Thirteen - The Confession

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//Chapter Thirteen - Confession//


Standing in front of Carter’s house, I was contemplating whether I should enter or not. My mind was a huge mess. But if I didn't do anything, I'll never be able to convey my feelings. Even if they are not reciprocated, I have to say it.

Before someone thought of me as a stalker, I rang the bell. I drummed my fingers impatiently on my thigh. One part of me was telling me to just leave before I get rejected. Another part told me to confess and get rejected. But there was this very small part of me that told me that I might get accepted. The only incident in support of this part was that sweet kiss he gave me. It was invading in my mind, making my heart beat faster. In all honesty, it was giving me a false hope.

I don’t know what it that possessed me was. I must be going crazy. The chances of getting accepted were once in the millions. The chances of Sana getting accepted were those millions minus one. Still I was standing in front of that house to test my luck.

I let out a shaky breath as the sound of footsteps came from the other side of the door. My heart was going crazy. My feet were ready to run out of there. The only thing that stopped me was the humiliation that would come if Carter caught me running away. I put a brave face and tried to keep my face free of any betraying expressions as he opened the door.

Carter looked surprised when he saw me standing at his doorstep. He was still in the school uniform, just like me. Due to my foot, it took me longer to reach his house. Also, I was thinking really hard whether I should visit him or not. In the end I decided to confess my feelings. Now that the decision has been made, all that’s left to do is act on it – the hardest part.

“Leah? What are you doing here?” He asked quizzically.

Invite me in. I’m already so nervous. “Can I come inside?” I asked in a calm voice.

“Oh! Sorry!” Maybe it was just my imagination. Maybe it was my brain making up illusions. But I think Carter’s cheeks turned slightly pink. No, it can’t be.

He stepped aside and let me in. It took too much effort to walk inside and not run away. My hands started trembling and I crossed my arms so that he won’t see the signs of my nervousness.

“There’s something I wanted to tell you.” I said facing away from him.

“Okay, but sit down first. You’re making me nervous.” He joked and I couldn’t help but glare at him. I didn’t want to. It’s just happened. Do you even know how nervous I am right now? So nervous that my heart might just stop beating.

I quickly softened my gaze. He’s the boy I’m going to confess to. I don’t want to but I have to. I have to because then I won’t feel any regrets when Sana and him will start dating. I won’t have any regrets of not confessing to him.

Anyways, it’s given several girls confess to him. I will just be another one in his list. He will forget about me. Although it hurts, it’s the truth. Actually, it’s the truth that’s why it hurts so much.

I sat down on the couch and he sat beside me with his dark eyes on my face. The way he was staring at me made me feel giddy.

“Is everything alright?” He asked me out of concern. I gave him a sideways glace. Am I giving him an impression that something bad happened? Well I find it really hard to smile at a time like this.

If it was Sana at my place, she would have handled the situation very well. She would have made a joke to lighten the situation. Carter won’t have to worry if everything was alright or not.

I’m so useless. I don’t deserve to be with him. That’s why I came to get rejected. That’s right Leah, you are here to get rejected. Don’t get your hopes up. And don’t regret anything.

“Everything’s alright.” I answered his question and he cocked his head in confusion.

“Okay,” he nodded waiting for me to continue.

“Listen Carter, there’s something I want to tell you.” I started. “You may find it annoying. But let me just say it. I will leave right after.”

I let out a sigh.

“I like you.” I said looking straight in his eyes. His expressions change to one of complete surprise at my words. Right after that, I averted my gaze. I can’t look at him. “I had never thought I would like someone. And now I like you. There’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t expect you accept me. I just wanted to say so, yeah, that’s it.”

I waited for him to say something but no words came out from his mouth. He had gone in silent mode. When I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was already staring at me. I was so shocked that I jumped back.

Feeling embarrassed, I hastily prepared to leave.

“I should go now,” I muttered. Before I could move any further, his hand caught my wrist. I turned to give him a surprised look.


“Don’t go,” he stood so close to me. My heart was beating frantically. Oh god! What’s going to happen now?

At that moment, I started to hope. Something I had decided not to do. But I couldn’t help myself. When he said those words with a pleading look in his eyes, I came undone completely.

Please accept me! Please accept me! I started chanting inside my head.

He brought his face close to me planting a soft kiss on my lips. It was a light touch that made me feel so ecstatic.

Pulling away, he looked at my eyes so intensely.

“I like you too.” He murmured.

I was surprised, hearing those words from his mouth. It felt like I was in heaven. I couldn’t believe. It had to be an imagination.

“Say that again,” I said in a daze.

He smiled at me. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen. “I like you.” He murmured and kissed me again.

I was lost in the feeling that I forgot about everything. I forget that he was a playboy before. I forgot that Sana will confess to him. I forgot everything. The only thing that mattered was that he liked me… that I was in his arms.

He picked me up bridal style while still kissing me and brought to a room. I felt the softness of the mattress below me and lost myself in the world he showed me.

At that moment I had never realized I won’t feel Carter for a long time to come. That I won’t see this sweet Carter again.

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