Chapter 12

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His teacher ID is missing and whoever has it, has access to the most dangerous chemicals. For real though, who on God's green earth puts dangerous chemicals in a school lab? Don't they know that teenagers aren't to be trusted?

And about the people who stole the ID. What are they planning? A chemical attack? IS THAT HOW I DIE?!


At least its by something scientific.

And its not Brad's prank.

Even better.

I really need to stop being overly dramatic. Why would anyone want to kill me anyways? There are millions of other people around me, like damn I need to stop thinking that the world revolves around me. If I live in fear of ONE DAY being attacked, I'm gonna miss out on my whole life! So I decided that if whoever comes to kill me comes, THEN I'll face them, but I'm done being scared of my own shadow.


I need to do one more thing.

I somewhat might've "logged on" the school system and went through the latest logins and card swipes.

Mr. Kassidy       -         5.00 PM (Physics Lab)
Mr. Green.         -         5.20 PM (Music Room)
Ms. Carlos.        -         5.30 PM (Biology Room)
Mr. Cameron.   -         6.00 PM (Chemistry Lab)
Mr. Bernstein.  -         6.08 PM (Theatre)
Ms. Riviera.      -         6.10 PM. (Administration)

Mr. Cameron? Isn't that Mr. Blake. So I was right!! Someone did kill him for his card but why? It's not like he accessed the lab from the grave. Or from the morgue, more like. God I can't believe he's really really gone.

But the card. Why?

"To gain access to the lab duh! Why else would they want it? To play fetch with their dog!?" Replied MY BRAIN! Wow. Sarcasm does seep through my pores.

I clicked on his name to see what was actually taken and my breath hitched in my throats when I saw what it was.

There were 3 chemicals that weren't in stock anymore, although they re-stock everyday.

*Hydrogen Peroxide.         -Out Of Stock-
*Sodium Cyanide.              -Out of Stock-
*Sulfur Trioxide.                -Out of Stock-

My eyes widened to the point where I thought that they would never return to their normal shape. Everything I read on chemistry, biochemistry, and organic chemistry came flooding to my mind.

Hydrogen peroxide, if used in large quantities, is extremely volatile and could explode since its used as a rocket propellant most times.

Sodium Cyanide, if inhaled or ingested, causes the cells to stop producing oxygen once it binds with a protein in the mitochondria.

And finally Sulphur Trioxide. When it reacts with water it creates sulphuric acid and heat, and when jit reacts with organic matter, it creates a toxic fire. Our bodies are 65% water, so when that reacts with our bodies; we burn out. WHAT?!

Combine all these together and you get a bio-weapon that is very dangerous if and when put in the wrong hands, and by the way the card was obtained, I'm guessing dangerous it is!


I'm doing it again aren't I?

I'm over thinking again.


Ok I'm gonna stop. Let the cops do their job, because no one's gonna believe me anyways.

I logged off my computer and went down the mini stairs and to my best friend. I found her on her phone, smiling like a lovesick puppy.

"Looks like I'm the one who's gonna be a bridesmaid soon." I said, plopping down on my bed, next to her.

"Pssh PA-LEASE. I'm not smiling at someone else's message. I'm re-reading the messages I sent to various people and I'm smiling because I'm frickin hilarious." She says. "By the way! Where's your guitar? I want to sing you a song."

Yup. She can sing too.

What am I doing in this talented group again?

She and Brenda can sing.

Ashton and Aaron can dance and rap.

Jaycee is the captain of the basketball team and can sing.

What can Alexis do?

Drink coke without it coming out my nose. Oh there's no need for the applause. Ok I sing but I'm way too shy to sing in front of anyone but my mirror.

I got up and got her my guitar and she started strumming to a song I recognized right away.

Paper Crown 👑 by Alec Benjamin.(Song In Media)

🎶A paper crown
And a heart made of glass
A tattered gown
And a kingdom of ash
She walks alone
She can never look back
The story of a queen whose castle has fallen to the sea
She'll make it out 

When all she needs
When all she wants
When all she finds
When all she is
And ever was
Is compromised
Cause there's no one to love you
When you build your walls
Too high o
And there's no one to love you
When you build your walls too high 🎶

"You're a queen Alexis and I don't want to see low lives like Brad and Jace tear you down. You're much more stronger than any of that and I know that you know it. We're here for you; all of us. Okay maybe Jaycee more than anyone else but you get the point. We all love you and we'll protect you with all that we have. I just don't want you saying all this 'I'm not loved' shmur that you always say. You're special and unique and don't you forget it. I'm gonna be there with you til the day you die, reminding you." She said, her eyes filled with tears.

My tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. I hugged her so hard and we were both crying for ages!

"Thank you for being my friend Sabrina. Thank you for having my back and for being my soulmate!" I said, my voice thick from crying.

I'm a very lucky girl.

Suddenly her phone rang. It was the police. They told her that there were no signs of a break in nor were there any signs of anyone being there. They even said that the cameras didn't record anything.

Which was weird because I'm pretty sure we saw people there. Anyways, for today I told her that she and her brothers can stay here and I can take them home in the morning for a change of clothes for the boys since she and I are the same size.

Mr. Blake's funeral was held the Sunday after the incident. His wife was trying her best to not break down and cry; for her little twins Sebastian and Sabrina. (PICS BELOW)

She was being very brave and I admire her for that. I felt bad for her because she was so young. He always used to tell us how in love they were ever since high school and even lasted throughout college. He knew she was the one when she didn't make him shut up when he sang horribly during a 7 hour drive; instead she sang along with her angelic one. After years of loving her to pieces, he finally proposed at her favourite place; Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. And here she was today, burying her happiness and her light 6 feet below.

His parents were here as well. My heart broke every time I glanced at his mom. She was crying so hard her eyes were puffy and her face was red. She threw her hands on her son's coffin, begging God to take her instead of her baby.

No mother should ever have to bury her baby!

My group and I attended. I also saw Jace there. We acknowledged each other with a small wave. I decided to give him another chance. I'll do it in honour of Mr. Blake's memory. I'll give him another chance. I'm pretty sure he's misunderstood. I'll just treat him nicely, but I'll never actually say it to his face. As if.

Today, Jace is coming over to my house so I can start helping him with trigonometry. I told Annabelle to prepare a few snacks for us, and to keep the fire department on speed dial. And the police department. And the morgue. Oh and my dentist, in case I needed to be identified by my dental records.


I said I'll start treating him better; not trusting him with my life.

At 6.30 pm, the doorbell rang. When I came downstairs to meet him, his eyes were wide in astonishment and he was looking around the house.

He must've seen me coming because he said, "You know people in school thought you rented the place for your birthdays! No one would believe that this palace is YOUR house Alexis." He said, still looking around like an excited puppy.

Alexis. This was the first time in 4 years that he calls me by my name and it feels hella weird.

We started studying, and after 4 hours of me trying to explain the difference between sec, csc, cot and cos, sin, tan, we finally decided to call it quits. By brain was THIS close to frying, but at least he actually understood the things that I said.

We moved the kitchen to the living room to rest for a while and to eat.

"You know," he said popping a tater tot in his mouth, "I never knew you were this kind Alexis."

"Well to be fair, you never really took the time to know me." I said.

"Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry."

"Oh it's alright."

"No it's not. Let me tell you something. I never pranked you because I hated you or despised you or any of that. If anything I really envied you. I was with half these people ever since elementary school and none of them liked me enough or even tolerated me enough to include me in their group or in their activities.

Then you came, the new girl. They shy, adorable hoodie wearing girl that nobody really noticed. You made friends very easily with people I long admired. I envied the bond you guys had. I envied the the times you hung out and laughed. I realized that I don't even have close friends. Sure there are the jocks and cheerleaders but they're all a bunch of fake posers that backstab each other. I don't want that! I want someone to care for me and love me for who I am. You didn't see the look on their faces when they came to school the day after you were hospitalized. They love you. They care for you. All I want is for someone to care for me that way." He couldn't finish because his face was wet with tears. Rivers of them.

To be completely honest I was crying too. I tried to calm him down.

"Jace, I'm so sorry I never knew you felt this way. I always thought that you enjoyed your popularity because you never showed us otherwise. I never knew that's not what you wanted."

"I guess we both misunderstood each other, huh?" He said, wiping his tears away.

"You're not such a bad person Jace. You just have to be nicer to people."

"I will try Alexis. For you. I promise."

"Please call me Lexi. And starting from tomorrow you're sitting with us." I said, feeling proud of who I'm becoming.

"You sure your fiancée won't mind?" He replied.


"You know what? I'll see you tomorrow Ale.. - I mean Lexi. I'll see you tomorrow partner." 

And with that, he left.

AN:/ WOW now I see Jace in a whole new light and tbh it's a lesson for all of us. Never judge someone without hearing their story❤️❤️

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