Wishes and Regrets ♔

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a n d
r e g r e t s

Day-old beer bottles and mushed-up cigarettes littered the wooden floor like there's no tomorrow.

As I gazed around the stuffy night club, I could only think of one thing: Why, why didn't I say no? Why couldn't I say no? In a tight, low-cut shirt that could only be classified as slutty and short shorts that barely even covered my thigh, the only feeling I recognized that flowed through my veins was embarrassment at the outfit I was practically forced into.

But not only that, I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I actually agreed when I knew, when I knew it wouldn't be my thing.

One simple no and I could have been at my comfy bed reading that book I've been meaning to, or better yet, I could've finished that history project due on Monday.

But what did I do?

Yeah, walk right in on the party of Connor Axton, on the busiest night of the year.

All because I couldn't say an easy two letter word.

When I strolled through the glass double doors, a million different color beams flashed everywhere, creating an eerie glare throughout the room filled with sweaty bodies and their dancing and shameless make-outs.

Hesitating, I decided to turn back, God knows this is not my life -and it never will be. But before I could think twice, the man of the hour, Connor himself, entertained me with his own presence.

He smirked as his eyes roamed my exposed body and right then, I could feel my face flush.

Not from the fact that he was visibly checking out my less-than-hot body, but because I actually followed his orders. Like a freaking slave to a master.

I felt like a dog when he glanced up to my bare face and into my terrified hazel eyes.

He smirked again, knowing the control he has over me, "Glad you can make it, Avery."

He held his gaze at me and I couldn't help but feel intensely vulnerable and naked.

"Um... I-I th-think I sh-should go," I stuttered once more as his blue eyes narrowed in on mine, tempting me to dare to turn around on his clear authority.

"I don't think so, Avery," he grabbed me harshly on my slightly shaking arm and I couldn't ignore the audible whimpering I made, "You're staying here until it's completely over."

"I-I ca-can't, I j-just re-realized I ha-have to do t-the laundry."

I mentally slapped myself on the head at my lame and pathetic attempt of an excuse.

"Both you and I know that's a lie, so stop with this nonsense, or you're going to deeply regret it."

Maybe I should've thought up a better excuse, but he was scaring me and any moment now, my exterior would ultimately break down and I couldn't have that. Not with him around. No one.

"Re-really," I cried, "I really have to go."

He halted and faced me with an obvious, furious glare on his face sculpted from marble.

In an instant, my chin was being forced up as my frightened eyes met his.

"You know what?"

"W-what?" I questioned a few moments later, panicking as I still couldn't escape from his strong hold.

"You're going to wish you didn't say that."

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