without feeling the slightest amount of exhaustion.

Enhanced Agility: Y/N can move from one motion to another with ease. Effectively dodge physical attacks and projectiles, leap across large gaps, easily swing from things, and is able to implement this acrobatic system in tangent with his athleticism and fighting prowess.

Enhanced Regeneration: Y/N can regenerate any sort of injury in just a few seconds or a couple of minutes depending on the severity of said injury. Broken bones, severed limbs, even just a straight up hole in his chest can be regenerated in a few minutes. Y/N can also redirect and focus on a specific area he wants to regenerate and speed up the recovery process of said injury.

Teleportation: Y/N can teleport anywhere at any given time. There's no limit to this power other than him needing to see or visualise where he's going to teleport to. Memories play a big part in this power as it lets him endlessly teleport to places that's he's already been to.

Flight: Y/N can manifest his wings from just below his shoulder blades at any time as long as they aren't hindered by clothing or armour. Able to reach speeds of up to 300kmh. They may also be used offensively or defensively as he is in full control of what he can do with them. He can launch hardened feathers at high speeds or harden them to tank hits but this may hinder his flight stability and manoeuvrability. The wings themselves look and feel less like a true nethers wings and more like an angels wings.

Intangibility: Y/N can phase through solid matter like it's not even there. He can even make specific parts of him intangible. This makes for an extremely versatile ability as it allows him to ignore most physical attacks, gravity, and escape from most containment situations.

Psychokineses: Y/N has the ability to utilise his psycho-kinetic powers to induce zero-gravity on anything he wants to, whether it be people, buildings, debris, etc. This power is extremely dangerous and if not controlled, Y/N can level entire cities with ease. Due to the volatility of this power, Y/N only uses it in short bursts and, if the situation calls for it, at full power given the severity of the situation.

Summoning/Projectile Summoning: Y/N can summon various projectiles or weapons purely out of Nether energy to help gain an advantage in battle. Y/N can also use this ability to summon various nether beasts and animals to help aid in battle or to help scout an area of interest.

Nether Pulse: a passive ability of Y/Ns which allows him to detect heat signatures, heart beats, and the energy of his own kind. It doesn't require any energy but Y/N can infuse the pulse to increase the radius or even cause damage via a sonic pulse. Can only be used when pressed against a solid surface but in certain situations, Y/N can clasp his hands together and creates a seismic blast which will disorientate and even blow his enemies away. Useful for when clearing debris.

Nether Flames: One of Y/Ns more unique abilities, his Nether flames gives him the ability to command and distribute purple flames upon anything he touches. Able to control the heat of his fire that he can make them completely harmless or the epitome of hellfire. He can ignite any part of his body to be on fire but mostly uses it on his eyes as it adds to the fear factor for his enemies. As versatile as this skill is, it's more of a last resort type as he doesn't want to play every card in his deck.

Semi-Immortality: Y/N can never age and will not be susceptible to the ailments of ageing. This also protects him from any sort of disease that other species may be susceptible to. Because of this, Y/N will always be at his physical prime but the downside to this is that he is still able to die from physical attacks.

Combat Skills/Experience: Living for so long, Y/Ns understanding and knowledge of various combat techniques comes next to none. His experience coupled with his physique and abilities make him the ultimate fighter. Mastery over various weapons of varying levels of mass, density, skill, and technique. Although he's not one for the more eccentric weapons the three galaxies offer, he's no slouch when it comes down to having to utilise them to his advantage but he's more of a traditional warrior.


Limited strength: Y/N can only lift so much before his body begins to give out. While there aren't many that can rival his strength, there's still a small number of enemies that can easily overpower him.

Stamina Limit: Y/N isn't a robot who runs on solar energy or ion batteries. Taking him head on in a test of endurance will always have him come out on top. It's through his abilities where his weakness lies. The quicker he burns through them, the more he opens himself up to attacks but even then, he's still a threat due to his enhanced physique.

Psychokinesis: if Y/N loses control with this ability then anyone and anything in his immediate vicinity will cease to exist. Not the most likely outcome.

Holding Back: due to Y/N's extreme versatility in practically every aspect, he holds back a lot of his abilities so as to not completely destroy everything he comes across. But sometimes he can go overboard with how much he holds back and this makes him much weaker than he actually is. Orvus and the Zoni gifted him a necklace and a ring which limits the amount of power he uses.

Teleportation: while Y/N can practically teleport anywhere, he needs to focus on where he's teleporting and if it's safe or stable enough to move to. If the focus is broken mid-teleportation then this can have disastrous consequences.

Limited Summoning: summoning takes a a lot of focus and energy to create and while Y/N can seemingly effortlessly create them, due to his massive supply of nether energy combined with his impressive stamina, he does have a limit. The bigger the summon, the more energy is expended.

Regeneration Overclocking: Y/N's regeneration does have its limitations. Whether it be too much damage done to his body, too many attacks hitting him at once, or not enough energy to heal himself. Multiple small wounds wouldn't be too much of an issue but bigger, more open wounds will raise some alarms.

Civilian Priority: Not exactly a weakness for Y/N but more of an advantage for his enemies. If there is an innocent life at stake then Y/N will always prioritise their safety first rather than just going in guns blazing. Some of his enemies started to pick up a pattern of this and realised they could use this to ambush him and kill him but Y/N is smarter, stronger and faster than they could hope to understand.

Intangibility exposition: again, not necessarily a weakness but more of a hinderance when trying to be subtle. When intangible, Y/Ns entire body glows a deep magenta outline.


Credit: Agent Sora's Workshop, Steam

Y/Ns Wings (Full wingspan 20ft, 10ft per wing. Can materialise them at any time and morph his armour around the joint of his wings. Can use in combat as a means of defence and support.)

Main Armour Set (acquired ????):

Armour contains a voice modulator which hides Y/Ns real voice. Modulated voice example: Arkham Knight.

Credit to Artist: Wu-Gene Hong, Artstation

Secondary/Old Armour Sets (used for either training, scouting, and sometimes casual wear)

Credit for the armour images: Ghost of Tsushima Wiki

(Executioner's Penance, original dye)

(Golden Retribution)

(Shadow of Justice)

(Righteous Punishment)

(Vow of Vengeance)

(Avenging Spring)

(Ghost Transcendent)


Shuri (High Frequency blade. Placed on the left side of the hip. Cuts through anything.)

Credit: Thazon, blue Murasama mod

Lia (Hand-forged trillium blade. Placed horizontally on the back of the belt. Cuts through most materials. Used as a secondary and closed-quarters weapon.)

Credit: HS Blades Enterprise

Amira (Zoni blessed bow. Can compact into a cube which is holstered on the hip. Creates its own arrows.)

Credit: Artur Shumcov, Artstation

Hidden Blade/Dart Launcher (Trillium forged hidden blade. On both arms but only the right has both features. Orxon sludge (poison) dart and enhanced halothane (sleep) dart.)

Credit: Irina Jora, Artstation

Smoke bombs

Credit: Ghost of Tsushima by Suckerpunch

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