The Target is Kuusou Forest!

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Hey readers! Nekomatchatea here, just telling ya guys that I'm going to change reader-chan's name, and you might guess it's...
"Because I-" M was cut off when she saw one of Marry's hands fade a little. Then it suddenly got more of Marry's body as she looked at M.

"M!" Marry tried to grab M's arm as M stood up but already faded. M looked at her arm with her widened eyes.

"What was that?"
"Kyaaaa!" Marry screamed as she fell from the sky and suddenly...


Marry landed on something...soft? She looked around, finding herself in her bedroom of the Sky Joker. She looked around as her eyes widened, and then at her hands.

Is this really happening?

Marry walked out of her room terrified, but then fell onto the ground with a thud as her eyelids closed.

-Spade's POV-
I heard Joker and Skyla continue bickering until...


A sound came from the hallway as everyone looked there and the bickering duo stopped bickering, finding Marry in the hallway.

"Marry!" Joker and everyone ran towards the girl, who was weirdly unconscious. I wonder how did she get here?

"Is she alright?" Queen asked.

"She's fine." Joker sighed with relieve.

-Third Person POV-
Spade suddenly stood up and carried Marry bridal style to her room, which made everyone so shock until, they couldn't move at all. Joker blinked twice as a vein popped in his head the second later.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER" Joker shouted at Spade as he snatched Marry from Spade's arms. Everyone looked at Joker dumbfounded.

"SISTER?!" Everyone except Queen should shouted at Joker with disbelief.

"You are kidding me right?" Queen laughed as Joker looked at her annoyed.

"I have the DNA results here." Joker held up a piece of paper as everyone stopped and read the paper immediately.


Everyone looked at Joker.

"H-how can such a nice girl be a younger sister of the annoying you?!" Spade asked as she pointed at Joker.

"I don't know. This was made by Mother Nature." Joker placed his twin sister on her bed as he looked at Spade annoyingly.
"Professor Clover reports!" M bursted into Prof Clover's throne room as she panted.

"What is it?" Prof Clover asked.

"Marry disappeared and I witnessed it. She faded away." M breathed slower as Shadow looked at her. Prof Clover just smirked as he stood up.

"Very well then. Prepare for Kuusou Forest!"

Marry felt darkness. And that she was on a piece of tiles, black and white, shiny and yet dirty. Suddenly a voice came from the darker side of the tiles.

Oh my dear Marry, how long was it?

Marry flinched as the voice sent shivers up to her spine. She looked back, finding a girl with blood red eyes and jet black hair that touched her waist. She smiled as she walked over to the albino.

It's always great to see you again.

Marry took a step backward as her face was full of fear.

"W-why are you here?" Marry asked as the girl grinned.

What do you think so?

Marry's eyes widened as she took another step backward.

"Y-you can't mean that..." Marry took another few steps backwards as the girl took another few steps towards her.

Yes I do.

The girl cornered Marry.

"P-please don't Jessica-" Marry was cut off when the girl who was known as Jessica pushed her down into a dark abyss. All of left that Marry saw of her was her evil smile.

"No!" Marry suddenly sat up as she looked around. Now, she was in her room as Roko dropped his eaten corn comb.

"Marry-san is awake!" Roko ran out of her room as Marry smiled and sighed. She stepped down from her bed and dragged out a book from under the bed, also blowing away the dust from the book's cover.

"'s still in good condition." Marry flipped through the yellow pages of the book, reading through the words written on the pages.

Kuusou Forest.

She stopped at the words as she read the 'poem' below.

-Time skip since the spell is the song Kuusou Forest nyan-
Suddenly wind blew to Marry's bed as a portal with the image of a forest. Suddenly footsteps came closer as Marry placed her hand into the portal.

"Marry/sis!" Joker and the others shouted as Marry smiled and stepped more into the portal, which became smaller by every minute she stepped in.

"Marry-san!" Hachi and Roko jumped together into the portal which closed up immediately.

