Chapter twelve

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Yuyu could feel herself quivering with fear. It felt like everything they have worked for so far was falling apart.

Divided we fall. Where are you Gar, Peter, and Phantom? I hope you're okay.

Yuyu gently pulled Hurricane to her side. She didn't want to injure the fairy-type.

"I'm okay," she shyly concluded after she checked herself a bit.

But Eule should be worried about Hurricane, not me. She's the one who took the real beating.

Even as Yuyu pondered to herself she could feel herself swaying to and fro on the verge of submitting to the world of dreams.

"You don't look fine to me. Come with me. I will call Mwamini and tell her that you're here. She must be worried sick about you two." Eule claimed with a serious expression on his face.

There was something quite curious that Yuyu couldn't quite understand on Eule's face too, but he looked quite happy to be talking about Mwamini.

Yuyu smiled.

Mwamini was lucky to have a friend like Eule.

Guess I'm lucky too. Maybe I can be friends with Eule too!

Yuyu followed Eule's lead, trying to pick up Hurricane who was half unconscious half conscious.

She was mumbling jibberish that Yuyu couldn't understand.

Yuyu cried out as she tried to pick up her friend.

She flopped over, not strong enough at this point to pick up her fairy friend.

She struggled to get up.

The battle with the Pikachu took a toll on her. It wasn't like she wanted to fight him anyways. She was forced into the fight because he was being aggressive.

She could feel her wounds, but it wasn't like she wanted to fall over unconscious right there. It would give Eule too much burden.

"Here, let me help." Eule remarked as he turned around to see how she was doing.

The green-and-cream colored ghost-grass type waddled over to her, gently bending down to pick up the fairy.

He straightened up and walked into the building.

Yuyu sighed, following him with her gaze focused on the ground.

We got a long way to go before we can handle anything, don't we? Yuyu wondered as she hobbled after Eule. But if anyone can do will be us. I won't let us give up.

The two were quiet as Eule walked in the squad, murmurs could be heard. The surprising whispers of the other starters within the building as their gaze turned to Yuyu gave her unease for many reasons.

"Poor thing!" One squealed.

"So that's one of the members of the so-called 'Ghost Squad?' She doesn't look powerful." Another one grunted.

"They look pretty beaten up. Did the ghost do that to poor Cutiefly?" Whispered another.

"I doubt it. That Mimikyu looks pretty timid."

"Guess we're scaring her, eh?"

Yuyu pressed her shadowed claw against the forehead on her disguise's face.

She didn't like the attention.

However, she did like how grand this building was. It was definitely bigger on the inside than on the outside.

Eule glanced back at her before looking forward. They were approaching a huge  black Charizard.

The Charizard looked anything but intimidating to her. He looked friendly-ish.

"Paarthurnax," Eule began as he stepped aside. "I found one of the members of the Ghost Squad and one of her friends trying to fight a villain right outside our headquarters. Her friend seems dangerously injured and she herself is hurt." Eule began.

Paarthurnax dipped his head.

"And?" The black Charizard queried, expectantly.

Eule continued his report upon the response.

"And I was wondering if they can stay here and rest. The Cutiefly looks damaged pretty badly. Luckily, I was in the Nick of time...." Eule said, trailing off as he set his stern gaze upon Yuyu who just tried to shrink.

I tried my best!

"They can stay here until their wounds heal." Paarthurnax roars softly as he steps forward, pressing a gentle claw on Yuyu who just stared up at him on what could be considered as her tip toes.

"You're too kind." Yuyu mumbled.

"Where's the rest of your squad? I thought you usually stuck to a Gastly and a Shuppet." Paarthurnax remarks curiously.

"I..." she began looking at the ground with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

She was extremely worried for her friends. They could be in trouble.

Or perhaps they ditched us. I doubt it though. They're really nice. They helped me when I needed it! And if they're in trouble I would like to return the favor.

Her lip quivered before she shook herself to respond.

"You have no idea where they are, do you?" Eule asked, not giving her a chance to speak.

Yuyu nodded shyly, sniffling in worry.

Eule sighed dramatically. He put a wing to his face, stressed out by the situation.

"We don't have time to keep an eye on the Ghost Squad's every move." He groaned in annoyance.

He then turned to talk to Paarthurnax.

Paarthurnax put a claw up. "I heard what she said, Eule." The dragon mentioned.

To Yuyu he apprised, "We will look for your friends. Don't worry, we will find them."

Yuyu didn't respond.

The worst that could happen came to her mind.

Visions of them in some sort of dead pile or puddle. Thoughts of them being maimed, murdered. These sorts of thoughts ruled over Yuyu as she tried to conceal them and tried to think of positive thoughts.

When Yuyu came back to the world she noticed an Audino was gingerly pushing her to a different area in the building.

It seems there were wings in this building, while the Ghost Squad didn't really have any wings. It was also smaller.

Yuyu felt small in these Headquarters. Then again a good portion of the Pokémon here were taller than her.

She was walking agonizingly slow, though.

The Audino touched the Pikachu copycat with her feelers.

She could have healed her, but Yuyu assumed it would take up more energy than healing her naturally.

"Could you, if you can, walk a little faster, Sweetie?" The Audino asked with a small-and-gentle-smile.

"I-I'll try." Yuyu whispered.

The Audino smiled at her softly. "That's all I ask of you, dearie."

The two continued to walk in silence, Audino holding her friend.

They past a door, which Audino quickened her pace upon seeing it.

