It Was Just A Trip

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It was just a trip from Los Angeles to India through Atlantic ocean. Mirabella and her parents were together on vacation, it was a ten year birthday wish and also, a twelve year wedding anniversary for the couple. Earlier that month, Francis Mickelson had organized a a private submarine with some of his friends and everything was ready for their one week vacation in India.

At first, everything was going smoothly until suddenly, the waters started rushing through. Its was if the ocean got interrupted by all the seats creatures. Even dolphins became rude, wanting to feed on them alive.

Francis Mickelson, Mirabella's father was one of the greatest scientist alive. He lived on a low key. His father, Franklin Mickelson was killed long ago by an unknown organization whom host science communication workshop and all that... Sometime in the 19th century.

Well, at a very young age, Francis enjoyed playing with water guns. He would always engage in water gun fights with his friends so, Mickelson decided to further more into the knowledge of science. He created the first and most famous water gun, which later boomed. Other organizations and companies hired him to work for them and soon, his invention spread around the world. This made in so popular that he started trying other research and doing lots of experiments, every single day of his life.

Franklin Mickelson, was the man that gave us the most famous water gun — the Super Soaker. Mickelson wasn’t just a toymaker, he was actually an Aerospace Engineer for NASA with a resume boasting a stint with the US Air Force, work on the Galileo Jupiter probe and Mars Observer project, and more than 40 patents.

Yes, he is also working on the Johnson Thermoelectric Energy Converter (JTEC) which converts heat directly into electricity — but it’s the squirt gun he created that has given us all the most joy.

Until when Francis clocked 15. Mickelson's body was brought from the trip in Germany. It was so sad but Francis didn't relent. He decided to take up from his father. He invested a lot of things on his own but never showed off. He lived a very private life and there, he got married to Kate, his college girlfriend whom was also an Analyst. They worked together most times but they hide this private life from their little princess.

Mirabella wasn't registered in school like every one was. Francis knows that one day, those group of people that killed his father would definitely come for him. As it is... Thousands of Mickelson's inventory were still with him while others were stolen by the same group. They were working with the U.S government and had a upper hand in everything so Francis couldn't
fight back.

As his mother too was killed in this process. Francis mm managed to escape death until now.

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