Frozen ♔

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It was already the next morning when I woke up and the warm sunlight was streaming almost peacefully through the khaki-colored curtains.

I was numb by this point and couldn't for the life of me remember what happened and why I was in such an unfamiliar surrounding, much less what I had been doing in a room as sterile as this.

Blank, almost pure white sheets covered my sore body in an empty yet comforting bed.

What was I doing here? Where am I?

What have I done?

And to be even more mortified than I already was, I stared at my body barely cloaked in a pale pink nightgown with a lace fringe.

It was with that particular second, that I remembered everything.

I hastily crawled to the left side of the huge bed, and I threw up all the alcohol, all the grief, and all of sadness out of my system.

The murky vomit disgusted me, but I was more disgusted with myself.

The slutty clothes; the drinking; the unintended, abominable, vile-

A loud, unmistakable thud sounded from outside the closed door and my eyes widened even more as the brass doorknob turned. Panic and fear controlled my body then and I hastily wiped the remaining vomit still on my chin while I practically ran out of the bed on the right side towards the windows hidden behind the shades.

The windows were infuriating as they simply wouldn't bulge, but even if I did manage to unlock it, I would most likely hesitate a second too long about jumping from a two-story building.

Instead, I hung my head down to calm my racing heart as I feared for the inevitable, not even bothering to take in the beautiful picture before me that the sun has painted over the road and buildings like I would have done before. Before I was leaning towards my downfall.


I fidgeted with my dull fingernails before I slowly turned towards him.

Is this really the end?

No, I shook my head firmly, I refuse, I just need to figure out some plan. There has to be a way out of this messy situation I've put myself in.

But it seemed the only way I could think of was to outrun Connor as I bring him to the opposite side of the door where I would have a head start on my escape. I thought grimly to myself, realizing it wasn't much of a plan at all.

He was currently looking at the vomit besides the bed and then a second later, he gazed at me with worry in his eyes.

I think it was a trick of the light.

"What?" I asked, more faint and defeated than I would have liked to sound. If it weren't for the words I kept repeating in my head, I would've thought I sounded hurt out of all the emotions I could've felt.

"Do you want to clean up and then have breakfast? I know it's late for a breakfast, but I think I could whip up some bacon and eggs if you want some," he replied gently.

I grew alarmed and without realizing it, I had already blurted out, "W-what time is it?"

He appeared a bit uneasy as he spoke, "It's around four in the afternoon."

Oh no, oh no, oh no no. What would my parents think?

Without thinking thoroughly about what I was doing or following my plan at all, I rushed to the brown door Connor was still standing by, but before I could even get within a feet of the door, he slammed my only getaway closed.

I turned towards him, betraying the panic that was most likely displayed all over my face. His face softened as he looked at me, but he was still somewhat guarded as well.

"No Avery," he said softly, "you can't leave. Not yet. Not so soon."

I stood there in silence as his words came crashing down on me and then proceeded to consume me.

"What do you want from me?" I said weakly, slowly backing away from him to distance ourselves apart.

He blinked and then blatantly ignoring me, locked the door behind him, and tucked the key back into the front pocket of his pants.

Then he strolled on over to the phone besides the night lamp that I hadn't even bothered to notice before, and proceeded to call who I assume to be the janitor as he asked the person to clean up the vomit still besides the disheveled bed.

He quickly thanked the person and ended the call. After a moment, he handed the phone to me.

I stared at the phone in my hands in disbelief.

Is he allowing me to call someone?

I glanced up at him and he simply nodded.

But my mouth had to open at that moment and I instantly regretted the words that came out, "I can leave?"

He surprisingly smirked at this, amusement lacing his reply, "Later. That you'll be leaving later. Make some place up."

Frozen in my own abyss, I could only do as he asked.

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