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“Hey Carter! Are you not coming with us?” Elmer asked his friend.

Carter shook his head, not removing his eyes from the name engraved on the grave.

Sana Clarke

Every year he comes to her grave on her death anniversary. He still remembers his first love. They say ‘first love never lasts forever’. It becomes a bittersweet memory. They were better as friends than lovers. But that doesn’t change the fact that he really loved her.

Another part of him visits this grave in the hopes of seeing Leah. He still remember his second love, his last love. And the girl who still has his heart. No matter how much he resented her for leaving just like that at first, he couldn’t forget about her, not about his love for her. Her beautiful smile was engraved in his mind. He was always looking for traces of her in other girls. But he couldn’t find her and he gave up on playing around.

Every year he waits for her return at Sana’s grave. Because of Sana, they were together eight years ago, even if it was for just a night- the most beautiful night of his life. And he believed they would be together again because of Sana.

He was selfish to think like that. Coming to a grave for impure motives. But it’s not like it was solely his purpose. He came there to meet his friend, that sweet girl who cared so much about him.

Carter felt someone tap his shoulder. It was more like a tickle that made him start. He turned to look up but there was no one. When he lowered his gaze, a little girl was standing there. Her eyes were teary and she had a pout on her face as she looked at him.

“Um…,” he never knew how to deal with kids. “Why are you crying, princess?” He asked softly, turning around to face her. He looked around for signs of her parents or guardians. But no one was around in the cemetery.

“Mama,” the girl’s voice croaked and more tears welled up in her eyes. Her chubby cheeks were pink.

“Hey, hey,” he put a hand on her shoulder. “What happened? Where’s your mama?”

“Lost. Mama is lost.” She started crying.

Lost? What does that mean? Could it be that her mother died? Or could be that she was lost? Maybe the girl was separated from her mother.

“Don’t worry, darling. We will find mama.” He told her and she stopped crying, still sobbing a little. He awkwardly offered her a handkerchief and she wiped her tears from it. He always carries one with him on Sana’s death anniversary. One never knows when their emotions will hit them with enough force to make them cry. He won’t deny, he had cried before, sitting in front of her grave.

“Where was the last time you saw your mama?” He inquired. It would be great if they find her mother quickly or he will bring her to police station.

“Park,” she mumbled.

“Park?” He was surprised. The park was about half a mile from cemetery. He highly doubted the small girl could have walked that distance alone. Maybe her mother was on her way to somewhere and she separated when the passed cemetery.

The little girl nodded her head.

“Then let’s just go and find your mother.” He said with a smile and the little girl perked up.

The park was in the way to police station if he didn’t find her mother there and he will just walk a little further to police station or hand her over to a cop.

The girl wrapped her fingers around his finger and the two walked side by side.

Walking at her side felt good. He already felt like a father. That made him wonder what would it be like to have a family. To have kids. If Leah was still there, she was around him…. But he still hasn’t found him, even after eight years. He is already twenty five years old. And a couple of his friends were already married.

He wondered what Leah was doing it. Was she married to someone? Or she had a boyfriend? What will he do if that’s the case? He won’t sit back for sure. He will take away from any man. Because he still loves her.

But what if she already has kids? No, that can’t be.

He felt a poke on his thigh and looked down at the girl. Her big eyes were staring at him.

“Uncle, you are making faces.” She stated.

“I’m not.”

“Are too! Are you thinking about a girl?” She asked him innocently.

He grimaced. “How old are you?”

“Eight. I’m eight years old.” She said holding up five fingers.

“Who is teaching you all wrong stuff?”

She cocked her head to the side in confusion.

“Never mind.” He shook his head.

“Do you love someone?” She asked again.

Seriously, this eight year old girl… “Yes, I do. I love my parents so much. You love your parents too, right?” He tried to steer away from the topic.

“Yeah, I do.” She nodded her head enthusiastically.

“Then let’s find them.”

“But I don’t have daddy,” the girl said. “I only have mama.”

Oh! He didn’t know what to say.

“And you love your mama?” He tried.

“I love my mama.” She said a bit loudly. “But, do you love a girl?” She asked once again.

This girl.

“You are very persistent little girl.” He muttered. The way she talked reminded me of someone. “Why don’t we talk about something else? Do you go to school?”

The efforts to change the topic once again were fruitful. The little girl was engrossed in talking about school and her friends. She was quite a hyperactive girl. Even though he was feeling down since morning, her presence had already lifted his mood.

Soon they reached the park and Carter stopped. He looked down at the girl. She was staring off at distance. He looked in the same direction. There were some people around that area.

“Is your mother there?” He asked her but she didn’t reply. He let go off his finger and started running in that direction. He wondered where she was running off to. Without thinking, he started running after her.

He wanted to call out to her but at the moment he realized, he didn’t even know her name. He was such a fool. Not even knowing the name of the girl?

But he had to say something. There were people around. If he ran after like her, they might misunderstand. Though only a fool would like to kidnap a girl running in the park when there were so many people around. Still, he was self conscious.

“Leah!” He shouted out. “Stop!” He pretended to know her name. And that was the first name that came to his mind. The girl who had made a place so deep in his soul. “Leah!” He shouted once again. But the girl was quick.

He couldn’t believe he was having a hard time chasing an eight year old girl. It was his self consciousness that made him run slower than his usual speed. As long as the girl didn’t get out of his sight, it was alright.

The stubborn little devil gave him a hard time as she turned around a tree. That was the moment when he finally lost sight of her. He was getting worried over her. It would be good if she was with her mother. But what if she got in trouble. She better not run into a pedophile.

