Chapter 1: Nether Say Nether

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• Emphasis / *action* / Thoughts

•Whispering / Distant Voices

3rd Person POV

The dome is completely silent, save for Coco's light snoring. The two Nethers couldn't believe what they were hearing. The Ghost, the demon of the night, remorseless killer and beacon of hope was asking them to stay with him. Are they still drugged?

They just couldn't comprehend what he was saying. They knew that he knew of what they had done; why they were imprisoned.

"I understand that you two are shocked at what I'm saying but evaluate your options here. You've got nowhere to go, you're fugitives on the run as far as anyone is concerned, you've got a cult targeting you, and you're not the most liked people in the galaxies, Vendra especially." She deadpans at me while her sister nods in agreement.

Y/N takes a deep breath, "Look, I'm giving you a choice...stay with me and I'll keep you both safe or you can chance it, go your own way and forget I ever told you this. The decision is yours."

"What happens if we refuse to go with you?" Vendra asked with an icy tone.

"Like I said, the decision is yours. I won't arrest or harm you if decide to decline. I just want you to understand the risks of what you'll face if you decide to forge your own path." Y/N evenly responds.

The Twins look at each other with uncertainty. Y/Ns words weigh down on them while he patiently waits for them to re-collect themselves. The first to speak is Nina.

"Let's say we go with you, what will happen to us? We won't be harmed or forced to do anything we don't want to?" Vendras eyes harden from her sister's words, memories resurfacing within her mind.

"No, I will not harm you or your sister nor will I ask you to do anything you don't wish. All I ask is that you two can help me with a lead I'm following." The two nodded as they could sense the sincerity in his words.

"But why are you helping us? You know who we are, and what we've done. Why?" Vendra asks.

Y/N thoughtfully hums under his mask, almost as if he expected this question, "As far as I'm concerned, you two are both innocent in this situation. Others are too quick to judge what they fear, hurt what they don't understand." He pauses, reminiscing about why he became the Ghost in the first place, "As for why I'm helping you...I don't need a reason to help you. You've been dealt a bad hand in life and I would like to be the one to give you a second chance." He sincerely responded.

Y/N turns around and gets ready to walk back to Coco. "I'll give you two some privacy to talk. Once you're done, I'll be waiting here for your answer. Take all the time that you need."

He walks away, unknowing of the effect his words had on them. The Nethers watch his retreating figure in admiration as a hint of pink dust their cheeks.

With Vendra and Nina, Vendra POV

He's...different. But can we really trust what he says? There are not many who would even consider letting us breathe, let alone house us. Then again, he's not just anyone, he's the Ghost.

"Nina...can we really trust what he says?" I asked, unsure if he was sincere in what he said.

"I...I'm not sure. But c'mon, this is the Ghost we're talking about! As far as we know, he's not affiliated with anyone. Not the prison, not the government, and sure as hell not the bastards that took us. I'm confident that he won't hurt us." Nina states, confident in the sincerity of the Ghost's words.

My face contorted in a mix of pain and rage as I replied in a venomous tone. "And how do you know that?! Those bastards at the orphanage said the same thing! Those pricks at the prison said the same thing! That fucking Eye said. The. Same. Thing. What makes you think this'll be any different?"

It's only ever been us. Me and Nina against the world. Never had anyone else, never had anyone be there for us except for us alone. I just...I want things to be different, but too much has gone wrong for us

Nina wears a contemplative look on her face as she digests my words as if acknowledging our past mistakes. "Sometimes all it takes is a leap of faith. I put my trust in Ratchet and look what happened. We're both still here, still breathing. She could've executed us and it would've been fully justified. Hell, a lot of people wanted to see us burn for what we did but not her." Nina's voice shifts turning from solemn to appreciative of Ratchet's actions.

I guess she's alright compared to the other riff-raff. But she's just one person. "That's one person out of possibly billions. The exception doesn't matter in the face of the majority." I coldly replied.

"But that one person was all we needed to stick together and stay alive." Nina then gestures to the Ghost, "Now look at us, we've been given an opportunity no one else has gotten. The chance to begin anew! Either we stick together and go on the run or we take the chance and stay with him."

I stay silent, digesting the words Nina said. I bit my lip in frustration and sighed, "...What do you think, Nina? You've always been better with stuff like this." I cross my arms and look at the Ghost.

Nina smiles a bit at my words, "I say we stay with the Ghost. I don't want to go on the run, Ven, not anymore. Always looking over my shoulder, scavenging for the bare minimum, hoping we don't run into trouble. I'm tired of running." Nina finishes with a tired sigh, her head hung low.

I close my eyes and sigh, knowing deep down, that Nina is right, "I knew you'd say that...but you've got a point. Neither of us would survive for long out there if that cult was looking for us. Plus, it would feel nice to sleep on an actual bed for once."

"And an actual toilet."

"That too...dammit, fine. But if anything goes wrong then we're on our own." I finished in a resolute tone to my now exuberant sister.

"Deal!" Nina excitedly squeals and holds both my hands, "Do you know how exciting this is?! We are going to live with the GHOST! The Ghost! How many others get this kind of opportunity?!"

"Currently one, and she's asleep so keep it down."

"AHHH!" / "AHHH!" The two scream in shock.

"What did I just say?"

"H-how long have you been standing here?" Nina says, still recovering from the shock.

"Long enough to know that you didn't even have a decent bed to sleep in. How bad was Xion Prison?" He inquisitively asked.

Nina responded after catching her breath, "Could only be described as hell. Vendra had it worse since she played the biggest part in the Mr Eye incident. They put her in Level X, the worst of the worst. A max security, solitary confinement cell." I shiver every time I think of that shit hole.

