Chapter three

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The three ghost types explored the forest, searching every possible place for a Skyarmory. " How old is this guy anyways? I've never heard of him before." Yuyu questions, looking in a bush.

That didn't help. " Around 15, so he's younger then us. I don't get why he became a bad guy. His story's stupid. He turned bad because of this Nidoking who beat up the kids every time they did something naughty. That's no reason to just go slaughter him and the whole world." Peter commented.

" What I don't get is how that school even survived. And why parents sent kids there if they were going to be punished for being imaginative." Gar told them, looking behind a tree. Peter looked up.

" Wouldn't it be smarter if we all looked up?" He asked. " Probably, but this fucked up outlaw probably is in the most unexpected place." Gar told him, going through every blade of grass.

Yuyu started to climb a tree. She slipped a bit. She got her hold, when she swung her body onto a branch. She was looking at a hive. " What is this? Combee and Vespiquen?" She asked as she peeked in.

It wasn't a hive of Combee and Vespiquen, that's for sure. Yuyu looked inside of it. " I would get your head out of there. Pokémon, especially bugs, don't like it when ghosts look into their homes." Gar told her.

She wasn't listening. She was watching the Cutiefly and Ribombee making honey. When they all looked at her in the face, none screeched. In fact, all of them waved friendly at her. She waved back with her one black shadow hand.

" Welcome, Mimikyu! To our hive." The Ribombee in charge greeted her. " What brings you here?" She asked. " Oh. I was just wondering what kind of Pokémon were in here. I was expecting a totally different kind of bee Pokémon." She told them, shyly.

The two male Pokémon below her were talking. " She shouldn't be in there. She'll get stung!" Peter exclaimed. " Why did she stick her head in there?" Gar questions.

" I don't know! Go up there!" Peter told him, trying to shove him. He disappeared before he reappeared. " No. You! I don't want to be stung by a bunch of Combee." Gar told him. " But..." Peter began before looking into a face of total ghost cuteness.

" Fine! Fine!" Peter sighed as he floated up to the tree. He grabbed Yuyu's cloak and pulled. Inside the beehive, the conversation was still going.

" Aha. I see. You're searching for an outlaw." Ribombee commented, as she pressed a feeler against her chin. " May I have a favor then?" She questions. Yuyu nodded. " Of course, Miss...." She began. " No, no, no. No need for the informalities. You may call me Abeja." She told her.

Abeja then put a feeler in her mouth and whistled. A Cutiefly flew nearby. " Yes, mother?" She asked. " Hurricane, I ask you to go with this Mimikyu." Abeja told her. Hurricane shyly looked at the Mimikyu. She didn't look fearful of her, just shy around her.

But she was just less shy when talking to her mom. Yuyu thought. " You want me to leave the hive and go with a complete stranger on a journey to where now?" Hurricane asked her mother.

" To capture an outlaw. I think we can make amends with this ghost type and inspire the world to love them." Abeja told her. The Cutiefly had her feeler on her chin in thought.

" So let me get this straight." She began, still in deep thought, a crown of flowers on her head. " You want me to go on a dangerous journey with a stranger, who I just met, to capture an outlaw? I'm in!" Hurricane exclaimed, determination on her small bug face.

" I knew you would want to help!" Abeja proudly told her daughter. " It's no biggie. I always wanted the chance to get out of this nest and see the world. But what sort of purpose would you have to make ties with ghosts?" She questions her.

" You never question your queen." Abeja commented. " Now. I assume you have a Skyarmory to catch?" She asked Yuyu. She nodded. " Sure do." She told her, pulling her head out of the hive.

Peter fell from the tree a little. " You're not hurt are you? I- I're okay, I know it." He commented, stuttering a little.

" I made a few friends." Yuyu giggled, as Hurricane flew out of the hive. " Ah! Bee!" Gar reacts as he throws a rock with his ghost powers. Hurricane dodged. She turned to him. " In the name of all good smelling flowers, what was that for?" She asked, agitated.

" I thought I saw a bug on you." He lied horribly. " Oh! Just because I'm a big and a bee you think throwing a rock at me is funny?!" She asked. " Sorry, Gar doesn't know how to act around princesses." Peter joked.

It wasn't that funny. The Cutiefly glared at both of the males. " Sorry. I guess neither of them know how to treat a lady." Yuyu commented. Hurricane sighed.

" I guess that's that. Pokémon hate Bug types almost as much Ghosts. Same with poison types. I guess us rejected cuties better stick with each other." Hurricane commented.

" I guess." Yuyu whispered. " Is something wrong?" Hummed Hurricane. " I just don't get why you and the bugs up there didn't scream when I poked my head in." She commented.

" It happens more times than you know. Plus I'm not afraid of someone who wants to be loved. I want to be more loved if I'm telling the truth. Selfish I know, but it's the truth. Hey, I think I found your Skyarmory." Hurricane commented as she pointed into the sky.

