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Theirs was a small wealthy island, so wealthy that even the servants lived in comfort. It was on this island at the wealthiest home, the McGarden Estates, that a young servant boy was running through the halls in search of his mother. He had to ask her about it, he was sure he had seen it this time. " Mother!" He called as he saw the black haired woman in the dining room. She turned emerald green eyes to him and smiled softly, kneeling down so they were eye to eye once he reached her.

" What is it my sweet?" She asked in a voice that was soft and yet strong all at once. " Mother, tell me about the fairies." He all but demanded, causing the woman to smile. Their island was known for more than just their wealth, but also for the fae that lived just out of human reach. " Well Gajeel, most fairies are curious creatures that love to be around people, but they are very shy. They are tiny things, barely bigger than your palm, but if they are gifted with a name, then they can grow and live among us. They are mute beings, unable to talk until they begin to grow." She explained as she brushed his short black hair out of his crimson eyes.

"Mother, I think I saw one in the garden!" He cried, growing excited. His mother smiled. " Then go make friends my child!" She said with a wide grin before the boy took of back through the large estate. He returned to the gardens that he had watered only just watered that morning, and began looking for the small being he was sure he had seen. Sure enough, in a small bed of daisies, he found her. A small thing, brown eyes large with curiosity and sky blue locks that laid on her shoulders. She wore a dress of white rose petals and twine, and had small translucent wings at her back.

He grinned down at the small being as he knelt in front of the flower bed. " Hello there." He said quietly, afraid of scaring the small girl. But instead she tilted her head as she gazed at him, her curiosity so profound it consumed her very being. " I'm Gajeel. Would you like to be my friend?" He asked as he held his hand to the fairy. She looked at it before returning her gaze to his face, a large grin splitting her face before she carefully climbed into his palm, fitting perfectly in the center. The boy was joyous with his new friend, and showed her all around the estate, and she even pointed him to the bushes at the far end of the estate that was her home. A sort of bird nest that was filled with small flower dresses and things she had collected from the yard.

" You need a name little fairy." He said as the sun began to set. " Hmm well your last name can be McGarden, since that's where you live." He said with a grin, and she nodded eagerly. " Hmm how about Rosalind?" She shook her head. "Mary? Margaret?" She turned up her nose, making him laugh. He thought hard when it hit him. " How about Levyanna? And we can call you Levy for short?" The fairy was pleased with this name, buzzing about the boys head with glee. As days passed, the boy and the fairy would be joined at the hip, especially as she started to grow. When she was the size of a small toddler, he had fixed her bush home to better accommodate her. But their joy was not to last.

One morning he rose to the sounds of shouting, screaming and cannon fire. Their island was being pilaged by pirates. He ran through the home in nothing but his nightwear, wanting to reach his friend in the garden. He heard a scream, turning to see his mother in the grasps of two large men. " Run Gajeel!" She screamed as he stopped and stared in horror. As a third man came into view he ran again, determined to not be caught. As he broke into the garden, he thought he saw that head of blue at the far end of the garden. " Levy!" He shouted, but a blinding pain shot through his head and he tumbled, a new pain behind his eyes as his head made contact with the ground. He vision was slowly darkening as the pirate who struck him knelt, lifting him by the scruff of his shirt. The last bit of light he saw was blue, and a new voice was shouting for him. "Gajeel!"

{So iv been wanting to do a pirate thing for a while, and this just slapped me in the face when I saw the beautiful artwork that is the cover art. Thank you Rboz of tumblr}

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