Yuyu found it harder to keep up her because of this, so she decided to ask her to slow down.

"Wait up!" She ejaculated, persuading the Audino's abrupt halt; the Audino gasped upon the actions she had proceeded to take such swift measures upon.

"I'm sorry, dearie." Audino began with a bow, expressing regret upon realizing she had been the cause of the young Pokémon's anguish.

The Audino continued. "It's just..." she sighed trailing off as she gaped at the door behind them.

Her paws fell to the floor.

Her eyes held fear and anguish.

Upon seeing her like this, Yuyu stared at her with pity.

What was behind that door? Why did it provoke such actions from an Audino? Audino weren't known to be scared. They used their feelers  on any Pokémon no matter how scary.

Yuyu tilted her head as Audino didn't continue explaining to her why she ran when they were in front of a door.

"It's just what?" She asked curiously.

"It's just...nothing. Let's just get you and your friend to the medical wing." Audino commented, patting her on the head, her fearful expression gone; it had been replaced with a happy smile as she affectionately pat Yuyu on the head.

What? Yuyu wondered, but ultimately concluding it would be helpful if she put it at the back of her mind.

The Mimikyu couldn't help but get one last glance at the door, with its big light pink wood and golden door handle. Not to mention it was latched like the headquarters was a room in a hotel, while what's behind the door the rest of the hotel.

She sighed, and continued to follow the Audino.

Yuyu had to admit she was curious what was behind the door, but she also didn't want to get in trouble.

The two quietly made their way past a hallway.

Curiously, Yuyu looked down it before quickly regarding Audino who was ahead of her even more now.

Yuyu didn't shout at her to stop this time. Instead, she just sped walked a couple of times and managed to catch up.

Not much farther, Audino stopped at a lime green colored door. There was a latch to it too, though Yuyu assumed it was to keep some Pokémon in the hospital part of the headquarters.

Audino unhooked the latch from the door and opened it. She moved to the side and held the door for Yuyu, letting her in.

Yuyu excused herself as she slipped past Audino into the room. Awe immediately following as she gazed at the impressive size of the room.

Yuyu could understand why this room needed to be big, but dang it was so big it could fit well over five thousand Pokemon in it.

"Woah! How much room do you guys need?" She breathed out in wonder.

Audino chuckled at her amazement.

"The Starter Squad has well over, uh, well I don't even know how many they have. That's how many members are in the squad. I can't keep track." Audino laughed as she held out a record book.

"That's why I have this." She added, showing Yuyu the book.

"This is a track record of every Pokémon within the squad. At least the ones who have gotten injured and killed. Some of the Pokémon haven't ever gotten badly hurt, so they have no need to come here. For example there's this water team—you might have met them. The shiny Blastoise on that team has never gotten more than a couple of scratches on her body." Audino elucidated, flipping through the pages with a find expression.

"Is there a record on how many Pokémon have died?" Yuyu wondered in horror, thinking of her friend's faces. Phantom also came to mind.

Was he okay as well? She usually just thought of her two favorite male friends, Peter and Gar, but she knew Phantom was going to be a great member too if he joined.

Yuyu got out of her thoughts just in time to see Audino flinch and turn her sight to a close bed.

Softly, the Audino whispered, "Yes. Too many to really count. The Starter Squad loses lives every year to villains, murderers, and sometimes even the weather."

"Oh! That's sad! Is that a normal occurrence?" Yuyu wonders, fearfully.

The feelings pokemon seemed to sense her unease and fear.

At first the Audino made the remark, "Oh, no! No, it's not!" then thought better than to lie, even to someone like Yuyu who's mind was not only innocent at times, but kinder than kind. "Yes. I lied. It's just, I didn't want to break your heart." Audino informed her.

Yuyu felt her heart drop. She picked up a pen and started to play around with it.

"Oh, but don't think too much on it! They sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They didn't die in vain." Audino cheerily rumbled.

Quietly she added, "Most of them."

Yuyu figured she wasn't supposed to hear that, but wondered what she meant.

"Oh! I'm late for my appointment!" Audino exclaimed, putting Hurricane in a bed.

Audino looked around for a bit.

"Oh, but I can't leave you two here in this room without a watchful eye! Oh what should I do?" The Audino wondered loudly.

Audino got an idea and left the room briefly, coming back inside with a female Pikachu.

"What do you request of..." the Pikachu wondered right before her dark brown eyes locked onto Yuyu.

"Oh!" The Pikachu exclaimed with a shocked expression.

"Are you sure I should be the one looking after these two?" The Pikachu asked, smartly figuring out the situation at paw.

"Absolutely! I'm in a hurry, and you were the closest! Please, Lightning, these two need watching over and I really need to go." Audino rapidly enlightened.

She then rushed out of the room, leaving the Pikachu in an awkward spot.

Yuyu didn't know much about rivalries, but Mimikyu usually hated Pikachu.


Author's Note: Oh hey it's been over a Year since I updated this!

Anyways, Paarthurnax and Lightning belong to Pikagirl1527 (though I might have already said something about Paarthurnax...)

So anyways, what do you think is behind the locked light pink door? Is it something important? Let me know what you think of it.

And I'm really close to 900 views! I really hope this gets to 1k views because this is one of my favorite stories to write!

Anyways, if you liked the story leave a like down below (because me sounding like a youtuber is so convincing. Not. Lol), comment (comments are good for the Youtube algorithm. And wattpad I, and I'll see you whenever I update next! ❤️😎 🙄🥸🙃

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