I respond, spitting poison with every word, "Stuck in that fucking box for 13 months. Guards don't even go down there since that level is practically run by the psychos locked in there."

"What about the warden? Doesn't he do anything?" The Ghost's voice deepens a bit.

Nina opened her mouth to reply but I cut in with my two bolts on the matter, hatred evident in my voice, "That fat fuck couldn't give less of a shit what happens down there! The slimy piece of shit tried to bribe me my freedom if I had 'submit' myself to him. Tch, no one in that place is even half-decent, especially the guards."

"Ven..." Nina looks over at me and places her hand on my shoulder. I look over at her and my eyes soften a bit, placing my hand upon hers, gently squeezing a little.

I cut her off before she could speak again, brushing off her concerns, "It's fine. That prick couldn't lay a finger on me after what happened to him. Apparently, someone or something scared him so bad that he avoids even talking to anyone." I smirk a little at the end, "Hmph if you ask me, he should've been lynched like the pig he is."

The Ghost responds with a very shocking answer, "My methods are unorthodox but effective. Why fix what isn't broken? Besides, I'd only hang him if he goes back on his word. Maybe I need to pay him another visit..."

Me and Nina pause after what we just heard. He's the reason the warden stopped harassing us?! I heard rumours about it but I didn't think they were actually true! Nina recollects herself before me and lets out her inner fangirl.

"! You did that?!"

The Ghost nods his head.

"! That's the most secure maximum security prison in the galaxy! Not even Zordoom is that locked down!" Nina exclaims with stars in her eyes meanwhile I'm still speechless after hearing he's the reason for my a guardian angel. I smile a bit at that thought.

He replies, "I've also heard the rumours regarding the warden. Turns out, he's a very prominent figure in the black market scene. Dealing in prostitution, bolt laundering, and fraud, he's got a lot of friends in low places keeping his name clear of any slander." Who the fuck left this guy in charge? I thought I was bad but he's a fucking degenerate.

Finally, I find my voice and respond in a very irritable manner, "Seriously? Is every high-ranking figure corrupt?"

The Ghost cooly replies, "Power makes us all do crazy things. Some use it wisely while others use it for their own purpose, good or bad." Damn, he's also good with words.

"I'm sorry but are we completely forgetting that he broke into THE Xion Prison?!" Nina decidedly chimes in with her profound question. Something that quite honestly intrigued me as well.

"Yeah, you never answered how you got in there."

The Ghost responds in an even tone, "Got a hold of the plans for the building. Memorised all the ins and outs, all escape routes and entrances, guard patrols, unlocked windows, that sort of stuff. Eventually made my way up to the warden's office and then soundproofed the room. I'll let you imagine what happened next." That's...I don't even have the words. He says it so casually like it's a regular occurrence.

"NOOOO! Just when it was getting to the good part!" Nina was, of course, entranced by his adventure. Like one of those special agent holo-films except this was real and much more cool.

"Unbelievable...and what did you do with the plans?" I inquired.

"Burned them. Had no use for them and I didn't want anyone else to get a hold of them. I can always just make a copy of it myself."

"That makes sense." Me and Nina responded at the same time while the Ghost walked back to a...floating bed? Either a sleeping child upon it?

"How did we not see her before?" Nina whispered to me as I pondered that myself.

The Ghost nods his head at us, motioning for us to follow which we did. Once we got closer, we could see the child was a small Cazar girl dressed in rags. Was that who he referred to as 'currently one'?

"Woah, what is that?" Nina questions. Could either be about the girl or the bed.

The Ghost answers, assuming she's talking about the bed, "A bed I created with my powers."

As if he couldn't shock us anymore, he dropped this absolute bomb on us. Nina looks like she's about to piss herself out of excitement. Please don't.

"Powers?! Summoned?!"

"Just what the hell are you?" I replied in absolute disbelief.

He pauses a bit, looking at his hand before placing it over his heart, "I've asked myself that same question many times. I've come to terms with what I am but that's a story for another day. I'll tell you when the time comes but for now, I think we should leave. It's been a long day for all of us."

"Agreed." Nina replied, "So how do we get back? Are we gonna take your ship or..." Her words trail off in the end, unsure of what the Ghost even uses for transportation.

"We'll be taking the express route." He holds his arms out underneath the Cazar and slowly dispels the bed, the girl softly lands in his arms undisturbed.

Before we can ask what he means by 'express route', he moves towards the centre and snaps his fingers twice. The area around us transforms into a large, black dome with triangular holo-panels. He presses what looks to be a button and the whole thing collapses in on itself into one small triangle that lands on his open hand. We were in there the whole time? Fascinating!

"Who's the Cazar?" Nina asks.

"Her name is Coco. She was also held captive at the auction but I got her out alongside you two."

Poor thing. Can't imagine what that's like, especially for someone so young. But she looks very...familiar. Can't place my finger on it.

"Tch, sick bastards." Nina glares. She never liked it when children were involved. Neither of us did.

"Don't worry, I already dealt with them." His voice takes on a deadly tone, and both of us understand what he means.

"Hold on. Before we leave, I have something I must do. Give me a second." He then vanishes with Coco in a purple haze, shocking us further. He returned not even five seconds later.

"What did you do?" Nina asked, still shocked by what she had seen before.

"Left my mark. Now, both of you hold on to me." He asked us.

Me and Nina exchange a look before shrugging and wrapping our arms around his waist and chest, avoiding Coco to not disturb her. I hum to myself in delight, surprised by the warmth given off by the Ghost. I wouldn't mind staying like this for a while.

"Fair warning, you may feel a bit nauseous after this."

"After wha-"

(Word count: 2432)

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