Epilogue ♔

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"I have to go mom!" I yelled hurriedly at my mother as I slipped on my black and white Converse and tied the shoelaces together.

"Okay, bye sweetie!"

"Let's make tomorrow a family night, capisce?"

"Sure dear, movie?"

"Let's vote later!"

"Okay, have fun on your date."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Aren't you suppose to say the opposite?" I joked.

"With other guys, most likely. With Jaxson, he's a total sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes again, "Glad to know he made a good impression on you."

I heaved as I remember I wasn't even there when Jaxson first met my parents.

So basically, I was gone that day to do stuff and other errands. You know, for my job. And when I returned, completely drenched in sweat, Jaxson was sitting on my couch like he owned the place. And the next thing I know, mom was bringing him tea of all things! Apparently Jaxson turned up in my house to bring me back my sweater that I left accidentally in his car, and there you have it.

But that wasn't even the most mortifying thing, oh no, they had been chatting while I was gone.

I couldn't even imagine what they had been so animatedly conversing about.

Well, I had an idea actually, based on the baby photos of me that were on the dinner table.

And I definitely don't remember putting that horrid thing there.

But anyways, that's the end of the story.

I laugh, "Bye mom! Say hi to dad for me when he gets back from work!"

"I will!" My mom called out.

I rushed out the front door and right away, I detected Jaxson waiting for me by his fancy new car.

He held the door open for me smirking, and I went in the passenger seat while he went around and sat in the driver's side.

"Aren't you such a gentleman," I commented at his act.

"Well, there are perks," he winked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Just move it Jax," I groaned, "where are we going anyways?"

"Somewhere," he smiled cheekily.

I sighed, "Why did I even bother?"

My thoughts wandered and I muttered something under my breath.

Jaxson looked at me questioningly and then out of nowhere, burst out laughing, which made me laugh as well.

"What was that?!" He asked with a brow raised.


He continued to laugh at me, "Okay, you weirdo."

The ride was long, longer than all our other dates. Like a lot longer.

"Where are we going?! The curiosity is eating me up!" I said frustrated after sitting quietly in the car for a little more than an hour and a half.

"And satisfaction will bring it back," he stated humorously, "or something like that."


"Soon, princess, soon."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me princess?!"

"You never told me why..."

I shot him my best glare, "Just don't."

"Fine, fine, whatever you want honey bear."

"That's not any better."

"Avy, just stop distracting me," he turned to address me.

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the road!" I screamed, panicking.

He turned back to the wheel agonizingly slow. Just to spite me, I bet.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes more before yet again, I got tired of waiting.

"Jax," I complained and then cringed at my whiny voice, "where are we going?"

"And..." he swiftly made a right turn, "we're here."

I glimpsed around my surroundings, my eyes settling on the somewhat expensive-looking building with a stunning design. The building was a blend of a maroon and white color. The roof being a deep red color and the walls white. There was also that same exact shade of burgundy for around the windows too, acting as a nice border. The exterior design looked amazing and I couldn't wait to go inside. There were also rose bushes and a beautiful, lavish garden to make it seem even more elegant and in basic terms, it just appeared really beautiful - and expensive.

"A restaurant, really?" I answered, reading the sign, "you wasted almost two hours to drive me to a restaurant?!"

"Relax Avy, it's not just any old restaurant. It's a sushi restaurant and I know how much you love sushi."

With the word sushi, I suddenly became interested, but a little iffy too.

The restaurant seemed way too out of our normal budget and I was fine with the sushi place back home.

So why here?

We parked at a parking space outside the gates leading to said restaurant.

Eventually we made our way to the entrance, but to my disappointment and relief, there was an insanely long line that was just short enough that no one had to stand outside.

"Jax? Maybe we should go somewhere else?" I said as I nodded my head towards the many people waiting in line.

"What are you talking about?" He lightly grabbed my hand and then dragged me to the front of the line.

"Wait Jaxson! You can't just cut the entire line like that!"

"Watch the master here," he smirked, laughing at the worried expression on my face.

He murmured something to the waiter that I couldn't hear; but shockingly, he led us to a romantic-styled table with a fine tablecloth and glasses that reminded me eerily about the tables set up in weddings.

There was also a wonderful seashore view that I peered out of the window to gaze at more closely.

It was a lot more than I expected for such a simple date. Definitely more.

The average-sized room only featured this seating, so I thought it was nice we had privacy as well.

The waiter told us to enjoy ourselves and that he'll be back for our drinks before he made his way out the door and leaving us to our lonesome.

"You made reservations?" I questioned.


"How long in advanced? The line was huge."