"Hachi/Roko!" Queen and Joker shouted at the same time as they ran forward. They looked at the book on the floor and read the page which was flipped to.

How to open the portal to Kuusou Forest
"Kyaaaa!" Marry screamed as she fell on the soft grass. She stood up as she rubbed her back, looking at her place where she lived her whole childhood — Kuusou Forest.

"Long time no see Alice." Marry smiled as a sparrow landed on her finger. Suddenly, she heard something fall into the nearby bush as she looked at it.

"It should be just my imagination then," Marry looked back to the front as she walked back to her house.
"Home sweet home." Marry smiled as she opened the door of her house, all the animals including a tiger and such jumped forward Marry, causing her to fall and sit on the grass as she laughed.

"Hi guys, it's nice to see you again." Marry smiled as she patted the white tiger's head.

-Roko and Hachi's side-
"Ouch..." Hachi rubbed his head as he sat up.

"Hachi!"Roko pushed open an opening from the bushy bush.( Well, a bush isn't always bushy isn't it?)

"Wow that's..." Hachi's eyes were filled with sparkles as he got up and walked over.

"Yup! Kuusou Forest!" Roko and Hachi walked out but something jumped from tree to tree.

"W-what's that?" Hachi asked as Roko and Hachi were back to back. As Roko opened his mouth, supersonic waves came out as the figure fell down from the tree.

"Ah!" The figure rubbed its head as it stood up, revealing that it was...a girl. She had blue eyes and light brown hair( like Ai Haibara's), and she was wearing a red jacket, a brown shirt with lighter brown lace on the collar and the end of the shirt, blue short jeans, black leggings and a pair of dark brown boots( see my profile pic.) with a sword sheath on her right. Her hair was kind of messy and neat, with a few strands of hair sticking out like a cat's ear.

"What are you doing here outsiders?" She asked as she pointed a katana from the sword sheath at the duo.

"Aaaaaaaa" Roko used his supersonic waves as the girl charged forward, her katana not breaking at all.

"What?!" Hachi pulled Roko aside as the katana swung nearer to them but a voice suddenly demanded.

"Stop Yuzuki!" A voice suddenly commanded as the katana was about to hit the duo. The girl, whose name was Yuzuki( yeah call me that next time), looked back, where a wolf walked forward.

"But they're outsiders Akashi!" Yuzuki complained.

"Don't worry, they're friends of mistress Marry's." Akashi explained as Yuzuki sighed as she looked and stood in front of Hachi and Roko. Suddenly, she bowed.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding." Yuzuki apologized as she stood up back and climbed up a tree.

"Follow me. I'll take you to her house nyan." Yuzuki pointed to the front as she jumped from tree to tree.

"Please wait!"
The helicopter flew high in the air, M and Shadow were standing as they looked at the green scenery as a blue streak of water flowed around the forest.

"No wonder this was called Kuusou Forest..." M whispered.

"No. That's only half correct M." Shadow explained as M looked at him. "This forest is hidden away by an illusion, avoiding it from being found by other people."

"Oh, thanks..." M trailed off when she saw three figures chasing up another figure from behind. "I'll go down first."

"Oi wait-"

Oops Shadow. Too late! M jumped down as she swung her whip to a tall tree, swinging her to the tree as she landed on it.

"Seriously...pilot. Land somewhere near. I'm also going down." Shadow jumped down.

"O-oi wait!" The pilot stuttered as he sighed. "Kids these days..."

Shadow landed on the tree as M sat on the branch, taking a look from her binoculars.

"M you should ha-"

"Quiet Shadow. Take a look." M passed the binoculars as Shadow took it and a look.

"Wait...she is..." Shadow's eyes followed the figure which was jumping from tree to tree.



What is Yuzuki's relationship with the duo? What is going to happen? Read the next chapter to find out!
Hey readers! Nekomatchatea here, finally updated. Please wait for the next chapter patiently. Thanks nyan! Also, there are male oc requesting. Pls check out the form in my other fanfic, Hey Kid! So, oyasumi nyan~

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