xandra cho

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For the applyfic Sweet Dreams by blythering

GIVEN NAME: Alexandra Yu-Mi Cho



AGE: 17

GENDER: Female


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

FACECLAIM: Sydney Park

APPEARANCE: Xandra has wavy black hair that falls just past her shoulders. The tips are dyed a dark blonde. Her eyes, so dark they're nearly black, are wide and almond-shaped. Her skin is a light golden-brown, and she's relatively tall for a girl, standing at about 5'7. Her frame is slender, and she has few curves. Xandra typically wears very dramatic makeup, often going for an "edgy" or "dark" look. She usually leaves her hair down, and dresses in an alternative/punk style. She has a tattoo on her arm of a sound wave.

PERSONALITY: You may think that Xandra has no emotions—which is just what she wants you to think. She's cold, like a stone wall, and likes it that way. To Xandra, feeling things gets you hurt. And she doesn't like to get hurt. She does have feelings, though, no matter how much she tries to hide it. She has too many to deal with, actually. She struggles with mental illness (not that anyone knows that), namely depression and a severe case of ADHD. This combination results in Xandra having more going on in her head than she knows what to do with, so she tends to shut down. However, Xandra has a love of parties that can't be shaken. When she's letting loose to music, she changes, becomes different. Bubbly, almost; bright and effervescent. Parties let her release her emotions, and that's what she needs sometimes. Another thing about her—most can see that Xandra is not stupid, at the very least, but she's much smarter than she lets on. Her mom thinks she failed junior year (the first time) on purpose, because she knows Xandra's more than capable of doing the work. Of course, she's by no means a genius, but she's more intelligent than she lets people believe.

LIKES + DISLIKES: Xandra likes partying and dancing and the buzz of alcohol. She loves the release that comes with a crush of people and loud music. Xandra has an interest in learning to DJ, and loves music. She also likes fighting video games and running, which she's just picked up at her therapist's urging. It sometimes helps with her ADHD. Xandra doesn't like school—predictable, but Xandra honestly hates it. It bores her, and she can't concentrate. She dislikes overly friendly people and group activities—there's a reason Xandra acts so cold, and it's because she hates people who act all bubbly and friendly. She doesn't like being forced into conversation or to "make friends". It all seems so fake to her. Also, coffee—it doesn't do anything for her, what with the ADHD—and anime—no shade, but Xandra thinks it's weird. Really weird. She's afraid of heights.

STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES: Xandra's energy is near-boundless, thanks to ADHD, and she tends to hyperfocus on things. She dances well, and is good at... well, taking things that don't belong to her. She's a fast runner. Xandra struggles with focus due to her ADHD, though most people don't know the cause and just think she doesn't care. She truly does find it hard to focus on things and sit still, and can often be found moving quietly in the background. She's bad at dealing with most people and like... being nice. Xandra puts up walls, and they tend to be ones of sarcasm and not saying anything more than the very basics about herself. She parties too much, and can't resist a good mixed drink—she'll deny having a drinking problem, but it's more true than she'll admit. She's also terrified of heights.

HOBBIES: Partying, obviously. But also—music in general, both listening to it and trying to create it. Xandra likes to play around with bandcamp a lot. Video games.

BACKGROUND: Xandra is an only child. Thing number one to know about her. Thing number two is that she refuses to respond to Alexandra— no one calls her that unless it's on some kind of paperwork. Now, onto the good stuff. Xandra wasn't exactly a wanted child. Her mother and father were always arguing—the times when they agreed on anything were few and far between. Xandra was only kept because her mom wanted to prove she could be a mother. Xandra was raised in an environment in which her parents constantly screamed at each other and at her. She didn't have any escape. Her parents divorced, finally, when she was eight. It was a long, hard divorce, and Xandra spent a year and a half bouncing between parents and grandparents' house as the court tried to decide where to put her. Eventually, she ended up with her mom. Her mom didn't really know what to do with a kid, but she did try—sort of. She worked all the time, leaving Xandra on her own more often than not. When Xandra was thirteen, she began to act out, just trying to get her mother's attention. She started shoplifting and partying. She was at several parties that were busted for underage alcohol use. High school was worse for her. She didn't fit in with anyone (unless they had all had way too much alcohol), and she felt more ignored than ever. She failed her junior year—on purpose or not doesn't matter—and was caught shoplifting that summer. More than once. Xandra was sent to juvie for a few months. Once she was back home, her mother, who had finally realized that she would have to actually be a mom to Xandra, sent her to therapy and re-enrolled her in school for her junior year—luckily, Xandra wasn't kicked out of school.

FAMILY: Lucy & Joon-Ho Park; parents. Xandra is not at all close to her dad, though he still lives in town. When they do see each other, it's very strained and awkward. Xandra lives with her mother, and while she does love her mom, it's a tense relationship due to Xandra's misbehavior and her mom's habit of working more than parenting. That's gotten a bit better lately, especially after Xandra started going to therapy.

THOUGHTS ON NAOKI: Xandra doesn't know Naoki well, given that Naoki hangs out with almost no one and Xandra is only sociable when tipsy or drunk. Xandra thinks she's pretty cool, though, and thinks they could vibe well.

THOUGHTS ON ILLIAS: Now Ilias has talked to Xandra before, unlike his girlfriend. She thinks he's actually a pretty decent guy, and respects the mystery. They're not like, friends, but Xandra's nice to him.

BEST CLASS: Science, specifically biology. It can actually hold her attention.

WORST CLASS: History. Why the fuck does she need to know all that?

GRADE AVERAGE: C-B range. It was worse last year (all Fs).

SCHOOL TROPE: Punk bad girl

THOUGHTS ON KING'S HIGH: It's school, so she hates it. But like, beyond that? It's okay, as far as schools go. Xandra's aware it's pretty decent for academics and shit, she just doesn't care.

WHY WAS SHE AT THE PARTY? Obviously, to have fun. Look, it's hard to shake the habits and keep Xandra away from parties. She's been pretty decent about it, this is the first in like a month.

POWERS IN MIRAGE: Enhanced speed—essentially, Xandra can run really fucking fast. A la Quicksilver, time is slowed down from her perspective when she does this, and as such she's able to manipulate objects around her in what seems to others like the blink of an eye.

THOUGHTS ON MIRAGE: Beyond "what the fuck", Xandra thinks it's... honestly pretty cool. I mean, it's basically a parallel universe that she can fuck around in without it effecting her real life, how is that not awesome?

WEAPON OF CHOICE: Being too fast for other people to hit her. And also knives. Xandra develops a love of knives in Mirage.

THEME SONG: Don't Go by Sullivan King.

AESTHETIC: Clubs and house parties, short sparkly dresses, ripped jeans and spikey jewelry, harsh black eyeliner, combat boots, soundwaves, music editing software and mixing boards, xbox controllers.

QUOTES: "Fuck you, you don't know me." "Fuck off." "A dream world, huh? I can be down with that." "Okay, I don't normally drink enough to black out so something is up with this." "[says something smart and scientific] What? I am actually smart, you know." "No I will not turn down the music."

EXTRA: Xandra's birthday is July 2. On her fear of heights—Xandra can and will freak the fuck out if she's more than like three floors off the ground. Her mom took her on a skyscraper once. Never again. She's in therapy, but doesn't actually... say much to her therapist. The poor woman is trying her best with Xandra. Xandra doesn't steal bc she needs the things, she does it to get attention and just... because like with alcohol, doing something forbidden gives her a rush of dopamine that's really hard for her to get otherwise.

applyfic status: ongoing!

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