A gray figure was surely there. But...was that the outlaw? He was flying with such fright. As if he just saw something horrendous. " Something's up." She realized. A boom followed the Skyarmory's departure. And the four friends all raced to check out what happened.
A wicked grin made it's way up to the Ribombee's face. " Warlock." She addressed another Ribombee. " Yes, my lady?" He asked her, bowing down to her.

She nodded in satisfaction and Warlock stood back up. " I want you to make a call for me. Call her and tell her I've found her little problematic Mimikyu." Abeja told him. " Yes your majesty." He addressed her as he bowed down once more.

She nodded at him once again. " But why would you send your daughter with her if you were planning on calling Barney?" He asked her. " So I can continuing ruling this kingdom, fool!" She shouted to him.

She then lowered her voice so her other subjects couldn't hear what she was telling her sidekick. " You know I can't continue to rule this damned kingdom for much longer. If she stayed she would have taken my place two weeks tops." She told Warlock.

He nodded. " But why is getting rid of her a bad thing?" He asked her. She got in his face, with a scowl on her face. " Because, nitwit." She began. " If she became queen she would ruin the colony." She told him. " I thought this was a kingdom." He commented, confused.

" It's both." She groaned at his stupidity. " I'll go make that call for you right now." He told her. " Don't bother. I'll just tell the freak myself." She growled at him, knocking him into a wall.

She harshly grabbed the honey colored phone on the wall. It looked like honeycomb. She called the number. " Abeja!" A shrill voice greeted her.

Abeja pulled the phone away from her ears. That Sylveon is too loud. She thought, as she rubbed her ears. Of course she didn't have any, so it ended up being her head instead.

" Look. I'll do you a favor if you will do me a favor." She told her. " Darling! Of course, of course." Barney told her. " Look, I've found Yuyu. And I have a favor in return for her location." She told her.

By this time, a growl could be made out from the other line. " Of course. What do you want in return for her location?" Barney asked her. " I want you to kill Hurricane." Abeja told her.

Barney seemed to laugh on the other line. Usually if a Pokémon was asked to kill someone, especially someone's own family, they would have gasped. Not Barney.

" Gladly!" She squealed, seeming as if she couldn't wait to get the chance at killing this Mimikyu. She's nuts, but then again... so am I. The Ribombee thought with a smile.

" Now, Where is the little bitch? I need to make sure her and her kind are destroyed!" Barney snarled. Over the phone, Abeja could hear the foxlike Pokémon kicking over a table and the sound of her own daughter could be heard.

" Mom! I was eating on that!" The voice of Stella complained. Abeja chuckled. The Sylveon couldn't wait to get her bloody paws on the Mimikyu, that's for sure.

But Abeja didn't know why she wanted the Pikachu cloaked creature. Besides the fact that it truly was indeed a scary and ugly Pokémon. A slap could be heard as well. Well, shit just went down there. Abeja thought, chuckling at the sound of the pain.

" Sorry. I'm still here. Now about the Mimikyu?" Barney questioned. " Look, Barney...she's near by my hive. But she just left. If you hurry, revenge will be all yours." She told her, grinning with the thoughts of her daughter's blood spilling everywhere.

" Thanks." Barney grunted. " That's not much info, idiot." She told her. " You probably should hurry then. She could be living extra seconds if you don't wait." Abeja told her. At that, the call was ended.

She chuckled. She put the phone back. She was super satisfied. " Warlock, tell my fellow bees that I'm going out. I'm on a run to watch them die." She told him. He nodded. She got up.

The servant bowed once more, before going to address the workers. " B-but, what should I tell them if they ask where you are?" He asked her. She looked at him with a glare.

She rubbed her temple. " My, my, Warlock. You seem to be thinking of everything." She told him." Only the best for you, my lady." He addresses her with another bow.

Personally, Abeja liked this servant the best because he did everything she told him And he always bowed. Always. She couldn't help but put her most trust in this loyal servant. Even if he was a ghost Ribombee, she swore he would find some way to get back to earth and serve her.

" Ahem." Warlock cleared his throat. She looked at him. " Tell them I'm going on a walk. If they question anything who's in charge, that would be you." She told him. " Yes, your majesty." He told her as he flew to go address the colony.

She smirked as she flew out of the tree. " Maybe I should have told Barney to meet me here." She told herself before she took off in the direction of what she knew was an explosion. There was fire all over Ghostland too.

Personally, she wishes she was responsible for that, but she knew she couldn't be if she was in the colony at the same time. But she did happen to know the person who did.

And he was as vicious as the villain that those ghost brats were chasing after. Actually, it was the flying twerp those idiotic Pokémon were chasing after. How'd she know? She works with him.

But she never does any of the work because he liked to work alone. Still, never the less, she flew to see if Barney had found her way there.

Barney was there as she had suspected. So was Bucky. Dumb named Skyarmory. Abeja watched as her own daughter was going to get her throat ripped out. Abeja almost laughed at her own daughter. That's right. Kill her. She deserves to die. She thought evilly.
Authors note: I've hoped you've enjoyed this. I really do. It got better as it went on. 😋😊☺️ I bet none of you were thinking that Abeja was a bad guy. Or that she is secretly in touch with other villains. Well, tell me what you think of this.

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