Chapter 29

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So I'm not Spanish or anything (not even remotely close!!🤣) but recently I became OBSESSED with this latin boy band called CNCO!!! I don't even know how that happened but ya...UP there is one of my favourite songs by them❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
Also please do check out Daniel_Barnett 's book Poor Things!! It's a horror genre so EVEN BETTER!! You won't regret it TRUST ME!! Love ya guys😘😘


Time stopped.

My heart stopped beating.

My lungs stopped converting oxygen into carbon monoxide.

My brain stopped thinking.

Yet the van continued on the rocky road. Everyone was looking at me; their eyes wide in anticipation.

"Alexis...what happened?" Asked Aaron, holding my shaking hand.

" s-said Jaycee w-was in an accident...?" I said, my whole body shaking, but I was laughing.

"What?! No! No! What are you talking about?! Are you serious!! Alexis this isn't something you joke about!" Screamed Sabrina, losing whatever calm she had left in her.

"They....He....the guy...the officer....he said...he said....Jaycee....accident...." I started, laughing like a psycho high on crack.

"No..." Wailed Sebastian, while Brenda tried calming him down, reminding him that his wound might open and bleed again.

"Hello... ma'am are you still there?" Said the phone. Oh. I forgot that he was still on the other line.

Aaron took the phone from my hands and gave it to Officer McDaniels because I was still laughing; not paying attention to my surroundings.

If I did I might've noticed the police cars scattered around about 500 ft away.

I might've noticed the"Police Line Do Not Cross" tape sprawled on the trees.

I might've noticed the 2 ambulances with 2 stretchers; one body on each, 2 paramedics per stretcher.

I might've noticed the mangled car; the remnants of my shattered heart.

But I didn't notice it. I was still laughing to myself, clutching my stomach. I was laughing, although there was nothing funny.

I might've noticed them lying in a pool of their own blood, CPR being initiated to keep their breathing rates normal.

I might've noticed something; anything.
The car stopped for a while, but I didn't.

"...UCLA Medical. Yes. It's the nearest..... Critical Condition.... immediate medical sorry...." Said the officer on the other side, more like what I managed to pick up between my fits of laughter.

"Ok. Thank you sir." Said Officer McDaniels as the car started speeding up, making it's way towards the death building people normally refer to as hospital.

"Not my brother! No!" I could hear Sebastian banging on the chair, Brenda begging him to stop.

Ashton was just starring wide eyed, probably still in shock or maybe in too much pain to be able to even move a single muscle; facial or otherwise.

Aaron was stroking Sabrina's back who seemed to be the only one of us who actually remembered that Jace was also with him.


The poor boy who finally found the beginning shot at a new life with us. Unfortunately that beginning might cost him his life; might cause his end.

I stopped laughing. Everyone around me was in their own world of mourning. I mean yeah, he's not dead, but just the simple fact that our careful friend is hurt was enough to send us over the edge.

Sure the laughter stopped, but instead, it turned into something so much painful. It turned into an empty void that kept getting bigger the closer to the hospital we got. It kept on throbbing until the pain was undeniable; unbearable. It kept on reminding me that the one constant in my life might be forever altered. My friends weren't taking the news well. No one was.

The drive there was painfully long since we had to stop for gas on the way. The once happy car that we came in is now a sad, sobbing mess. You know what is even worse?? I haven't shed a tear. Not a single one.

My heart was in pain, sure.

My chest hurt every time I breathed, ya.

My brain throbbed with every thought of them, ok.

But not one once did I shed a tear. Does that make me a bad person?? Does this happen to anyone in shock? Is that what I'm in? I don't know what I feel. I honestly don't feel anything but a painful emptiness.

"Sebastian!! Sebastian wake up!! Please stay with me!! Please..." I heard Brenda pleading.

"What happened now?" Asked Aaron, both defeated and exhausted.

"He kept crying, which caused him to keep shaking and that opened his already open wound! The blood loss and the energy drain is causing him to lose consciousness and now he's not even breathing!" She said through the tears, holding on to him as if he's going to disappear from her arms.

"No he's breathing, he just needs to rest. We all do." He said, slumping back on his chair, head between his knees.

