Chapter 39

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"When Silver Met Gold" by IEscapist ❤️❤️❤️

I woke up at about 7 am, prepared everything and I waited. I packed my clothes in a small bag, put my electronics in my backpack and just laid down on my bed.

First thing I did was send a message to Jaycee.

"I Love you so much! Just always remember that."

After that I texted Jace, letting him know that I was alive. He was ecstatic to say the least. He almost jumped at me through the phone. He's supposed to be expecting us later on.

Me: How was I brought to the hospital? I vaguely remember. All I remember was you and Jaycee bickering like an old married couple, and I didn't even think that was real.

Jace: When you didn't show up a week after Jaycee woke up, he demanded to know what was up. Damn, that guy is determined as hell🙂😥😥😥😥CJ sent us a text message telling us your location, and told us that we needed to hurry. We were both determined on getting to your ourselves, so me and him snuck out and got there barely in time. And we brought you here.

Me: I seriously need to go to an isolated location bcuz wth?! 😥😥😥

Jace: Is CJ ok though?? Him and I have been friends the past few years and he's the closest thing I ever had to a brother. The way he was talking left me really worried Lexi. Is he ok??

Me: That's what I intend on finding out. I won't let anything happen to him, I promise. He still is my brother y'know. Hey. You still up for tonight?

Jace: Always am girl.

It is about 9 am right now; showtime.

A knock on the door got my heart beating. A middle aged looking nurse entered the room with a wheelchair.

"Come on dear. Time for you check up." She said, with a wide smile. Her thick rimmed black glasses- sitting on the bridge of a huge nose- covered half her face.

"Yes ma'am." I said sitting on the chair. I hid my backpack under the blanket that covered my lower half.

She opened the door and was halfway outside when the agents outside stopped her.

"I'm sorry ma'am where are you taking her?"

"Well to the labs of course sugar. She needs a few tests." She replied with a heavy southern accent.

I decided to butt in to stop myself from laughing.

"Relax boys, this is Olga! She's nice and also color blind!"

What the heck did I just say?

"Also kind of weird." Said the other one under his breath.

"She said color blind sugar, not deaf. It means I could hear you, I just can't tell if that tie goes with that suit or not." She replied, which caused them to chuckle. First form of human emotion I've ever seen them show.

"When will you be back then?"

"Hmm well, it'll take about an hour and a few minutes I assure you." She replied.

They looked at each other, not sure if they can believe her.

"Ok. You can go now."

"Thank you dear."

And we took off. On our way to the labs, we passed the janitor who gave us a curt nod. He has a weird looking stache but hey, who am I to judge.

We got on the elevator and I was about to say something when she interrupted me; singing.

"Not here. Not now. You gotta wait. Til we're out. You'll spread your wings and learn to fly, but for now, don't ask whyyyyyy"

She pressed the parking floor, and we went down silently. The elevator stopped at the 4th floor, and a doctor came in.

"Good morning ladies." He said with a wide grin.

"Good morning Dr. Tobias!" Said Olga, with her heavy accent.

"I'm sorry have we met? I don't remember seeing you here."

My whole body tensed, and I just put my head down.

"Ummm well you see.... sir....the thing is that I'm actually an intern with the UCLA Nursing program sir. I remember your name because I've seen you around." She said, stuttering and probably sweating.

Before he had the chance to say anything, the door opened to his floor.

"Well then, it's nice meeting you. I'll see you around!"

"You definitely will sir!" She said.

After he left, she physically felt relieved.

"Damn sugar, we need to hurry." She said, pushing me out the elevator door as soon as it opened. When we were in the parking lot, a red minivan came and stopped in front of us.

The driver had an oversized red hoodie on with huge Ray Ban Aviators. As soon as we got in, the janitor from before came rushing into the car, and with that, we left.

"Holy crap that was close!!!" Said Sabrina as she took off her nurse costume.

"That doctor was definitely on to something! Thank God the elevator stopped when it did!" I said, taking off my hospital gown and throwing everything in a huge black bag.

"Try moving around with this stupid and ridiculous moustache on! It itches and smells like a dead animal." Said Ashton, taking off his disguise as well.

"But did you get the rest of my stuff?" I ask.

"Wouldn't be here if I didn't chica." He said, handing me my bags.

"Yeah, I'm good too! No one suspected anything, which is pretty weird." Said Brenda from the back seat.

"So it's official? I'm discharged right??"

"Yes girl! Officially, and we have about twenty five minutes until they actually discover that something is wrong. So let's go!"

With that, we all took off the Jace's family's vacation house along the beaches of Los Angeles.

Me: Hey Jace!! So, is everything ready?

Jace: Locked and loaded baby! Let's do this!

Me: So, who knows about all this?

Jace: Well since my parents don't know anything about me, it's only Isabella.

Me: Ooooh tell her I say Hi! We'll be there in an hour!

Jace: Will do!! See you then princess!!

Me: Wow ok! See ya!

"Is anyone else not worried that Jaycee will be seriously and royally pissed that he was left out of the loop?" Said Ashton.

