Chapter 3

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My next class is puzzle's with Miss Denton. She has dark hair ,dark skin , very beautiful and has kind eyes 

Ok , before we began our class today , repeat back to me what i taught to you in our last class ; she says 

One must know the problem better then the solution or the solution becomes the problem; I say 

Ok! very good! ; she says , smiling with obvious satisfaction 

Now lets go over the question again ; she says 

If a giraffe has two eyes , a monkey has two eyes and an elephant has two eyes , how many eyes do we have ?;i ask     (A/N: thats the best i could do )

Ok, good , now answer it; she says

Uh..........Six? ; i ask

Wrong ; she says 

I think deeply, closing my eyes when it hit me . The question asked 'how many eyes do we have ?'' So that would mean the person who asked the question is also including the person who is suppose to give the answer which means there are four eyes. 

I open my eyes ; four; I say 

She smiles ; Good , Now we're getting somewhere;


It has been three  years since they took  my name , I have been very busy with classes and tests. I was sitting on my desk in my room when i had an idea , I walked over to my door and twisted the handle , and it swung open.......

Hmm..... Guess they trust me so much  not to lock my door ; I taught, smirking .

I looked up to the clock on the wall, it says 11:30 .

Ok , 12:00; i taught ;I will go exploring at 12:00 after making sure everyone is a sleep.

  I took a bath and changed to a black long sleeve shirt with a black tight pants 

( without the bag and sunglasses)

I look up to the clock again, 11:59 , one more minute  for me to go out for the first time without an escort .

Hundreds  of tough's going through my head. 

Am I breaking any rules? 

What if they catch me?

What if I got lost ?

I push them all away,

Im not breaking any rules ; I taught ; No one  specifically told me , that im not allowed to explore. 

I twisted the door knob and swing it open.

I look from left to right , the hallway looked empty , I shut the door and opened it back to make sure it didn't  lock me out . I sigh relived it didn't.

So which way do i go ; i tough ; Left; I decided  

I ran left and took a right in the hallway when I heard foot steps .................

A/N : Do u like the story so far? I know what your thinking , Where are the boys? . They are coming soon , don't worry . Pls comment on what u think bout this story so far . I will have the next chapter out as soon as possible. Bye for now  ☺💜❤💛.

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