Chapter 08: Seth

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And so the morning faded into afternoon,
To evening and then to the rise of the moon.
Enraptured by Seth's stories–even a tinkling spoon–
Could not distract the girl from the mountain hut.

She only ever ventured into her safe zone.
She would not cross the boundaries even when alone,
For in a solemn, unwanted solitude, she had grown–
'She' was the girl from the mountain hut.

"Do you know? There are a great many peaks
Up north – there are valleys and creeks.
The mighty river gushes and roars as if it speaks!"
He said to the girl from the mountain hut.

"Do you know? There is a vast sea,
In the south – it's blue and pretty.
It's sandy and there a lot of coconut trees!"
He said to the girl from the mountain hut.

"Often when I travel, I encounter huge trees,
Dense forests, and a lot of beasts–
But I manage to escape, maybe with a small crease."
He said to the girl from the mountain hut.

"Then after travelling for some time, I go back home.
So that I can rest again before I roam.
I read books, because they became the epitome
For which I travel." He said to the girl from the mountain hut.

"My elder sister Maria – you remind me of her.
She would also listen quietly to every word.
Like her, you're also a good listener."
He said to the girl from the mountain hut.

The girl smiled and drank in every word he spoke.
The more she heard, the more her curiosity evoked.
With each passing moment, her leaden barrier broke
Little by little, for the girl from the mountain hut.

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