Chapter 2

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Khizar's POV.
I look around where I could only feel silence around me. Taking my diary out of drawer from my study table,I placed it in front of and took my pen out. Leaning back on chair, I took my pen between my lips and I start thinking about my life. My pen start moving on my diary to print my thoughts on it.

After writing for a while I closed my diary and again look around to find myself alone. My eyes go wet as my thoughts roamed around my parents. I couldn't forget the smile of my mother,the love of my Father. Their last words,their last kiss,their last hug everything was making me cry. I wanted to feel that again. Every night this silence killed me. All memories of my childhood returned to me at the past of night to disturb me to make me cry. I couldn't forget the dead faces of my parents. The feel of losing,to be alone I can't forget.

On one side I was full of grief but on other side I was so thankful to my Allah Almighty for blessing me so much. For giebing me a person who filled my heart with her love and peace. My khala. My angel,my mother. My lips stretched into a smile as my Khala's thought came on my mind. Wiping the tiny tear that slipped on my cheek, I placed my diary in drawer and walked back to my bed to sleep.


"Assalam-o-alikum Khala." I said as I reached in our small hall cum compound.

"Wasalam." Khala replied and I sat next to her on cot.

Today was Sunday and we all had off from our daily work. It was 9 of morning and I was impatiently waiting for breakfast. As it was last Sunday of this month and as usual I was waiting for a special breakfast which I always got to eat on the every last Sunday of month.

"So what's special today?" I asked curious.

"Patience." Khala replied and I nodded.

"Hafsa place this mat here." Khala said and Hafsa who just came took the mat and spread it on ground.

"Haya bring breakfast." Khala said as we all settle down on ground to have our breakfast.

I saw Haya coming with plates in her hands. She placed one by one all things on mat in front of us. And my eyes lighten with happiness as it was my favorite breakfast.

"Halwa puri." I said excitedly as my mouth filled with water.

"Oh thank you Khala." I said happily and hugged my Khala.

"But Khizar why are you saying thank you?" Khala asked and I smiled looking at her.

"Because you made this breakfast. My favorite breakfast." I said looking at the dishes which were full of Halwa puri.

"But Khizar I..." Khala was saying and I looked up at her.

"Leave it Ami. Khizar and Rehan you start eating." Haya interrupted her and I nodded.

Khala served my plate and Rehan's. Hafsa and Haya server their selves. As I took a first bite,my eyes closed down with its delicious taste. I enjoyed my breakfast.

"Allhamdulillah. Thank you khala." I said as I turned to see her.

Khala smiled and I took a glass of water.

"Haya you didn't had your breakfast." Khala said and I looked at Haya and then at her plate.

Her breakfast was placed in front of her untouched and she was lost in something. Her eyes were still,not moving and I don't know where she was looking.

"Haya." Khala called her again.

"Huh! G Ami." She said and looked down immediately.

"Have your breakfast." Khala said and I saw her having her breakfast.

"My favorite tea please." I said as I placed my cup in front of khala.

Khala filled my cup with tea and I really enjoyed it. With every sip, I was enjoying it.

"When you have to go that party?" Khala asked.

"Around 3 of noon." I replied and she nodded.

Me and Rehan start watching TV. Khala start preparing for lunch while girls start cleaning home. It was 12 of noon when Harib entered my home.

"Assalam-o-alikum." He greeted us and joined me and Rehan.

"Walikum-us-salam." We answered him back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking at him.

"I remembered that we didn't buy any gift for Sir Hashir." Harib reminded me and I nodded.

"Yes I forgot. So what to buy?" I asked.

"We'll check on shop." He said and I nodded in agreement.

"Haya." He suddenly called Haya.

"G bhai." She said as she came.

"Where is my tea?" He said and I shook my head.

"I'll just give you your tea." Haya said and I turned to him.

"You liked yesterday's tea which my Khala made?" I asked.

"I like the tea which you like." He answered and took the cup of tea from Haya's hand.

