James kaloko

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I created a poem for World Mental Health Day. I should have done it earlier, but it's better late than never. Take care and I appreciate you all ❤️

Yesterday, I felt like shit.
Today, I feel like shit.
Each day is killing me bit by bit.

I question why God put on earth,
when all I am going to experience is hurt.
People treat me like I have no worth.

My eyes always stay red.
Every night, I cry on my bed.
Wishing that I ended up dead.

Why is my life like this?
Why can't I make friends?
Why am I not loved?
Why can't I live life in bliss?

Sometimes I wish I could be someone else,
because I hate living life as myself.

I should say, "Fuck it all" and end my life.
But simply, I can't!
My life may suck, but deep down,
I know that isn't right.
I should strive on and fight.

I am strong,
I am loved,
I am worthy,
I have a purpose;
No one can prove me wrong!

My depression still does creep up on me.
There are times when I still self-loathe.
But I know that I am never alone.
I need to take care of myself,
so that I can live life with no worry.

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