What am I even thinking? He shook his head. For some reason, his heart was beating faster than usual, and it was not just from running. There was something different about the air around him.

“Leah!” He called out but then stopped. It was really stupid to call that girl with the name that wasn’t even hers.

He leaned against a tree. “Where is she?” He wondered out loud. And then his eyes fell on the little girl. Relief washed through him when he saw her standing with a lady, most probably her mother.

He moved a bit closer but then stopped in surprise when he looked at her mother’s face. His heart stopped for a moment and then started beating faster than ever when he recognized her.

“Leah,” this time he called the person with their name. And she turned to look at him. For them, the world stopped for a moment. Both of them were overtaken by their own emotions.

** **

The little girl returned Leah her handkerchief. The small chubby girl was so cute. Leah didn’t even notice that she had dropped it somewhere in the park. And then when she was about to cry and was searching for the piece of cloth, the little girl returned it to her. But then she heard her name being called and looked at the person.

Time had stopped. Or maybe it was just a dream. Leah couldn’t fathom whether it was reality or just her imagination. The person she had wanted to see all these years was standing right front of her, staring at her. She couldn’t read the emotions on his face but she was sure, he was shocked.

How many times had she regretted her actions? Back then, she left without considering Carter’s feelings. He was there for her. But she was so consumed by her own emotions that she didn’t even realize. She was so stupid.

It was only a year later Sana’s death that she came in terms with her feelings. That day when she met Sana’s brother in front of the grave the previous year. At that moment, she had felt like a fool.


“Excuse me! Are you Leah Wills?” a very handsome boy had asked her. He seemed to be his early twenties. Well built and a face similar to Sana’s. Maybe she was going crazy. She was thinking so much about Sana that she was seeing her in other’s face.

“Yeah?” She was wondering who he was though.

“I’m Elmer Clarke, Sana’s elder brother.” He introduced himself. Her eyes widened in shock. So she wasn’t thinking too much. He looked like Sana because he was Sana’s brother. Once again, Sana felt the guilt hit her like a train.

“H-Hi,” she hesitated. All she wanted to do was run away from him. The memories that came back with talking to him were even more painful.

“Sana told me about you,” he said with a smile. Even though his smile was beautiful, his eyes were really sad. “You are her friend, right?”

When he called her Sana’s friend, Leah started to feel suffocated. Again, there was that unbearable pain in her chest that arose from his words. Time hadn’t healed her wounds.

She didn’t make any reply.

“I’m glad I met you here. She had told me that she had found a girl who would be perfect for Carter. I can say she was right about that. She was really happy talking about you. It’s sad that she won’t be attend to attend your and Carter’s wedding as she had wanted.” His expressions turned painful at the mention of that. But I was too shocked to think about anything.

“What are you talking about?” I asked in disbelief.

He chuckled. “I see. That girl played games again. But don’t resent her for that. She always means well. She is a very nice girl. Sometimes stupid. But very nice.” Elmer’s eyes had started to water. He blinked the tears away immediately.

“Anyways, I have to leave now. It was nice meeting you Leah. I should go now.” The boy left just like that leaving Leah completely shocked.

** **

It had taken her a week to realize what Elmer had told her. In the end she could come up with only one conclusion, Sana had acted like a cupid for her and Carter. But she wasn’t sure. She had thought really hard about it and came to understand that what Sana had done was for her sake.

That girl had planned everything. It’s true that if it wasn’t for Sana, maybe Carter and she won’t have interacted much. Maybe she would have never told Carter about her feelings. But again Leah destroyed everything because of her own complicated feelings.

And she broke Carter’s heart.

She wanted to return to that town and apologize to Carter. But she didn’t have it in her to face him again. Seven years was a huge gap. She wondered what Carter was doing? Maybe he hated her. Maybe he had moved on. Maybe he already had another girlfriend. Because of all those thoughts, she couldn’t go back to him even though she wanted to. She was so scared.

But at that moment, Carter was standing in front of her. Her heart started beating faster. It was like the past eight years of separation were nothing. Feelings from that time hadn’t faded away. They were still the same for her. And she wondered how he thought.

“SANA!” A voice shouted. Shocked, both Leah and Carter looked at the direction of the sound. A lady in her early twenties was running towards them.

“MOMMY!”  The girl who Carter had been chasing and the girl who was chasing Leah ran towards the lady.

Carter realized that that was her mother and the girl’s name was Sana. The mother thanked Carter and Leah and walked off. She looked really relieved. Carter was surprised when the little girl had winked at him as she walked off with her mother.

“Hi,” he said awkwardly standing in front of her.

“Hi,” she replied back and averted her eyes from his intense gaze.

She wanted to talk to him. She didn’t want to stay away anymore. And she needed to apologize. Maybe, I he still loved her, she would like to get back with him. Only if he still loved her. Only if she had his heart. They would be together, once again.

The End


Please, excuse my mistakes.

So this is the end of 'The Girl Who has his Heart'

To be honest, I didn't enjoy it much. Leah is not a character I'm used to.

Sometimes I feel it is kind of rushed. But I can't do anything to improve it. If I go back to try and improve this book, I will go crazy.

But still it was a nice journey.

There won't be any sequel. This is the end. And it's over, really over.

Thank you for reading it even though it's badly written.

So this is my fourth completed book on Wattpad. Today is 21st November. This is, maybe, my third completed book of 2017.

Thank you so much for reading it.

If anyone's interested in editing this book then please PM me.

Please vote, comment and share.


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