Chapter 66

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The next couple of weeks were literal hell.

Hell as in fire by the way.

I underwent a billion and one tests. Underwent an excruciating amount of interviews - even when Annabelle made them easy they still sucked. I had to relive every single page of this horror novel all over again.

What happened when I fell down the stairs? Specifically. You know, that one oppsie-daisy that started this whole cascade of unfortunate events.

Who saved me?

Who took me to the hospital?

What happened there?

What happened with Blake and Lucas and Jesse?

The list of questions just expanded with every event that once occurred. At some point, it felt like I was the one being interrogated rather than the one being interviewed for information.

I haven't been to my house yet, I haven't visited my parents, and I didn't even get a chance to see Brenda and Sabrina or even CJ and Jace. As soon as we left that hell hole, Annabelle decided it would be better to go back to LA, but I wasn't allowed to go home. Since we didn't know what it was that made CJ so sick, they decided to put me into a negative pressure room at one of their health facilities while they took the time to figure out what it was. In the meantime, instead of allowing me to rest and recoup, they started drilling me with questions. According to the psychologist, it is better to recall things when they are still fresh.

Yes, they got me a shrink.

They said that it isn't normal for a teenager go through all of that trauma and horror and come out of it unscathed. I mean so far I'm not really feeling anything. I don't know if it was because my brain just shut down or because it was preparing me for a worse trauma to come.

I stayed in the health center for a full week. A full week of blood work and neuro check-ups. A full week or stress tests and sleep clinics. A full week, and they haven't been able to find anything. The doctors and techs were amazed, and honestly so was I. I went through a lot. The death of Jesse and the death of my uncle and the whole ordeal with CJ. This is enough to crumple down a mountain made of steel, so why was I not phased? Why isn't my body responding to these events the way a normal body would? I'm not getting any night terrors, or waking up in the middle of the night with cold sweats. I don't even have nightmares. I know for a fact that I should be experiencing at least some form of PTSD but I'm not, which is weird, and honestly a little scary. Am I not normal? Or have movies went out of their way to romanticize trauma that it was embedded in our head that every person who goes through something has to turn into a victim of sorts?

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"Oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar. They're worth so much more after I'm a goner?" I sing in response.

The look on Dr. Erindale's face was a sight to behold.

"I'm kidding. It's a song sir." He looked at me with confusion, then chuckled- shaking his head.

"I definitely need to update my music playlist. I can barely keep up with you children and all these new, hip songs."

"Hip songs? New? Doc this song is pretty old. Don't worry though, I'll give you my updated Spotify playlist before I leave."

He walked over to my bed side and pulled the visitor chair closer.

He smiled. "So pretty soon then."

"Wait. Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Am I finally being given permission to walk out of here? Am I really one step closer to being back to normal?

"Well darling, your test results are very normal given the circumstances. You slept through the nights, your vitals are good at all times, you don't suffer from hypertension or irregular heart beats and honestly I don't see any signs of PTSD on you or any signs of anything else...."

"Is that... do you think..... does that mean I'm not normal? Because after everything that happened, I should be feeling something. But I'm not. I'm not feeling anything and I'm really scared that the experience has turned me into someone with no feelings. That it turned my heart cold."

He smiled a very kind and reassuring smile, and put his hands on mine.

"Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who went through something experiences PTSD. I believe a study somewhere showed that it was only about 8% of people who will have these symptoms. The ones who don't, like yourself, might have experienced something we refer to as 'protective factors'. Such as people or a support group who made you feel safe during or after your trauma."

My mind immediately went to Jaycee and my little gang, but the doctor continued talking.

"..The way you coped with the whole situation also helps, and more importantly your mindset; your wit and fast thinking. I don't know if you've noticed little girl, but you are without a doubt, one of the most resourceful teens I have ever met. You are sharp, intelligent, strong and I believe that played a huge role in shielding you from nightmares. Never underestimate yourself Alexis, because I know that these little traits are the reason you become one hell of a doctor."

His words really took me aback and for the first time, I was at loss for words to say. Knowing me though, a tear or two slipped through .

"Thank you doctor. It really means a lot." My voice was shaky, but I hope he knew just how much his words meant, especially for someone who doubted herself her entire life and never thought much of herself.

He patted my hand one more time and continued on with his previous conversation.

"So circling back to our previous convo, it seems like you are good to go. Tests came back negative to any viral or bacterial infection of any sort. Whatever they did to your brother, none of it is in your system. We did multiple tests to ensure we had the right results and......"

"I'm sorry. Hold on. 'Right results'? Does that mean.... does that mean you know what happened to CJ?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again.

He couldn't answer me, but his body did. The look of sympathy in his eyes. The furrowed brows. The slump of defeat in his shoulders.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Pierce has told us that he doesn't want that information shared with anyone, and that he would prefer if he told you that information himself. As per the doctor/patient confidentiality agreement, I am obliged to fulfill his wishes my dear."

That doesn't sound good. None of it does.

"When.... when can I go and see him?" Oh doc, you thought I didn't have an irregular heartbeat, well you're about to be blown away.

"You will be discharged right now, and as soon as Agent Higgins comes for you, I believe you will be taken to him."

"Okay." I whisper. My stomach is tied in knots like never before.

"Okay. Do you have any questions for me?"

I shook my head, unable to speak.

"Well then Ms. Pierce, it has been a pleasure. You take care of yourself now okay?" He extended his hand for me to shake.

I shook it, still in disbelief, and watched him and he left my room. I feel a lump in my throat and an unbearable hole in my heart. CJ sacrificed himself so I could live. If anything happens to him, how will I be able to live with myself? What did that monster do to him?

