Meeting Momo and Hana

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{..}= Thoughts
[..]= Actions
...= Singing
(..)= Whisper

Kenji POV

As I walked away from Izuku's apartment, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of our conversation. I wanted to ensure that Izuku continued to progress and develop his newfound quirk. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the girl with black hair in a neat ponytail approaching from the opposite direction.

Suddenly, there was a collision. We both stumbled back, our bodies intertwining for a brief moment. Startled, I quickly regained my balance, but my gaze lingered on the girl, waiting to see if she was alright.

Girl: Ah, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.

I reassured her with a smile, my voice softening.

Kenji: No need to apologize. It was an accident. Are you okay?

After the collision, I extended a hand to help Momo Yaoyorozu, whose name she had shared with me, regain her balance. As she stood up, her expression shifted from embarrassment to urgency.

Momo: I apologize for bumping into you briefly. But I need your help. I'm being chased by a group of kidnappers.

Taken aback by her words, I immediately switched into a more serious mode.

Kenji: Kidnappers? Are you sure?

Momo nodded vigorously, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination.

Momo: Yes, I overheard their conversation. They are targeting me specifically. Please, I don't know what to do.

My instincts kicked in, and I scanned the area, looking for any signs of danger. With a calm but resolute expression, I reassured her.

Kenji: Don't worry, Momo. I won't let anything happen to you. We need to find a safe place and figure out our next steps.

We hurriedly walked away from the bustling street, seeking refuge in a nearby café. As we entered, I kept a vigilant eye on our surroundings, ensuring no suspicious figures followed us.

Seated at a corner table, I leaned closer to Momo, my voice lowering to a whisper.

Kenji: Do you have any idea why they're after you? Any clues that might help us understand their motive?

Momo hesitated for a moment, her brows furrowing with concern.

Momo: I'm not entirely sure. My family is wealthy, and there have been occasional threats in the past. But this time, it feels different, as if they are specifically targeting me.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, I thoughtfully considered our options.

Kenji: We need to ensure your safety first. Do you have a trusted friend or family member we can reach out to? Someone who can provide support or contact the authorities?

Momo nodded, relief washing over her.

Momo: Yes, there's a friend I can rely on. Let me give them a call.

She swiftly dialed a number, explaining the situation to her friend and providing our location. As she ended the call, a sense of reassurance filled the air.

Momo: My friend will contact the authorities and make arrangements to keep me safe. Thank you for helping me, Kenji. I don't know what I would have done without your assistance.

I smiled, determined to see this through till the end.

Kenji: No need to thank me, Momo. We'll navigate through this together. Your safety is my priority.

As we awaited her friend's arrival, we discreetly kept an eye out for any signs of the kidnappers' presence, ensuring that they wouldn't catch us off guard. In this potentially dangerous situation, I remained steadfast, ready to defend Momo and devise a plan to thwart those who threatened her safety.

As the group of kidnappers spotted us, my instincts sharpened as adrenaline surged through my veins. Thinking quickly, I knew my priority was to keep Momo safe. With a determined look, I swiftly turned to her and spoke urgently.

Kenji: Momo, go inside the establishment and explain the situation to the employees. They will help you. I'll deal with these kidnappers. Just stay safe.

She nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and trust.

Momo: Be careful, Kenji. Don't let them harm you.

With a reassuring smile, I watched as Momo swiftly entered the café, seeking refuge and assistance from the employees. Turning my attention back to the approaching kidnappers, I felt a surge of determination.

Positioning myself between them and the entrance to the café, I adopted a firm and confident stance.

Kenji: You've made a grave mistake picking on the wrong person. You won't get away with this.

The kidnappers, caught off guard by my boldness, exchanged wary glances. Their leader, a tall and imposing figure, stepped forward with a sinister grin.

Kidnapper: You think you can stop us? You're just a mere obstacle in our way. [chuckles]

Without wasting another moment, I made my move. Utilizing my training and quick reflexes, I deftly evaded his initial strike, countering with a swift punch to his abdomen. The impact halted him momentarily, providing me with a chance to incapacitate the others swiftly.

As the brawl ensued, I skillfully dodged their attacks, delivering calculated blows that immobilized them one by one. Determination fueled every move, ensuring that Momo remained out of harm's way.

