Godrics hallow

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     Ginny's P.O.V

     We apparate to Godrics hallow see that harry is starting to get a little emotional. I feel bad and I start to comfort him. We look around Godrics hallow for a little while and we hear something. 

     "Sssssssssssssssssss" we hear a horcrux call out to Harry. 

     "Harry I hear one! It is over here."he informs.

     I hear one too! It is coming from two seperate places but i think they are close together. Harry explains.I nod my head in aggreement and started to look for them. i see Harry looking down at something and i go over by him interested in what it was. i look down and tears grow in my eyes. 

    "Harry, we don'thave to do it." I tell him.

     "Ginny we have to." Harry sniffles. He takes the sword of Gryffindor and i see him smash the two identical graves that are next to each other into pieces. I look down and I am astonished. 

    "I can not believe i just smashed the only thing i had left of them into pieces."

    "It is ok Harry."That night we stayed together in his old, run down house where he came in contact with the snake exactly a year ago.




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