"I'm the one to blame for this, because I would rather face his anger than let anything happen to him when he's this injured." I said.

"Did anyone see him though?" Said Aaron, trying to steer through the traffic.

"He wasn't in his room when I went to go check on him this morning. I assumed that he was getting tests done on him and stuff.

My phone dinged, which meant that I received a message.

It was from Jace.

Jace: Um. One little thing. Jaycee is here...🙃🙃🙃

"Well I guess we don't have to worry about that. Jace just told me that Jaycee is with him."

"How though?" Said Sabrina.

"It's Jaycee Royce we're talking about here. Is that seriously a question in your mind?" Said Ashton.


"So Alexis, you need to tell us what exactly is going on with you." Said Aaron, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Everything. We have about an hour until we get there anyways." He added, after a few seconds.

"Okay. Well here it goes..."

I told them about everything. How CJ was kidnapped as a kid, and how he ended up where he is now. I told them how our new Chemistry teacher reached out to him to talk to him about killing me, and how he only became a part of it to protect me. I told them about Blake and how he is supposedly my uncle as well. They both conspired to kill me just to send a message to my parents. Basically everything they ever told me in that house.

"But why would they want to kill your parents if they want to send them a message?!" Asked Sabrina, almost in tears.

Re-living that time almost brought me to tears. The fear of dying re-igniting a phobia in me.

"I don't know Reena. But what I do know is that they think I'm dead. Which meant that killing my parents would leave them CJ as the sole heir. And since they have him under their thumb with blackmail, he will probably do whatever they want him to do."

Sabrina hugged me so tight!

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone Alexis. I'm never leaving you again sis! Ever!"

"Thank you Sabrina!" I said hugging her back!

Brenda joined with the hug and we stayed like that for a little while.

"Okay ladies! We have arrived." Said Aaron, taking a turn to a beautiful two floored cottage.

"Wait. Did we even think about this far?? What will we be doing?!" Asked Ashton, saying something reasonable for once.

"One step at a time bro." I said. "One step at a time."

Aaron parked the car just as the door swung open and Jace and Jaycee both wrestled each other to get to us.

Aaron and Ashton both went to get our bags while the girls and I stretched.

I was picked up from behind and spun around until I felt like I was about to throw up.

"I missed you sooo much Lexi! I'm so happy that you're here!!! Please please never leave me! Pretty please!"

"Hahhaah ok ok I won't!! Put me down Jace I'm gonna throw up!" I screamed.

He put me down and as soon as the world stopped spinning around me, I hugged him so tight, his arms almost broke again.

"I am so glad that you didn't get permanently hurt Jace! I'm so sorry I put you through all of that. It was my fault all of us were in that house to begin with." I said, my forehead again his chest.

"Hey, hey. Don't say that! If I had the chance to rewind and repeat, I would. Trust me. This isn't your fault! And I'm actually very honoured to be able to help you battle through this." He said, removing a stray strand of hair from my eyes.

"Thank you. Really."

"It's me who should be thanking you princess." He said, giving me a last hug before walking away.

I noticed someone looking at me, and when I looked their way, I started crying.

"Hey, hey baby girl. I'm here now. I'm here." Said Jaycee, stroking my hair.

"I thought I lost you Jay. You don't know what that did to me, how it ruined me." I looked at him, stroking his cheek.

"It was at that moment that I realized just how much I love you. With every bone in my body. Every nerve and muscle. I love you Jaycee, and I'm sorry it took me this long to realize it."

"You have no idea how long I waited for you to say that baby. But every second was definitely worth it. You make me happy and complete and one day, you and I will be on the top, together. I love you princess. You don't know what happens to me every time I see you on a hospital bed. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that never happens. Ever." He assured me, kissing my forehead.

I hugged him so tight and stayed in that position on the floor for so long.

Until it was interrupted by a call.

From a blocked number.

"Hello.." I answered, and heard the person on the other side barely speak with an immense amount of pain in his voice.

Jaycee saw the fear in my eyes and picked me up.

"Alexis, what's wrong?" He asked, shaking me from my shocked coma.

"It's CJ. He's in trouble!"


The FBI agents outside Alexi's room were starting to be a little suspicious. Agent Henry Maxwell and Agent Raphael Toledo were starting to become a little restless.

"Just give her a few more minutes." Said Agent Maxwell, starting to sweat.

"Yeah. It's not like she could've just ran away." Replied Agent Toledo, on the verge of a panic attack.

At the particular moment, a lady was entering the room.

"I'm sorry ma'am but who are you?"

"I'm the nurse. I'm here to take her for a few tests as per the doctor's orders." She said, getting a little irritated.

"What? But a nurse already came before."

"No, I'm the nurse in charge of her case and I didn't send anyone else." She said, eyeing them both.

Both agents looked at each other and simultaneously said "Oh crap."

Yup, they're screwed.

AN: The gang is faced with a tremendous task! Read on to find out❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hope you guys like it!!!

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