Ashton was still in that same position; shouders slumped and eyes wide as if his brain is still trying to process all the information it was given. I can't even begin to imagine how he must feel. Him and Jaycee were best friends since kindergarten, choosing to bond over building robots and winning science competitions. They've been inseparable ever since; bringing the meaning of 'Til death do us part' to a whole new level. I think hearing of his friend - brother actually- in an accident seems like something that wouldn't make it's way to his receiving brain board.

"Jayden we need to get there quickly!!" Shouted Brenda, her tears forming puddles on Sebastian's shirt.

"I'm going as fast as I'm legally able to! Tell him to hold on!" He said as he maneuvered his way through the traffic; almost flipping the van in the process.

"Well I could , except he thinks I'm his mom waking him up to school!"

He increased the speed and turned on the police siren; that way, we made it to the hospital in less than an hour.

Half an hour later, and at about 11 am, we were pulling over at the emergency parking lot of the UCLA Medical. Doctors came rushing to get Sebastian and to treat Officer Dean.

My friends and I made our way towards the reception to ask about our friends.

"Excuse me ma'am, but we're looking for Jaycee Royce and Jace Ross. Did they arrive yet?" Asked Sabrina, wiping away some tears that escaped at the mention of their names.

"Let me see. One is in surgery. The other one m, was declared dead upon arrival." She said, as calm as the ocean.

"WHAT?!" We all said simultaneously.

"Oh sorry. My bad. No actually both are in emergency surgery."

"Oh my God!!" Said Sabrina, her beat evident through her hoodie.

We all let out a sigh of relief, clinging to the thin hope that they might actually make it.

The nurse then led us towards the waiting area where we were forced to sit, with no answers, waiting for the doctors to finish.

Sitting alone, on the farthest side of the room, memories of meeting Jaycee started flooding back to me, intensifying the gaping hole in my heart.

"Yo new girl! Hey, here's your apple." He said, giving me an apple from bloodied knuckles.

"What happened to your hands?" I said, trying to inspect it; but he yanked it away.

"Uh, I fell on it. I'll see you later new girl." He said as he ran towards the science lab.

As I was making my way towards my locker, I saw Justin Danvers holding his bloodied nose in the air and making his way towards the nurse's office; right after he gave me a dirty look that meant he wasn't done.

"Hey new girl." He said, sitting next to me in gym class.

"Hey Jaycee." I said, ever the shy girl.

"Excuse me, no talking please." Said the teacher as she assigned us our dodgeball team. Jaycee and I were together. Every single ball that ever came my way was stopped by him. Of course, Justin being on the other team made me a target. Somehow it turned into a personal match between Justin and Jaycee.

"Didn't your mama tell you not to hit girls?" Taunted Jaycee.

"Sorry, didn't know you had pigtails Royce. But don't worry, I'll go easy on you." He said slamming the ball straight inti his hand.

"Wow, you even hit like a girl. No offence mew girl." He said, continuing the game.

He blocked every ball that ever came my way; whether I was looking or not. Of course that meant that we won because being protected no matter what leaves enough room to plan your attack. The 'right smack on the nose' attack to be exact.
It was about 3 pm when the doctors finally came to us in their scrubs, bearing some sort of news.

"The surgeries went as planned but both boys still have a long way to go. Jace suffered a broken right hand, a fee fractured ribs and a mild concussion. He needs to stay in the hospital's care until he can use a crutch; since he doesn't want a wheelchair."

He stopped talking, not continuing.

"What about Jaycee?" I asked, my heart beating faster with every second.

"Well, Mr. Royce is a completely different story. He was unresponsive when he was brought to us and he had lost a lot of blood. His head was severely injured, he had a dislocated shoulder, a broken arm, and his head was badly injured. Apart from the fact that he lost a lot of blood, most of his wounds are infected ; but we got that under control. Twenty minutes after we gave him adrenaline and epinephrine, he was still unresponsive and not breathing. After a few electro-shocks, his heart started beating again. But..."

"But what..." I said, knowing from my knowledge of medicine what is gonna come next.

"But he wouldn't wake up, still, though everything in his body is supposedly working properly..." he trailed off, clearly no amount of training would prepare you for these kind of moments.

"Doctor what are you trying to say!!?" I asked, frustrated.

"What I'm trying to say is that for now, Jaycee Jacob Royce is in a coma.."

AN: Sorry for the late update and please don't kill me❤️❤️😘

Also don't forget to check out that author's amazing book💖💖💖❤️💖

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