The Ghost You Can't Trust

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She ran up the crooked old staircase behind the libary. Her beautiful blue hair was wet. Her clothes were wet. No one knew why. As her footsteps slammed against the metal staircase. She can still hear the sound of the flushing toilets, the sharp words like knives still echoing through her mind: "Go and cut yourself! No one cares about you!"
Then there was a sound of a slamming door, she crashed. The tears were like rivers, she didnt wan't to cry, she knew it was weak, but she couldn't stop. A little breeze peaked in through the window. The girl you thought would rather be alone, hated the loneliness. Looking to the side, right there next to her a broken piece of glass. She stood up, looked at herself in the shattered mirror. A sad and lonely human being. She felt hideous. She placed the broken piece if glass on her wrist. She knew if she did it, she'd cut as if the scars aren't already there. As the tip of the broken glass entered her skin she heard a soft yet mysterious voice.
"Don't do that"
Blue, without looking up the blades fell from her hands and hit the floor. She mumbled ""
From thin air formed a man. He had pale skin, a strong figure just like any other jocks. Blue wasn't instrested. But this boy, he was different, he had loving eyes. Also a sad look as if he's been through alot. As she looked up she she felt a connection, one she could trust. Without hesitation the boy wiped her tears, pulled her hair back and whispered " Your more than this, you're a diamond."
This was it, the sound of his heartbeat synced with hers, finally she knew where she belonged. He gently let go of her " I'm Travis, a ghost. I died two years ago with the same scars on my arm..."
" You killed yourself."
" Well I had to, but I regret it. Too bad its too late now"
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn"t..."
" But! " Travis interrupted " I't won't be for you because you have someone I had no one."
"No I don't! " Blue stated.
" Yes you do! You have me."
And slowly one conversation lead to another, soon before you knew the young maiden has fell asleep in the arms of this creature. She knew he was a ghost but it matter because she had already fallen in love.
The way his arms wrapped around her, they were happy, but who knows.
Later, that night when the moon was sound asleep. Travis, was awake. He sat up and within a second he was no longer what we knew. His red eyes and sharp teeth glissened in the moonlight. He leanes over to Blue and slowly inhaled. As he dissapeared into the distance. Little Blue once again, left alone, but this time she lost a soul. Slowly she shed a tear. She knew that a broken heart could never be fixed.

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