Chapter 23: Instructions

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Without wasting any time, Seth rode on.
The sky was aflame with the dawn.
He did not bother about sleep being gone-
He must help the girl from the mountain hut.

With each passing moment, the home he left behind,
Grew smaller and smaller, till it was hard to determine.
Blank ink on white sheets flashed through his mind.
It was the letter from the girl from the mountain hut.

He received a letter a day or so ago.
An eagle came and left it by the window.
The words sent a chill like that cold wind blows-
It was the letter from the girl from the mountain hut.

She wrote that she was in trouble, quite grave.
She asked for help, for only he could save,
As he knew about her secret, her trusted knave.
'She' was the girl from the mountain hut.

She said that she had already left her home.
With trouble lurking around, she could not roam.
She was to take refuge in a mountainous cave, an icy dome.
'She' was the girl from the mountain hut.

He knew her secret. That was true.
But now that everyone knew,
She must run away, again, from everyone too.
'She' was the girl from the mountain hut.

He had seen this coming, but he never thought,
That it would be upon them on a notice so short.
But now, to make it right, they had only one shot-
For him and the girl from the mountain hut.

With the instructions clear in his head,
He opened his eyes to focus ahead.
This situation was as fragile as a thread.
One snap, it was done for the girl from the mountain hut.

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