We heard a knock on door and Rehan went to see. When he returned,a girl entered with him.

"She's Hafsa api's friend." Rehan said.

Hafsa came and hugged her friend. Both went in Hafsa's room while Harib turned to me.

"Who's this girl? But I must say,you are surrounded with so many girls." Harib whispered in my ear and I glared at him.

"Sorry but I'm telling you the Truth. Choose someone at least to be your companion." He whispered again.

"And as if you have chosen your companion!" I said and he punched me.

"I will soon." He said and I just sighed.

Hafsa's POV.
"Sonia I'm telling you that don't talk about him again." I said as Sonia,my friend again start talking about that jerk waseem.

"But you both were together since two years and now you suddenly..!" Sonia tried to take his side.

"Oh please I thought he would be change but he will remain a poor guy. He didn't want to improve and then his family. God I can't handle all this headache." I said and moved back to rest my back with chair's back.

"Okay so did you find anyone like you want?" Sonia asked and I shrugged my shoulder.

"Soon." I replied shortly.

"What your cousin Khizar do?" She asked and I took few peanuts in my hand.

"He." I thought while eating peanuts.

"In final year of medical. He's going to join a hospital soon after his exams." I answered and she nodded.

"Is he single?" She asked and I nodded.

"Of course. He's single. Who's going to marry that poor guy. Don't you see he has nothing his own not a home to live." I said and smiled.

"What you think about him.?" Sonia asked and my eyes widened.

"Oh hello. He's not my type. Let Haya stay crazy for him." I replied.

"Haya your sister? Is she interested in him?" Sonia's questions were irritating me but I held my anger back.

"Not really but she cared about him. And not only Haya but my all family but why I'm talking about him. Leave this topic." I said while drinking water.

"Stupid. Can't you see the future of Khizar as a doctor. You have a man in your home and you are looking around for someone else." Sonia said and I frowned my eyebrows, tried to understand what she wanted to say.

"Listen I'm telling you Khizar has a very good future. He's going to become a doctor and if he gets job in a reputed hospital then think where his life and success go." Sonia said and I nodded in agreement.

"And back days he was telling Ami that he wanted to apply in London's hospital after his internship of one year." I said as I recalled Khizar's thoughts which he discussed with Ami.

"That's great girl. Then why are you tense. Take this a signal. Khizar and you. Looks perfect." Sonia said and I nodded while thinking something.

"But problem is that he never looked at me." I said and saw Sonia smirked.

"Do I need to tell you that how to pull a man towards you!" Sonia said and we both laughed.

"That thing I know how to do it. Mission Khizar starts from tomorrow." I said and high five with my best friend.

Khizar's POV.
"How I'm looking?" I asked while standing in front of my khala.

"Beautiful son." Khala said and blew some surah she recited on me.

"Not beautiful Ami but handsome." Suddenly Hafsa said and I looked at her.

She walked to me and I look down. This was the first time I heard something for me from her. Khala left from there and I saw Hafsa coming closer.

"Open this button." She said as she tried to open the top button of my black shirt.

I stood shocked. She was so bold. I didn't expect her to do this by herself.. I took two steps back and opened it by myself.

"Thank you." I said still looking down.

"You are looking handsome as always." She commented and I felt uncomfortable.

This kind of awkwardness I never felt. Not even in front of Haya but this girl. Something was wrong with her today. I mean she was never like this and now!?

I was not understanding. I looked up at khala who came while smiling. I smiled and hugged her.

"I'll come soon." I said to khala and took my bike out.

"Allah Hafiz Khizar." As I sat on my bike,I heard.

I turned to see and there Hafsa was standing with a smile and without dupatta on her head.

"Go inside." I said strictly and started my bike and drove to my destination.

All the way to Harib's home,I was so entangled with Hafsa's behavior. Harib sat behind me and I start driving again but still my mind was entangled in Hafsa.

"Is everything okay?" Harib asked and I nodded.

