Planned Death

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"What's wrong dad?" Her voice shivered.

"Don't worry, dearie. It must be some pebbles or something Just relax, okay?" He assured.

"Okay dad."

She laid back to the back seats and the drive was smooth again.

Just then, they met two huge trucks coming from the front of them.As if the scene was slow motionless. As if they were going to stop, the range rover started to move in zigzags and there was a sloppy cliff from the road. Another lorry was racing after the from behind.

"OMG! I think we've lost break, dearest." Francis murmured.

"Daddddddy!!!" Mira jerked back to see what was happening.

"Honey please, stop the car! Its gonna be an accident!" Kate cried, holding her husband's arm in fear.

In his teens, he used to love going on adventures and adding a bit of suspense and mystery in whatever he do. It love this but couldn't help but to wonder who exactly would attack him in a way like this. Kate too was found of this but she went speechless right this minute.

"Don't worry guys, hold on tight to your seatbelts!" He muttered administration a slim crooked smirk.

With great speed, Francis managed to zoom in between the trucks.

Mira almost paralyzed in fear of ever escaping death... She was going to die. She couldn't help but to think her dad was drunk or something. Its just impossible to pass through two huge trucks at the same time.


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