Chapter 1: Getting Scouted

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Their will most likely be cussing in this story. this takes place in 2013 my chapters will probably be really short.

Samantha's POV:

"Sam get up now or you are going to be late for practice!" Yelled my best friend and teammate Jack

"I will be down in five just chill!" I yelled back.

I got up and got dresses in my red snapback and my black tracksuit and red running shoes. I brushed my hair and then ran down stairs grabbing my goalie and player gear. Then I yelled for Jack to hurry up.

While I waited for Jack to get out of the house, I started my Chevy Silverado. When he finally came out to the truck we headed to practice.

{At practice}

When Jack and I entered the rink with our gear we went straight to the locker room.

"So Captain serious, since you are running practice you are going to go easy on us right?" Smith one of my teammates asked with hope in his eyes using my nickname on the team.

"You know maybe now I will make sure to be as hard on you guys as I can." I said back to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Smith" all the guys on the team asked.

"Adams you have to go kind of easy on them we have a game 6 hours after practice." Coach said.

"yes sir" I said back

{last 10 minutes of practice}

" ALL OF US ARE DOING LAPS FOR THE LAST TEN. UNDERSTOOD?!" I yelled so the whole team could hear me.

"you got it captain serious, I mean Sam" Jack said with a smirk

"Jack I would like to remind you that we are roommates and if I was you I would watch my back. just saying'" I said to him with a smirk as his disappeared.

we all started our laps. After the ten minutes we all went back to the locker room.

{ Before Warm up}

Before the game the guys and I do our pre-game rituals.

Mine is that I have play two touch with Jack and Sam.

"We are going to go out their and win the finals!" I yelled at the end of my pre game speech.

The team yelled back yeah I went out first since I started out as goalie then I will change to player gear for the second and third period.

{Third period of game}

Their is 10 minutes left and so far we are winning 4-1. I've gotten a hat trick so far. Jack was the other one that scored. He also assisted me on two of my goals.

{five minutes later}

The other teams player ran our goalie. Coach put me out on the ice. I skated up to the player at the face off circle and said "if I were you I wouldn't run that goalie again."

"What the fuck are you going to do about it. Go cry to your teammates?" he said getting in my face.

"Shut the fuck up ya plug." I yelled getting in his face this time. He shoved me. I shoved back.

With that we dropped the gloves and squared off. It only took three good punches and he was down.

"Don't touch my fuckin' goalie you prick." I yelled as the ref pulled me away.

He and I got put In the box for two minutes.

When we got out it was our lines.

"I bet your fuckin that Jack kid!." he yelled

"At least he'd know how to hit." I said with a smirk.

We both dropped our gloves and started to circle each other. Their is a minute left in the game and we are winning 4-1.

"How did you even get on the team? did you sleep with some one high up or something? I know who you slept with the dumb ass named Jack or Smith or was it the goalie?" he asked trying to get in my head

"I heard that you are the MVP of your team." I said as we squared off.

"Yeah" he said with a smirk.

"What's it like to be the teams most valuable princess?" I asked trying to irritate him.

with that we both started swinging.

I hit him five good times and he was down. He got about four good hits in on that one. My eye is bleeding but will be fine. he has a broken nose two black eyes and a busted lip in total including injuries from the last fight.

"How do you like me now Mother fucker?! Stay the fuck away from my goalie!" I yelled as the ref and Jack pulled me away. The crowd cheered and started chanting my other nickname "killer".

the trainer fixed me up and then the buzzer sounded. We won the championship. My team and I celebrated. we all ran up to our goalie and jumped on him.

Then we went to the locker room.

{after game in locker room }

I was about to start changing out of my gear. I didn't even have my helmet off.

"Sam can I talk to you in my office for a moment please?" Coach asked well it was more of a rhetorical question but still.

"yes sir" I said and followed him into his office.

"Coach I am sorry for losing my cool out their." I said as we walked in. Then I noticed three Blackhawks players sitting in Coaches office.

