The sacrifices of Sara Tilly

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Once in a town of Rio de Janeiro Brazil those who are female and suffered a case of depression go missing around the world. Over 16 little girls went missing in California, New York, Toronto Canada, Oklahoma, North and South Carolina and Florida. Over 37 teenage girls went missing in Tokyo Japan, Nagasaki Japan, Kyoto Japan, New Mexico, Minnesota, Maine, North Dakota, and London England. Over 89 young women have gone missing from Germany, the U.K., Hong-Kong China, Paris France, Cairo Egypt, and even in India. Over 10 baby girls (newborn or not) go missing everywhere. Only 6 elderly women have been missing from Australia and Oregon the authorities searched for the missing females all over the globe but couldn't find anything the fact is their nowhere to be seen those who haven't disappeared in were in Rio de Janeiro. A few officers were sent to Rio one day to investigate the disappearance  but it took a deadly turn because little do they know that all aged missing girls turned to sacrificed their souls at the unholy alter of the spade of darkness and turned into eternal descendants to a girl who understood the pain and sorrow Sara Tilly an orphan who killed her own abusive parents to get revenge for herself. The police figured about that but Sara had other plans every abusive life she took away put evil in a tomb of bloody hell. Sara hated abuse and bullying she turned Rio into a women sanctuary each female infant abused or bruised she will take her soul before the baby herself. Every little girl abused by her parents and bullied in school Sara will take her soul after taking her hand and saying, come with me and you will be free. Every teenage girl bullied in school parents don't care anymore Sara will take the teens soul away as well by giving her hand to her and take her away, young women who have no kids bused by their husband Sara will take care of them right away even the elderly. So when the officers saw all of the females they saw Sara too and Sara hated men and ordered her girls to attack the abusers at all cost the officers were paralyzed and darkness surrounds them and nobody saw the two officers again. As for the rest of the missing females they were still missing to this day Sara will attack anyone who stands in her way and save every single abused girl an exchanged for a soul to sacrifice.

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