Chapter 5

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Bella's P.O.V

~straight off the plane to a new hotel,just touc-~

My phone ring.I grab my phone and answer the call without even look at the caller ID.

?: Hello..

B: Hello..who are you?

?: Are you Bella?

B: y-yes but how did you know my name?

?: it's me!Justin!

B: umm..Justin? Justin who?

?: it's me..Justin Bieber

B: Justin Bieber?!how did justin bieber get my number?are you playing a prank on me?!

J:'s real me.I got your number from your boyfriend...

B: boyfriend?since when did I have a boyfriend?

J: I got from a boy named Henry.

B: this is real Justin Bieber then?

J: yess

B: oh..ok..why did Justin Bieber call me?

J: well..I ask you to call me but you didn't so..I call you

B: Oh..ya!I forget to call you..

J:'s,would you like to meet me?I can show you to scooter

B: Really?!

J: yeah!I'll text you the adress k?


J: Byeee

-End of the phone call-

"I'm gonna meet Justin Bieber again!"I exclaimed.I start to run upstairs to my bedroom to change my clothes.I change into a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.I ask my mum to drop me off at the place and my mum surprisingly agreed.


" we are"my mum said."Thanks mum..I'll call you when I'm finishes k?"I wave at my mum and then I started to walk to the front door.The adress that Justin gave is a studio.I ring the bell at the front door and wait for someone to open it.

The door open showing a man with blue eyes and blonde hair."Yes?How can I help you?"the man said."Umm..I'm here to meet Justin?"I said nervously."Justin?Do you mean that Bieber kid?"he said."Umm..yeah.."Am I in the wrong place?Gosh."Wait..JUSTIN!"he shout surprising me."Come in,that Bieber kid probably busy with his phone"I walked in the studio and it is actually quite amazing.The design are very unique and eye-catching.

"So,what's your name?"the man said caught me off guard."B-Bella"I said."Nice name.So here we are"the man opened a door to a room,a recording room."There he is,on the couch.With his phone again"the man said walking toward Justin that doesn't even realize that I am here.He's too busy with his phone."Justin!someone's here for you"the man snatched his phone catching him off guard."Hey!Give back my phone!"Justin tried to take his phone back but the man is too tall for him.

"No!never.Someone's here for you"the man said.Justin probably doesn't realize that I'm here."Huh?Oh,Bella!I didn't see you over there.Come here!"Justin said pulling me into the recording room."Here's your phone.I've lot work to do more.Bye Bella!"The man said throwing Justin's phone at the couch.

"So..what are we gonna do now?"I said."Oh,yeah...umm...scooter just go to Starbucks to buy some coffee so he'll be back in a few minutes...So,what do you wanna do?"Justin sit on the couch looking at me."I don't know.."I said sitting next to him.

"What about you try singing a song at the recording booth (?)first?just to practice?"he said smiling."Can I?"I said excitedly."Yes,of course you can!"he start to walk to the recording booth montining me to follow him.

"So,you wear this headphone,and sing a song.I'll be right there listening to you ok?"he give me a headphone and walk out of the recording booth.I am so nervous at the moment.I've never done this before.

Justin started to count montioning me to start singing."Here we go..."

Hey guys its me again!I know this is short but I hope you guys like it.Give it a big star and comment.Bye!Love you guys!


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