Minutes passed, and the final kidnapper lay defeated on the ground, immobilized and no longer a threat. Panting slightly, I surveyed the scene, ensuring that it was safe before stepping away.

As I made my way back to the café entrance, a sense of relief washed over me. Momo stood near the counter, surrounded by concerned employees who had offered her sanctuary.

Breathing heavily, I joined her, my voice gentle but filled with relief.

Kenji: Are you okay, Momo?

She shook her head, a mix of gratitude and awe in her eyes.

Momo: I'm fine, Kenji. You... You saved me.

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Kenji: You were brave to seek help, Momo. I'm glad I could protect you. We should wait for the authorities to make sure everything is secure.

As we waited for the arrival of the authorities, the café employees offered their support, ensuring our safety was their top priority. In that moment, I silently celebrated our victory over the kidnappers while also acknowledging the challenges that lay ahead.

As the authorities arrived and apprehended the group of kidnappers, a wave of relief washed over Momo and me. The café employees, who had offered us their support, watched as the police officers led the kidnappers away in handcuffs.

Momo's friend's name was Hana Tanaka. She had fair, tan skin that was smooth and glowing. Her light brown curly hair framed her adorable face, and her beautiful light blue eyes resembled the color of the ocean. At the age of 16, Hana stood tall at a height of 174 cm, exuding an aura of confidence and grace.

As she clung tightly to Momo, the kindness and worry in Hana's eyes were evident. Her concern for Momo's wellbeing radiated through her as she enveloped her friend in a comforting embrace.

Dressed in a stylish yet practical outfit, Hana wore a crisp white long-sleeve shirt that accentuated her complexion. Paired with light blue jeans shorts, her slender legs were adorned with white thigh socks and classic white Vans shoes. Completing her look, she wore a black cap and a black face mask that covered her nose, ensuring her safety and the safety of others. A light blue jacket was draped over her shoulders, providing an extra layer of warmth and protection.

In the midst of chaos, Hana's presence was a source of stability and support for Momo. With her caring nature, she would undoubtedly be there for her friend, helping her through the aftermath of the traumatic experience they had just faced together.

Girl: Momo, oh my goodness, are you okay? I was so worried about you.

Momo, still shaken from the events that unfolded, clung to her friend, seeking solace and support. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered.

(Momo: I'm fine now, Hana. It was terrifying, but I'm safe.)

Hana, relieved beyond words, held onto Momo even tighter.

Girl: I can't believe what you went through. I'm so glad you're alright. Let's get you somewhere safe and talk about it, okay?

Turning to me, Hana extended her gratitude.

Girl: Thank you for keeping Momo safe. I don't know what we would have done without you.

I nodded, a sense of camaraderie forming between us.

Kenji: I did what I could. Your friend's safety was my top priority.

Together, the three of us walked away from the chaotic scene, seeking refuge and a calm space to process the events that had unfolded. Hana's unwavering support and concern for Momo's wellbeing were evident as she held onto her friend, guiding her towards a sense of security and comfort.

Hana POV

As I held onto Momo tightly, my worry for her was palpable. With relief flooding over us, I couldn't help but wonder who the person was that had come to Momo's aid and played such a crucial role in taking down the group of kidnappers.

Hana: Momo, who was that person who helped you? And how did he manage to take down those kidnappers?

Momo, her voice still trembling with a mixture of fear and gratitude, explained,

Momo: His name is Kenji. I bumped into him while I was running away from the kidnappers. I explained my situation to him, and he instantly understood the danger I was in. Kenji quickly assessed the situation and realized we needed a safe place. That's when he took me to a nearby café, where he managed to subdue the kidnappers and ensure our safety.

As Momo recounted the events, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for this mysterious stranger named Kenji. His quick thinking and bravery had undoubtedly saved Momo's life and prevented further harm from befalling her.

Hana; He's truly a hero, I'm so grateful that he was there for you, Momo.

Momo nodded, tears streaming down her face as well.

Momo: I don't know what I would have done without him, Hana. Kenji not only protected me physically, but his presence also gave me the strength to get through this ordeal.

With a newfound appreciation for the stranger who had come to Momo's rescue, I felt a sense of gratitude towards Kenji for his selflessness and bravery. As we continued on our journey of healing, I knew that we would forever be indebted to him for the role he played in ensuring Momo's safety.

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