Chapter 9

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We pulled up in the school parking lot. Jaycee got off and closed his door. Me on the other hand, I think I'm having some form of PTSD. My heart started beating faster and faster, my palms were sweating and flashbacks of darkness and spiders started to invade.

"Hey. Hey. Are you ok?" He said as he opened the door for me; ever the gentleman. Either that or he wanted me off his car.

"Uh y-yeah I'm fine. I just need a minute." I said, shaking like a hypothermic mess.

"Ya sure take all the time you need Lex. I'll be right out here if you need me."

After about 5 minutes I told my mind to suck it, took a deep breathe, got my things from the back seat and opened the door. Correction. I TRIED opening the door but it won't even budge. DID HE JUST LOCK ME IN HIS CAR? Damn it Jay! I searched for my phone and dialled his number.

Calling Jay(cee me rolling)👩🏼‍🚀

J: Hey Lexa.

A: Don't Lexa me! Why'd you lock me in your car?

J: (Chuckling) What do you mean?

A: Ok Ok let me break it down to you. Why. Did. You. Lock. Me. In. Your. Car.

J: Jeez I heard you the first time. What I meant is that I didn't lock you in my car idiot. The key's in the ignition.

A: WHAT?! It rea- HEY what on earth is that seeping from your AC duct?

J: Alexis you're really scaring me, What the hell is going on? You know what I'm coming stay with me on the phone

A: (Coughing) Hurry.
"Puts phone on speaker mode and puts it on driver's seat"

I tried opening every single door but to no avail. What on earth is going on? I couldn't even roll down the windows. I saw Jaycee running towards me as he also tried opening all the doors.

I started banging on the windows, the air around me becoming thicker by the second. I started becoming dizzy as more substances filled the air. I was crying for dear life and banging the windows as if that will make any difference. It was only then that I remembered something I saw on TV. I took the headrest off with the energy I had left, and with its legs smashed the window. Jaycee was taken aback but didn't do anything to stop me. In fact he took it from me through the hole that I made and finished off the rest of the window. I held on to the upper handle and jumped off the car.

I landed on the floor, coughing. Jayce was standing next to me in disbelief, his hands on top of his head. It took me 10 minutes to regain my normal breathe rate and to stand up without feeling dizzy.

"I'm really sorry about your car Jaycee." I said as I leaned on his car.

"Stop being stupid Lex. I'm the one who's sorry. I drove you here to protect you but I'm the reason you almost died again." He said with so much pain in his eyes. "I'm really sorry." This time he hugged me like his life depended on it.

"Um. I'm not dead. But don't blame yourself. I have a feeling this won't be the last time."

As if on cue, the doors were unlocked, and that's weird because the key is still in the ignition. My hacker senses were itching me but I had to check something out.

"Hey Jay can you pop the trunk for me?" I said making my way to the front of the car.

"Uh sure."

Once it gets opened, i start searching for a specific device, and it doesn't take me long to find it. Them. It doesn't take me long to find them.

"Hey Jay Jay did you take your car to the mechanics' recently?"

"How'd you know?" He said making his way to me.

"Well would this be an enough answer?" I said holding a small device in my hand.

"What the hell is that?" He asks confused as all hell.

"This, my friend, is a timer with a remote activation system. They attach it to your car and when it is remotely activated, it acts as a detour to get the carbon monoxide from the exhausts into your AC duct. And THIS device here I assume would also be remotely activated to lock the car from afar." I said proud of the hours of reading I've done.

"But," I continued, "The maximum perimeter this covers to work effectively is about 75 feet. So whoever did this was within close proximity of us." I said looking around me at the 250 cars surrounding us.

" I don't understand. Why would anyone want to kill you. You've never hurt anyone. Wait? You said your parents moved you here suddenly. Did you kill anyone in Toronto whose family is now trying to kill you? I'm not judging Lexa, I just need to know what I'm up against."  He actually looked serious saying that. Well if it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to hide a small smile I would assume he's actually serious.

"Are you for real right now? I mean SERIOUSLY? Does thi-- you know what I won't even say anything."

I started searching around for someone who might've been close enough to disengage the remote activation device. I spotted a rusted old pick up truck and nudged Jaycee to look at it. His eyes widened and he suddenly froze. As soon as he froze, he started sprinting towards it. I was about to follow him when something caught my eye. In a window on the upper floor, something deflected the sun's rays and was pointed at us for about a second before it disappeared. My guess would be that someone is up there watching us when whatever it is they were holding reflected the sun's light. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jaycee called me over. I took one last look at the window before making my way towards him.

"I think we need to call the cops." He said as soon as I reached him.

"I'm not involving any cops just yet Jay Jay."

"You don't understand. This car was parked outside the hospital the last day I went to visit you." He says, which makes my eyes widen in horror.

"But maybe it's just a coincidence." I say trying to reassure myself that this is just a bad dream.

"ALEXIS COINCIDENCE IS WHEN YOU WEAR THE SAME SHIRT AS YOUR FRIEND 3 DAYS IN A ROW!! And I'm pretty sure I saw this ugly thing when I took my car to the mechanic. OH they are so gonna pay if they have anything to do with it."

The bell rang, signaling the beginning of first period. I was about to be killed. Again. And now I'm late for class. Just Perfecto.

"Listen, I'll dig more into this you just--" i said before he cut me off.

"Like hell you're digging into anything. The only thing you'll be digging into is your homework. Get going to class and I'll call Lexwith to bring your car over while I hitch a ride with Ashton to go fix this my car." He said with finality.

"I have my ways. But sooner or later I will find out what's going on." I said as I made my way to class, leaving Jaycee waiting for Ashton. Before I could get any farther, he called on me.

"Hey Lexa?" He called out.

"Yeah?" I said turning around

"I'm really sorry I wasn't able to do anything. I'm sorry."

"If you continue blaming yourself I will smack you Royce. This isn't your fault ok? I'll see you later." I said as I waved him goodbye.

"Later." Was all he said.

Opening the front door, I step into the place I despise the most.

•••••••••••••••Anonymous POV•••••••••••••••••

I don't even know how she managed to escape death. Again. Getting rid of her is going to prove harder than I originally anticipated. She's pretty smart for someone her age
I needed to get far from here before they spot me. I headed to the upstairs storage unit to watch them, to see if they figured out anything.

I stood next to the window, hoping and praying to God that they don't spot me. I tried to remotely deactivate the locks but nothing worked yet. I tried banging it on the wall. It finally unlocked the car. I think I might've made a mistake because the smart girl figured it all out. I shouldn't have underestimated her. Well I won't from now on.

Suddenly the boy who thinks he's her guardian spotted my pick up truck. Crap! He realized it was the same one outside the hospital where the girl stayed. I came a little too close to the window because i saw the sun rays deflect on the device I was holding and the girl noticed because her eyesight lingered on my window before she went to her friend.

This was a close call. But next time I'll make sure she doesn't come out alive.

This isn't over.

AN: Wow that was intense to both write and read!!!! What theories do you guys have about mystery dude?? I'm all ears❤️❤️

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