Velma's Haunting

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Once in a town of Dover Rhode Island a 17 year old delinquent named Daniel Keith was dared to go in a spooky old mansion called Jerseys mansion it was said that a deceased girl called Velma Jersey died in that mansion he went in the mansion his friends did whatever they can to bring the legend to life but his girlfriend Tina Sinclair didn't agree. All 6 of her dead boyfriends were dead for a reason all because  Velma thought they all were the ones who killed her some say Velma died of a joke gone wrong others say that her fiancé bullied her to death. In her good years in middle school (6'th grade October 27'th four days until Halloween) her first boyfriend Thomas Wayne went inside the mansion as a dare by his cousin's friend who is visiting but that's when Tina got worried. 10 minutes later something went wrong Thomas screamed as Tina jumped up in horror. She ran and opened the door and saw her first boyfriend Thomas dead with a knife jammed into his throat.
(February 14'th 7'th grade) Valentine's Day is when Tina started dating her second boyfriend Peter Vixen but was dared to go into the old mansion by some neighborhood kid at 3:00 pm. Tina get worried she she heard from a friend of hers that Peter was dared by some kid she didn't recognize she was walking home from school when she heard a scream it was Peter. She ran and saw her second boyfriend Peter dead. A bloody hatchet was jammed into his stomach, his eyes were gone with half of his guts showing, a pool of bloody was around him & his left leg was chopped off. (August 13'th 8'th grade) Tina was looking forward to go back to school but that's she started her third boyfriend Joshua Williams . They were only dating for a whole month until September 19'th she heard some pf the kids from her class saying that Joshua had been dared to go to the mansion by his best friend. She got really she was walking to the grocery store to pick up a few things for her mom she heard a faint scream. It was Joshua...She ran and saw Joshua dead he was hanging by the neck with blood all over his clothes his eyes were stitched together and his throat was slit. (in case you were wondering after the death of the three boys Thomas Wayne, Peter Vixen, & Joshua Williams the ones who dared them regretted daring them to go to that old house but were falsely accused by their families because they think they killed all three of their kids.....even Thomas's kid brother try to beat the living outta him but was stopped o they remained in jail ever since)....(April 1'st (April fools day) 10'th grade high school)... Tina had been dating her fourth boyfriend Jonathan Brent since her freshman year but on this April fools day it's no joke as she heard Jonathan had been dared to go to the old mansion again her fear sinked in as if loosing three boyfriends were not enough Tina tried to remember that it's April Fools day but unfortunately after school she was waiting for a friend until she heard a scream no doubt it's Jonathan...she ran and sees her fourth Jonathan dead in horror....he was cut to pieces every single part of his body all but his decapitated head filled with scratches, and blood on his face was cut cleaned off. (September 10'th, 12'th grade) Tina just started seeing Nathan Warhead but in 12:00 PM noon she saw a girl she didn't recognize dare him to go to the Jersey Mansion....that's when fear struck her even more than it did before as if she was loosing her sanity. After school she was trying to meet her friends for the mall but then she heard a scream there was no doubt Nathan. Tina went in to the Jersey Mansion and looked in horror at her fifth boyfriend Nathan dead his heart was ripped out along with his scattered organs. (September 14'th the day she became a deliquent herself) Tina's sixth boyfriend Aaron Smith was one of the few punks around town (in case your wondering how they met (this is how) was like 3 hours after Nathan's death Tina tried to get over her 5'th boyfriends death and her mom thought she was making up stories when a couple of punks just walked towards said, say toots what's a nice looking lady doing in these parts... she answered, I don't know trying to get over depression and everyone thinks I'm a complete nut.... the punks didn't know what to make of it...but that's when Aaron came in and said, so ya wanna hang out with us babe? Tina just looked at him for a complete second and shrugged as she said, sure okay...why not.. and then from here and there she blended right in with the punks and they were dating for two days straight) his dared him to go in the old mansion she really didn't want him to go in a couple of his friends agreed... one of the delinquents said while shaking, yeah man I agree I hear the last five never made it out alive. The other said, I heard it's haunted by Velma's Ghost. But Aaron went in anyway and as he went in he laughed and said it was nothing but nonsense. But the two were still frightened along with Tina. The green haired said, you two are so scared of that house? How lame...there's no such thing as ghosts. The first delinquent said, Oh yeah well how did those five men die in there in those brutal deaths then? huh? Did they did it themselves? The one with the green haired said, No you idiot some messed up junky... the second one interrupted, are you stupid? There's no messed up junky in there....besides their families blamed the ones who dared them... not to mention the police have no evidence of their innocence either...Tina asked, who's Velma Jersey? The second delinquent told her, you haven't heard? *shakes her head* Velma Jersey was an elegant young teenager who had a horrid relationship with her boyfriend but then one day the guys prank was seriously bad Velma had a heart attack and died to this day Velma was angered and was said to haunt the place for revenge.... Tina asked, what happened to her boyfriend after that? The second delinquent answered, the boyfriend at first thought she was joking but then realized what he done....which made him kinda freaked out....her parents and sister were horribly upset and got him arrested.....but no one knew who he was though it was shocking...... Tina was shocked to hear it.... All of a sudden there was a scream and they all ran and saw Tina's sixth boyfriend Aaron dead. He was cut in half and his arms were chopped off. And now (October (Halloween) 31's) the last of Tina's boyfriends Daniel Keith was about to be lost but Tina won't allow it. She charged at the door and ran towards Daniel and pushed him outta the way as the knife hit her stomach and collapsed. He screamed, TINA! Daniel picked her up as she was bleeding Daniel cried as he saw his injured girlfriend bleeding to death. He saw the ghost of Velma with a cold glare and ran out the door with Tina in his arms. He screamed, GUYS! His friends were in shock but they can't believe their eyes. The first delinquent called for an ambulance, the second one gently got the knife out of her stomach and stop the bleeding in time, and the third delinquent looked at the house in horror and said, we are not making that dare again. They all agree. Daniel held Tina in relief cause he knew she will make it. Daniel said, I love you Tina Sinclair. Tina whispered as she hugged back, I love you too Daniel Keith. To this day everyone agrees to stay away from the Jersey house inside was Velma Jersey sitting on an old chair with the ghost of all six dead boys: Thomas Wayne, Peter Vixen, Joshua Williams, Jonathan Brent, Nathan Warhead, & Aaron Smith standing beside her with cold and miserable eyes.

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