I needed to get out of here. I stood up and put my clothes in my bag, made the bed, and sat on the chair looking out the window. Lord knows what floor I am, but I had a beautiful view of the ocean. I guess Annie knows me very well.

A knock on my door took my out of my out of my mind.

"Hey baby girl."

"Annie!" I ran towards her like a little girl running to her mommy after a long, excruciating day at daycare.

I hugged her so tight, my own arms went numb. Her beautiful laugh filled the room - making me feel safe like she always did.

"Are you ready to leave Lexi? I spoke with Dr. Erindale and of course he sang your praises, so I'm ready to take you out if you are ready to go."

"Is that even a question Annie? Let's go please! I need to see CJ and Jace. And I really miss my friends."

She looked around the room and radioed for someone to come and take my bags downstairs while we walked towards the elevators.

"Boy do I have a surprise for you." She smiled, pressing the "MAIN" floor button and swiping her ID card.

"What? What is it?" My heart started beating again. I hate surprises man. With a burning passion.

"Patience Lexi. Patience." The same phrase she used to say to me as a kid when she announced that I will be getting a surprise.

I didn't have the patience then and I sure as all heck don't have it now.

I don't know how she wasn't able to hear the beating of my heart since it was quite literally about to jump out of my chest. Which each floor that passed, my mind went through every single possibility of what it might be. Me being me of course, I never once thought that it could be something pleasant. 






"Annie..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence before the elevator doors opened to the ground floor. 

I heard it before  I saw it.

"Surprise!" I was greeted with many, many, too many hugs. I didn't even recognize a single voice, but of course I did manage to make out a single scent. A cologne I could never ever forget.

"Shshsh. This is a formal location children you can't be that loud." Shushed them Annabelle as she answered a call from a blocked number.

I took a step back, to be greeted by the most perfect people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Sabrina, Brenda, Ash, Aaron, and my main main man; Jaycee.

"Oh my God Lexi you lost so much weight! Are you ok?" Said Sabrina, hand over her mouth like she just saw the ugliest creature in existence.

"Seriously Sab. I told you to start with 'Hi Alexis. I missed you Alexis. How are you doing Alexis.' We practiced this. Good grief." Jaycee gave her a look of disbelief and came from behind everyone to hug me; hands out and extended.

"Hey hey." His smile always melt my heart.

"Oh my God Jay Jay!" I flung my arms around him like I'm meeting him for the first time. It's funny how he has the magical ability to make my heart skip a beat with extreme euphoria.

"Sure. Why not. We haven't seen you in weeks, but go straight to Mr. Handsome who's been with you the entire time." Mocked Sabrina, causing a cascade of laughter.

"Girl, only God knows how much I've missed you guys. Come here." I lunge for her and Brenda who was crying a little.

"Brenda why on earth..." started Ashton, but he quickly swallowed those words when she sent daggers his way by a single glare. I felt the chills all up and down my spine.

I missed them and their little banter so much. They all took turns hugging me, slowly bringing me back to safety.

"I'm so glad we got to you on time Lex. I don't even want to know what would've happened if we were half a second late."  Said Ashton, holding me at arms length like he was afraid I was going to evaporate into nothing.

Before I had the chance to say anything, Annabelle came walking towards us with a rather concerned look on her face.

"Okay children. We have to get moving. I'm afraid we don't have time. I'll tell you on the way. Let's go now." The way she emphasized the word got my heart jumping a little. 

Somehow, my bags were already in the van. We all got in, Jaycee made sure he sat next to me. Once we were all settled, the van started moving at an alarmingly fast rate. 

Annabelle turned around to face us with a worried expression on her face. 

My heart sank to the deepest pits of my chest cavity as my mind went back to the conversation I had with Dr. Erindale.

Something is definitely wrong with CJ.

"What happened to CJ Annie?" I prepared for the worst. Jaycee squeezed my hand, reassuring me. Except I don't know if that will do anything this time.

She contemplated what to say for a second, then shook her head.

"I guess there isn't another easier way to say this...." She took a deep breath.

"They found out what was wrong with CJ. Unfortunately, it was discovered that he had prolonged exposure to mercury. I don't know what these two demons did to that poor child, but somehow the exposure didn't affect him right away. Now that it did... it caused a multisystem failure and we had to induce a coma and keep an eye on him. But a week later, his brain activity never returned and the damage done to his lungs and kidneys was irreversible. There was a day or two last week where he was able to talk, but since then he had relapsed and we can't seem to bring him back. The doctors said that his organs are failing and that he has maybe a couple of... a couple of...ummm... hours left. I'm.. I'm sorry Lexi."

The van filled with the sound of unanimous gasps. Then whispers. Then nothing.

No. No. No. No. No.

This can't be happening.

My vision became blurry and it took me a while to register  just how badly I was shaking.

"Hey Lex. Hey, it's alright. It's going to be alright." Whispered Jaycee.

There was nothing he could do, nothing he could possibly say to make me feel better. So all he did was hold me while I broke down in his arms.

My twin. The boy who sacrificed his life to keep me safe is dying, and there was nothing I could do to save him.


AN: I know. I am the absolute worst. Yes - I know it's been almost a year since I updated this book. I think it was just due to the fact that I've been writing this novel - Alexis's journey -- for 6 years now and finishing this chapter meant I only had one more to go. I became attached to these characters, but I guess it would be fair  to you guys to finish their journey.

Thank you to everyone who stuck by me and always commented and told me that they loved this book - you guys are the reason we're almost at the finish line. 


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