"I think it was about a year ago? Maybe more?"

My eyes widened, "Um... okay..."

Our iced tea came after that and we sipped in a peaceful quietness.

"Oh no."

I looked at him, "What? What's wrong?"

"Could you go outside and see if the line is still as long?"

I stared at him strangely, that was an odd request. "Okay, I'll be back... I guess?"

"Oh, can you check the room next to us if there are any people in there after you're done?"

"Yeah, sure," I said slowly.

Why was he making me check if there were people?

I headed for the door and opened it, going outside to the main center of the restaurant. I passed a long hallway and as I reached the entrance, I saw the same humongous line. Nothing much had changed in a span of ten minutes like I had originally thought.

What's going on?

Then I followed my footsteps back to our table, but instead, I entered the next room to check there too as Jaxson had asked me to do.


I literally jumped backwards, scared out of my mind and I almost hit my head on the door I just opened.

Everywhere, I could see my family and friends, even the new friends I had recently acquired.

All of them were smiling so widely and the only movement I made was a blink, still in shock.

Finally, I found my voice after a few seconds struggling, "What are you all doing here?"

I spied Jaxson in the large crowd and he hugged me tightly, "Happy 18th birthday Avery."

Then he let go of his hold on me and smiled, "Did you enjoy the surprise?"



Today was my birthday.

Oh my goodness.

"Yes," I choked out, my voice hoarse with emotion.

I twisted to face everyone who were still grinning and who were also looking adoringly at us.

"Thank you guys," I say, almost on the verge of crying, "it means a lot to me. For coming."

I focused my teary eyes on Jaxson after, "Thank you Jax."

I hugged him back and I could hear him mumble you're welcome into my hair.

I also heard 'awws' from the audience and then I spoke again, leaving Jaxson's comfortable arms. "Well, let's party!" I shouted as joyously as I could without bursting into tears of happiness.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered and the party officially began.

And I have to admit, and I know I admit a lot of things, but this is my biggest confession.

It was honestly the happiest I have ever been.

Everyone at one moment or another strolled up to me during the feast and we all just talked.

There were my parents. My friends. Lily, my not-biologically related sister. My relatives. Co-workers. You name it, they were there. Everyone was there.

But I think the most surprising was Connor.

He had walked up to me.

"How are you Avery?"

"I'm good, how about you Connor?"

"I'm good too," he smiled a little.

"Smile, it's a party!"

"I am smiling." And true to his word, he was smiling a very beautiful smile.

"Happy Birthday Avery."

"Thank you Connor," I told him, "it truly does mean a lot to me."

"It's no problem Avery," Connor said, "in fact, I think you should be thanking Jaxson more, he's the one that did all the major planning and the one who came up with the plan and invited everyone."

I grinned at that, "I figured."

"And here he comes," Connor said pointedly to the person that was behind me.


I turned towards Connor again, "I've forgiven you Connor."

"Thank you Avery," his eyes shone with a certain brightness that took my breath away, "maybe we can chat and catch up sometime soon?"

"We will," I nodded my head in confirmation.

Connor left it at that and Jaxson and me walked on over to our room the next door over that had been sitting idly the time we had disappeared.

We sat down in our gorgeously-covered chairs and began to enjoy the meal we never had yet.

"Thank you Jax, really, thank you for all this, it's too much."

"What nonsense are you sprouting now, you didn't even see the special birthday cake yet," he raised his eyebrows, entertained and amused.

"Special birthday cake?"

"You'll see," he winked playfully.

"That seems to be your favorite catchphrase right now," I inquired.

"Hmm, maybe."

"Ugh Jax."

I rose from the table at that exact moment and kissed him.

Thank goodness the table was small or I would've broken or smashed something.

But anyways, I guess you could still say that his kiss was like fluttering butterflies, exploding fireworks, and all things amazing.

It was still perfect as ever.

"I love you Jax."

"You already said that a million times," he declared in an obvious tone.

"Hey! You said it a million times too!" I argued.

"I know," he grinned, "I love you too Avy."

And then he leaned over and kissed me and it was like a roller coaster all over again.

We broke from our too-heated kiss with me blushing like crazy.

"We should start eating or the food will get cold," I mumbled.

"We should," he agreed, laughing.

We dug in and the sushi was absolutely delicious.

Today might just be the best day -and birthday- ever.

But I still have one more tiny thing to do.

I swallowed down my bite of the California Roll and awkwardly coughed.

Jaxson stared at me, a little bit of concern written across his features.

"Thank you Jaxson," I blushed a coral pink.

He let out a smile, "Anytime Avery, anytime."

                    Officially The End

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