Chapter 13

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With the help of the Magnolia, Levy steered the Iron Dragon through the cavern, keeping her eyes on the glowing that moved around them. Their song was muffled by the cotton in her ears, but Levy was still having a hard time focusing on manuvering about the cavern. Cannon fire erupted from the Magnolia followed by a high shriek as part of the glow retreated back into the ice.

She felt more than heard the thud behind her, and when she turned, she had to dive out of the way of a red haired siren. Her claws hit the wheel and caused the ship to tip dangerously, Levy barely righting it to avoid hitting the wall. She pulled her cutlass from her hip as she squared off with the glowing woman who hissed angrily at her. On the Magnolia Lucy was in her own stand off, guarding the two smaller girls from the stormy eyed siren.

The woman tried to circle the girls, her razor sharp teeth bared but Lucy didn't allow her to get behind her. The woman lept at them and Lucy shoved Wendy and Charlie away, taking the full force of the womans hit. She rolled, twisting to avoid those shark like teeth but her claws were puncturing the tops of her arms. The adrenaline pumping in her veins blocked out the pain and the cold as she kicked the woman hard, causing her to topple over. Lucy scurried to her feet, brandishing the whip she had at her side. With the distraction the girls fled to the bowels of the ship, blocking the entrance. The woman lunged again but this time Lucy rolled away, striking out with her whip once she was up right, and it wrapped tightly around the sirens neck.

She used it to pull the woman to meet the deck face first before standing over her. She placed her boot on the back of her head as she drew her cutless, before running it through her back and piercing her heart. The siren screeched and begun to thrash, but only for a moment before she stilled. Lucy barely freed her whip from the womans neck before she was tackled by another body. This one wasn't glowing, and wasn't nearly as light as the ghostly women. White hair obscured her vision momentarily before Mira rolled off of her, facing the black haired siren that had aimed for Lucy.

The two women stood just as a third siren landed, and they stood back to back, Mira drawing her cutless. The sirens lunged, but the pirate women rolled away, allowing the creatures to clash together. Mira dashed for the black haired siren, swinging her cutless in a wide arc as the other, a brunette, ran for Lucy. Lucy swung her sword, easily decapitating the siren and allowing her body to crumple to the deck. Lucy spun to find the last siren charging behind Mira, who was struggling with the black haired one. Lucy snapped out her whip, allowing it to wrap around Miras ankle and tugged hard.

Mira gasped as her leg was ripped out beneath her, but the she screamed a claw, one that had been aiming for her heart, pierced her shoulder. Lucy hurried to her companion, kicking away the siren before standing over the injured woman. She glared at the siren who hissed angrily, and yet, they didn't attack. Instead they wailed and dove over the edge of the ship. Lucy frowned but then she had to shield her eyes, as the ship emerged out of the icy cavern and back into the bright light of day.

On the Iron Dragon Levy steered the ship up beside the Magnolia, now in the safety of the light. Only one siren had decided to attack her, and she was silently grateful. She removed the cotton from her ears before going to the edge of her ship. "Are you ladies alright?" She called as she saw Lucy help a bloody Mira into the captains cabin, followed by Erza. Cana walked to the edge of her ship, so she stood before the fae. " A bit of Wendy's handy work and they will be right as rain." She said with a grin and Levy nodded with a smile. Her attention was then draw to a loud bang coming from the bowels of the ship, as a very angry captain demanded to be released.

{I have no excuses as to why this is so late, only that I had a major brain fart}

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