I didn't want to discuss this to Harib so I kept quiet. We reached our academy and saw all staff was there. We greeted them. Party started and all were busy in singing and dancing. Males were enjoying and female staff was aside just smiling. I sat in a corner. Taking slow sip of tea,my mind was recalling Hafsa's actions. I was not understanding what was going on on her mind. Or maybe I'm think so much.

"Hey what happened?" Harib asked as he sat next to me.

"Nothing." I said and tried to fake a smile.

"Don't try to smile a fake one. I don't know when I'll see your true smile that will reach your eyes." Harib said and I shook my head.

Later we all gave gifts to sir Hashir and wished him best for future. But party keep going on. Refreshment was served to all. I took something to eat and went closer to window to look out at the sky which start covering with clouds.

"No rain please." I murmured to myself.

I was one of those who doesn't like rain at all. The first and last reason was my health. This rain always brought flu, fever to me and that's why I never liked it. But I was just thinking about it and soon I saw tiny drops of rain falling on earth. I sighed and turned to Harib who was quite busy in talking with female teachers. I shook my head and walked to him.

"Harib." I called him.

"Excuse me." He said to teachers and turned to me.

"I think we should go now." I said and he looked at window.

"Scared of rain?" He asked and chuckled.

"Stop it. I want to be at home before the rain gets heavier." I said but he held my hand and pulled me aside.

"Nothing happened pal. Just sit here. And let rain stop then We'll go okay." He said and left to other male staff to talk to them.

"Okay listen up all." Our senior sir Shafique said and we all turned to him.

"We can't go now as it start raining so why not we start to play something." He said and all applauded.

"So I think truth or dare would be better." Harib added and I rolled my eyes at him and it was not difficult to guess that who's idea this might be.

He winked at me and all chair were replaced and all of us took place on carpet ground. Our director and his wife was also there looking at each other smilingly.

"Okay you all know the rules so here I'm going to spin the bottle." Harib said as he took seat in front of me.

He spun the bottle and it stopped first on sir Hashir and Miss Hareem. Both smiled. Head of bottle was toward sir Hashir so Miss Hareem got the opportunity to ask the question.

"Are you Going to miss our academy?Hareem asked and sir Hashir nodded.

"A lot." He replied.

Again the bottle was spun and one by one all were choosing dare or truth. I was just listening them. My ears were only listening the noise of rain. The thunder, its drops voice and air.

"Khizar." I came out of my lost condition.

"Truth or dare?" I was asked and I looked down at bottle and then at Harib who was smiling like an idiot.

"Truth." I simply said.

"Before asking question I would like to add a new rule." Harib said and I didn't understand what he wanted to say.

"The question asker can ask more than one question." He nodded with a smile and I really wanted to punch him.

"But that's not the rule." I said protesting.

"Its okay Khizar. Its just a game and we'll glad to know more about you." Sir said and I keep quiet but didn't forgot to glare at Harib who was grinning.

"So first question is!" He created suspense.

"You are scared of rain?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm scared of rain." I answered.

"Can you like rain for someone?" He asked and I looked at him confused.

"For someone special in your life." He said and I shook my head.

"There is no one special in my life." I replied.

"Well you think someone can hate rain because you don't like this?" He asked and my eyes widened.

What he was talking about. Who's he talking about? I was not understanding.

"I..I don't think so. And why would anyone hate things for me." I said.

"Two last questions." He said and I took a breath of relieve.

"Can you see?" He asked and I looked at him confused.

"And can you feel?" He asked again and I saw seriousness on his face.

"Of course I can." I replied but didn't understand the reason of his questions.

He sighed and shook his head.

"I wish you could." He whisper under his breath but I heard it.

I was first disturbed by Hafsa's behavior and now this Harib. What was wrong with him. I was not understanding what he was doing. What he asked today. Why he asked all this? He looked at me and smiled. Soon the party overed but I was still thinking about his questions.

"How I'm going to home?" I asked as I stepped out.

"No worries brother. This weather is to enjoy." He said and I punched his arm harder.

