Rivalry ♔

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We arrived at school holding hands, happy with each other. We had to separate for our first period class, but we would see each other again.

And I couldn't wait until we do.

It was near the end of second period when I heard about the commotion. Apparently, there was a full-out fight during PE right now and when everyone got in the wind about it, no one could pay attention to the lesson taking place and even our teacher was feeling out of it, if a bit spooked as well.

That was when I figured this was a serious matter and that someone was bound to get hurt. Really hurt.

As soon as the bell rang, all my classmates rushed out as they couldn't stand the tension that only grew within the room.

Most of them were running out to watch the fight so I followed them behind. When we reached the side of the gym, there was already a ginormous circle surrounding what must be the presumed fight.

Just what in the world was going on?

I made a path through the large crowd and when I finally caught sight of what was happening, I couldn't believe my eyes. And for a possible minute there, I thought I was in some sort of awful nightmare and that I would wake up soon in the middle of class embarrassed.

Hell, it even felt like a nightmare right now, but nightmare or not, I was going to get to the bottom of this disaster.

I could see the rivalry between them, but I couldn't for the life of me think of a plausible excuse for their reckless behavior.

Despite the cliches, they were in different cliques and all as far as opposites could go. There was absolutely no reason for all this unnecessary pompous drama.

Without exactly knowing what I was doing, before long I had ended up right in front of them with my hands on my hip.

It became slightly awkward standing there like that so I took my hands off my hip and yelled at them, "Jaxson! Connor! What are you guys doing?!"

I don't know if they were purposely ignoring me or if they were too absorbed in their fight to hear me, but I made it my mission to stop this, whatever this is, and from now on, I refuse to back away from anything.

I'm not as stupid or naive as to actually interrupt their fight like last time, which seemed like forever ago and I learned my lesson, so I am not going to physically separate them.

I also don't want my butt on the floor again, but that was besides the point.

I am going to catch their attention and stop this without any more injuries.

"Jaxsoooooooooon! Connorrrrrrrrrrrr! Can you guys hear meeeeeeeeee?! Orrrrrrrrrrr are you guys completely deeeeeeeeeeeeeaf?!"

I was being so ridiculous, but it worked! I smiled cheerfully and the two boys who before were fighting stared at me like I became a psycho since the last time they saw me.

Hmm, maybe.

"Okay, now that you guys stopped whatever it was that you guys were doing, let's get ice cream!"

Yeah, I might've gone a little psycho. The heat must be getting to me, or whatever must be getting to me.

Jaxson was the first to speak after a lengthy super awkward silence, "Um... did something happen Avy?"

"No?" Did he mean besides witnessing the obvious?

They both stared at me even more weirdly than before.

To break the prolonging silence, I clapped my hands together and smiled sweetly, "So what were you guys doing? Please enlighten me."

I think I may have banged my head on the way here actually.

They glanced at each other and I could almost see their heads working in sync as they process what could've happened to me over the last few hours. Err, well, yeah.

It was marvelous and quite the spectacle.

"We were fighting Avery," Connor said.

I rolled my sassy eyes, "I know that, I mean why, you guys."

They looked at each other again.

There was yet another moment of silence and this one was even more awkward than the one from before. I also noticed that the humongous crowd around us was still unfortunately around us. Even bigger than before if I had to estimate.

"You know," I spoke, "maybe we should go to the infirmary like normal people and talk about this like human beings, how about it you guys?"

I took both their arms, one on either side, and when they just stood there like marble statues, I dragged them there.

It was like being pushed into the paparazzi as I stepped into the ginormous crowd, not that I've ever went through the paparazzi before. I shiver just thinking about going through the crowd for a second time. Jaxson and Connor owe me one.

We all finally made it to our destination and I casually let their poor arms fly free and open the door to the infirmary.

When they both still wouldn't move, I sighed and dragged them inside as well by propping the door with my feet.

Though a girl only has so many hands and feet, and eventually the two tall boys sluggishly made their way in.

"May I help you with anything?" the nurse politely asked us.

"It's fine, I think we can handle ourselves, thank you though," I smiled at her, "oh, do you know where there might be some ointment and bandages for large wounds and the like?"

She glanced at me in alarm, "They're over there by the back counter in the next room, are you sure you don't need any help?" She finally took a long look behind me and instantly spotted Jaxson and Connor in all their manliness and bruises.

"It's fine, really," I said, "thank you for the offer, but I think we got things all under control."

She then turned her worried gaze back to me, "Okay, sweetie, I'll be here if you need me, just call me over."

"Thank you!" I shouted as I continue to push the two boys that were behind me into the next room over.

When we reached there, I let them go and they stood awkwardly and far apart from the other as I searched the counter tops for what I needed.

After I found what I was searching for, I watched them in an exaggerated silence for a few seconds and they just stood there looking so awkward and so hilarious under my critical eyes.

"Here," I finally say, handing each other the supplies I spotted, "fix yourselves up and then talk."

They stared at me like I was crazy and out of my mind.

I'm pretty sure I'm still sane though.

"Oh yeah, here's the ointment." I put the small pot of waxy substance on the middle of the table separating the two boys from contact with each other. "You're welcome to share."

The three of us stared at each other for a couple seconds more and when they had enough, Jaxson and Connor slowly began working on their injuries. I made sure to add their doctor checkups to my mental list of things I needed to do as soon as possible.

They glared at the other whenever they were in sync with putting on the ointment.

And let me say this, they were in sync a lot.

I couldn't even hold back my laughter anymore and I giggled at one point. They were like little children like this and so adorable, I giggled some more.

I might not be sane actually.

Eventually I was laughing so hard that my tears were blocking my vision and I had to wipe my eyes.

It thankfully lasted only a few torturous long minutes and after a while, they had finished putting the bandages and bandaids on while wondering if they should take me to the mental institution.

But before they could dare to ask, I interrupted them, "Now talk," I said in a serious and grave tone. I hope I said it seriously enough despite the laughter still bubbling in my chest.

"What's there to talk about?" Connor said after several long stretches of quietness has befallen on us.

I smiled genuinely, "Well... let's begin with why you guys were fighting."

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