The Girl Who Has His Heart - One

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Chapter One - The Cruel Game of Fate

“Did you see that?! Carter just smiled at me!” A girl squealed.

The similar commotion that is created when Carter passes by the class was there. But this time, things were even more annoying. Carter and I are in same class this year. That means I have to see this commotion most of the time.

I am Leah Wills. Your normal high 0pschool girl. I’m in junior year. Most of the times I don’t take any interest in boys but Carter is a different case.

He transferred to our school in the middle of sophomore year. The new transfer student was really handsome. He had those cute looks, perfectly styled brown hair and silvery gray eyes. The boy was simply an Adonis. The reason that I’m talking about all this in past tense because he was that perfect. And I have to admit it. The moment I looked at his handsome face, it was like love at first sight.

It’s very rare that I find a boy handsome. So when he entered the school, I was completely smitten. I saw him on his first day by his locker standing alone. But we were in different classes so we didn’t get any chance to talk. Besides, I had no courage to talk to him. He was like my Prince Charming.

But only a week later, the rumors started circulating in the school that he was dating a girl. My little crush was crushed.

And a week later, there was a new rumor that he had another girlfriend. Then another and then another. Week after week there were stories of his new girlfriends. In the end, none of them was his girlfriend. They were his play-toys and he was a playboy.

Playboy is a certain species that I hate the most. It was a big blow to my pride that I had a crush on a playboy. They are the vilest creatures on this earth. They go around breaking hearts of innocent girls. I was really angry at myself for ever feeling attracted to him. So I decided to crush my little crush myself. And I was successful.

But this year, we both landed in the same class. I bet he doesn’t even know about me. I’m just plain Jane who has only two friends. Those two friends are best friends and I’m just a third wheel they feel pity for. I’ve never been good with making friends. My previous friend was in middle school. We had been friends since elementary school but then she had to leave the town because of her father’s job. After Zoe left, I never made any real friend. Take a look at this Zoe, I’m extremely faithful to you.

Two years of high school passed without me making any friends. I talk to most of the students and I’m at good terms with them but there is no one particular I can call my friend. I guess I will be friendless in my high school life. I’ve not a met a single person who is in as same wavelength as me in this school. This kind of sucks. No best friend. But it’s still better than being with someone incompatible.

I’m better being alone than with someone.

All the students take their assigned seats. I’m not so lucky this year. For past two years, I’ve always got the window seat. But this year I’m in the seventh desk of second row. That’s fine too, as long as I don’t get disturbed while studying. Still I looked at the empty chair at my side longingly. The window seat. So close yet so far. I wish it was mine.

I was resting my chin on my hands when I noticed the playboy walking towards his seat. Looks like we were going to be neighbors. He kept walking and stopped just beside me. For a moment, my mind went completely blank.

Why did he stop? Stupid crush! Don’t start it again. I’m over him. I’m over him.

He turned his back at me and sat on the seat I was staring at not so long ago. The seat I wanted… was his. This is a cruel game of fate.

I had forgotten that I was staring at him until his eyes met mine. He cocked his head to side and smiled… or smirked. I didn’t know. The smile didn’t even look real. How girls fall for such a fake smile? The first day I had seen him, he had a sad and nervous face. I fell for that face.

I shook my head. Stop it! Stop it! I didn’t fall for him. I did not.

“Are you okay?” He gave me a confused look.

I blinked. “I-I’m okay.” I replied blushing. Don’t tell me I was making weird faces. I do that when I’m mentally scolding myself.

“You were staring at me.” He stated plainly and then smirked. He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him.

“You’ve got the window seat!” I blurted out. Stupid me!

His eyebrows shot up at my words. His mouth was still slightly open.

“You like the window seat?” He asked while smiling. I was speechless for a second there. It was not like that fake smile before. It was a real smile.

“Yeah,” I answered in a daze. Will he let me have it?

“Me too,” he replied in a way that ended the conversation.

He said ‘me too’. In other words, he had no intention of giving up the seat for me because he liked it.

As the teacher entered the class, everyone stood up to greet the teacher. But Carter didn’t. The teacher didn’t even notice. I gave the disobedient boy a side glance. He looked extremely bored. When he noticed my gaze on him once again, he arched eyebrow. The look on his face had completely changed from seconds ago.

He looked arrogant. Not my type. I thought as a grimace appeared on my face and looked away not even caring that he saw my disgust for him.

** **

When the class ended, students were discussing about the clubs. The students who didn’t join any club last year and the new students were going to join the clubs. And the commotion was created once again.

“What club are you going to join?” The boy sitting in front of Carter asked him.

“Yeah, you didn’t join any club last year. This year, you should join one.” Sophie said. I recognized her from my club. I’m in Tennis Club. She had joined the club in the beginning of high school. There are not many students in Tennis Club because the president is very strict. Still we have our own share of students.

“Okay,” he agreed. “I’ll join one.”

Sophie squealed excitedly. “Really?! Please join Tennis Club! Please join Tennis Club!”

“No! You should join baseball club!”

“Are you kidding me? He should join Soccer club.”

“Rugby Club, Carter! Rugby Club!”

Several students circled around his desk. Their backs and butts were towards me. I had to scoot farther away from them because a girl’s butt was so close to my face. This is a real torture.

“Go for Drama Club!”

Amidst this, Carter said something I couldn’t hear. There were several disappointed sighs as the students scattered in the class again.

“Why Tennis Club? Drama Club is much better.” I heard one girl say. From that, I could come up with only one conclusion- Carter has decided on Tennis Club. But that might not be true. He may not-

My thoughts were stopped as my eyes fell on Carter and Sophie making out on that window seat.

“Wh-Wh?” I was in a state of shock. My eyes were wide and I watched the pair being romantic in the middle of the class. Some students ignored them, some made comments on them. I felt my heart getting heavy.

This is hurting me. I looked away from them and stared at my desk with my hands holding my face. He is a playboy. He is really a playboy.

“Thank you so much for joining the Club. I will be waiting for you.” Sophie said happily after pulling away.

I mentally groaned. Don’t tell me I have to see this every day. I thought my crush was over but looks like it isn’t. Why is he in same class as me? Why did he choose that club? I have a premonition of something bad happening.

** **

Hey guys,

It's been a long time since I last posted something on Wattpad. I was to busy with my exams. Now I'm free. But I've forgotten who I was before I went M.I.A. I have a book also that's still going on - The Way You Love Me.

I had completely forgotten about it. It will take a couple of weeks fort me to get back on track.

And now I'm starting a new one. The Girl Who Has His Heart. It's kind of clichéd and drama kind of book. A little bit off my style. But I still decided to go with it because I really wanted to. This book won't be long. Probably 10+ chapters. Like How To Be A Good Boy?

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