"What were that questions?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"One day you'll understand." He said and jumped on back seat of my bike.

I took Allah's name and started the bike. As the first drop of rain touched me I shivered and Harib laughed.

"Just look at your face." Harib mocked but I didn't replied anything.

"What were you talking about hating things and all?" I asked Harib while faster the speed as the rain's pace increased.

"Can you change yourself for anyone?" He asked but I didn't know what to say.

"Why? I like being me." I simple stated and sighed.

"What will happened to you heartless man?!" Harib said laughed and I shook my head.

I dropped Harib at his home.

"Try to see and feel it what's going on around you." He said and all moments of morning with Hafsa came in my mind.

"I'm trying." I said and he nodded.

He was gone and I drove back to home. When I reached home,I was fully wet. And as I stepped in the first thing I do was sneeze. I stopped the bike and then the countless session of sneezing started.

"Khizar." Khala came running to me and I sat on the cot placed in the hall.

"You okay?" She said but I was not in condition to answer.

"I'll just bring towel." Khala said and ran inside but I was busy in sneezing.

"Bhai not again.!" Rehan said as he sat next to me.

"Here Khizar drink this." I looked up and saw Haya standing with turmeric milk.

I took the glass and drank it. I felt someone rubbing my hair with towel in order to dry them.

"Khala I can do..." I turned to see but there was not khala but Hafsa.

I stood up immediately. I feel disgust. She smiled but truly for the first time,I saw her smile and was hating it.

"I'm going in my room." I said as I handover the glass to Haya and ran to stairs.

What are her intentions??

I was not understanding. As I stepped in my room,I saw clothes and towel already on my bed waiting for me. I went in washroom after grabbing my clothes and took a bath of warm water which was already placed in washroom for me. My nerve felt relax after taking a bath. I came out while drying my hair when I saw khala entering my room.

"You okay son?" Khala asked and I nodded.

"Good. Here I brought your dinner here." She said as she sat in front of me on bed and start feeding me my dinner with her hands.

I kissed her hand on last bite and she kissed my forehead.

"Sleep well son. Winter started so its better to take care of yourself." Khala said while placing quilt on me properly.

"Good night." Khala said and left from there.

My eyes start getting heavy and I closed them to fall in sleep.

Third person's POV.
"How's he now doctor?" Suraiya begum asked the doctor.

"His fever is still high." Doctor said making Suraiya begum worried.

Since Khizar returned from that party in rainy evening, he got into fever. He was unconscious for last two days. Rehan was seated near Khizar holding his hand.

"I gave him injection. Inshahallah he'll be fine soon till morning." Doctors replied.

Rehan went to drop doctor and Suraiya begum took the band of a clothe and dipped it in cold water and then she squeezed it and placed it on khizar's forehead. She was doing this procedure again and again. She was so worried. Khizar's forehead was burning in fever. Everyone was hoping that this injection will might brought him to his conscious.

"Ami he's looking fine." Rehan said after an hour when they checked khizar's temperature.

Suraiya begum took a breath of relieve when she felt his body temperature going down,to normal.

"Inshahallah he'll fine in morning." Rehan said and his mother nodded.

Placing duvet on him correctly,Rehan and Suraiya begum left from there and closed his room's door to let him rest.


It was midnight and whole house was dipped in darkness. A figure moved to the stairs. The person stopped near the stairs and looked around to see if anyone is there. Finding the place clear,the person took slow steps on stairs without making any noise.

As the person stopped in front of Khizar's room,he opened the door slowly avoiding to making any noise. There was dark in the room. Stepping inside the room,the person closed the door slowly and walked to Khizar. Khizar was deeply in sleep due to injection. The person sat on bed in front of Khizar. The person travelled his hand toward khizar's face and cupped it from left side. Caressing it a little, the person bend little toward his face.

"Khizar." The person called.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all?

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Created suspense!

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Till next update Allah Hafiz.

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Keep smiling...

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