12 | In Which They Make a Somewhat Plan

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Percy and Annabeth climbed out of the shower, both dripping wet. "I don't suppose you can use your powers to get the water off of us," Annabeth said, shivering and rubbing her arms together.

"You bet I can!" Percy smiled with a wink. He raised his hand, and it didn't take long at all for droplets of water to start floating towards Percy, until Percy sucked all the water off of her and she was dry. He threw the water ball that the water had collected into, into the shower, then did the same thing to himself.

To put it simply, Percy sucked the water on the outside of them off so they were dry.

Annabeth touched her now dry hair that was curly once again. "Impressive," Annabeth nodded in approval. She picked her wizard cloak off the floor, put it back on along with her shoes, and straightened her tie. She didn't bother picking up the wand though.

"Let's get going," Annabeth said. Percy bit his lip nervously, staring at the door Thalia was standing behind.

"Okay," Percy said, grabbing Annabeth's hand, "Let's go."

The two of them walked forward, stepping out the door into the bedroom part of the cabin. Thalia was leaving against the wall lazily, but as soon as she saw us, she jerked straight up.

"Percy!" She said. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-"

"No, you don't have to apologize," I smiled softly. "I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have gotten all mad and walked out like that."

"You're right," Thalia said bluntly, nodding her head, "You shouldn't have said that. That was a real big jerk move of yours."

I stared at her in shock, blinking. "But... aren't you supposed to assure me that it's all your fault and I shouldn't apologize either?"

"Well then I'd be lying. I apologized to you, you should do the same to me. We're both at fault here, why pretend that's not true?" Thalia said, crossing her arms.

"Uh, I guess you have a point there," Percy said, looking down at scratching his head. Wanting to change the subject, he looked back at Hazel. "So, what do we do now? How are we supposed to fix this?"

"I... think I might have an idea," Annabeth said, straightening up.

"We didn't expect anything less from you, Wise Girl," Percy smiled.

"Heh, yeah," Annabeth said, though she seemed worried and nervous. "To end this all, I think we have to... kill the root of this problem."

"But... we don't know where this all sparked from," Thalia said.

"No, not the one who possessed them all. The only thing that would have enough power to do this is a goddess, so we can't exactly kill it. At first I thought the eidolons did it because of the whole possessing thing, but their powers don't go to that extent," Annabeth explained.

"Okay, so who are we supposed to kill?" Percy asked quietly.

Annabeth took a shaky breath. "The first seven that were possessed. Will, Rachel, Grover, Clarisse, Leo, Piper, and Jason. I... I really don't want to but I think it's the only way. Kill the main root of all this and it goes away. Besides, they're already dead," Annabeth said solemnly.

"Wow," Percy took a deep breath. "Wow."

"How do you know that will work though?" Thalia asked.

"I don't," Annabeth frowned, "But it's the only idea we have. I honestly have no clue what else we'd do. Do you guys have any ideas?"

Percy and Thalia looked at each other with a frown. "Uh, no plan," They said in unison.

"Okay," Annabeth said, trying to sound cheerful when she was anything but, "Time to go kill our possessed, dead, friends."

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