"Sam, I want you to meet Jonathan Towes, Corey Crawford, and Tyler Mitchell. Boys you wanted to meet with the captain of the team?" Coach asked

"Yeah that kid is badass." Tyler said.

"Well this is the captain of the team." coach said pointing to me

"Sam take off your helmet." Coach said

"Yes sir." I said taking off my helmet.

"Wait that enforcer is a girl? Is this a joke or something coach McQueen . The roster said she was a boy." Tyler said.

"Actually, I used my brothers name." I said

"What is your name then?" Tyler asked

"My name is-"

"Captain Serious! come on we don't have all day lets go?!" Jack yelled and came walking with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Заткнись." said to Jack glaring at him.

"what did she say to him?" Crawford asks

" I am guessing she told him to shut the fuck up."

"я ненавижу тебя иногда Сэма" Jack said pretend glaring at me.( I hate you sometimes Sam)

"ты знаешь, что любишь меня" I said smiling.( you know that you love me)

"I am lost" Tyler said

"Jack go hang out with crafty please, I was talking to coach and some of the Blackhawks" I said

"Fine Captain Serious maybe now I can have fun with crafty." he said

"просто не имеют слишком много удовольствия с ним" I said with a smile.

Jack smacked me on the back of the head. then left the room.

"you told him not to have to much fun didn't you?" coach asks laughing and shaking his head.

"Yes sir." I said.

"now why do you boys want to talk to Captain Serious." coach asked.I groaned hearing that name.

"I swear I am going to kill Jack" I mumbles quietly

"why would you do that" Towes finally speaks

"I guess I didn't say that as quietly as I thought I did." I said

"nope" Crawford and Tyler said.

"Anyway why am I here?" I asked

"We want to sign you to the Blackhawks." Towes said

I looked at coach he was giving me a 'you better take this opportunity look'

"You guys are kidding right?" I asked a smile on my lips.

"No the Blackhawks want to sign you. so what do you say?" Towes asked

"I say yes, but I have to make sure it is okay with my sister and the boys first. I  give you my answer in about five minutes." I said

"Okay" Towes said

I stepped out and called my sister.

"HI sis how was the game?" she asked.

"Great, but I need to ask you a question. would you be okay with me playing for the Chicago Blackhawks? I mean if you don't want me to I can say no its just-" I asked

"Sis I would be mad if you didn't take this offer. Plus we both know that if you don't take this offer Coach will bench you for the whole rest of next season. Now go tell them you are going to play for them. love you sis bye." she said

"bye love ya sis." I said then hung up.

I walk into the locker room.
"Hey guys can I talk to you for a second?" I ask looking around the now quiet locker room.
"Yeah, what's up? Is something wrong?" Jack asks
"Ummm.....well, I got a job offer with the Blackhawks. But I wanted to check with you guys first. Before I said yes. I mean if you guys don't want me to leave then I will stay. Bu-" I was cut off by Jack
"Sam, I would be pissed with you if you said no about that. We will manage here. As long as you visit. You can't leave me here with these crazy forever okay?" He says/asks. He then walks over to me and hugs me close. See Jack is taller than me by quite a bit and so when he hugs me I am too his chest. But, Jack might as well be my brother. So nothing will happen between us. I break away from the hug and walk to coaches office.

I decide to walk in with my head down.

"What did they say?" Tyler asked

I looked up with a sad expression but couldn't keep my face broke into a smile.

"Give me number 15 and you got a deal." I said with a smile

"Cool we will tell them then. IF it is okay they want you to come back with us. The flight leaves tomorrow." Towes said.

"Coach can Jack take my place as captain?" I ask coach

"Why Jack he barely says two words?" Coach asks

"Funny joke coach he never shuts up at home." I say

"Okay you can give him the jersey at the team meeting to night. You can also tell the guys that you are going to play for Chicago." coach said

"yes sir, thank you coach. But umm...they already know"I said

{During meeting}

Towes, Crawford, And Mitchell are sitting in the corner. I start my last speech as captain.

"Guys, I love yall like brothers and I hate to say good bye to you guys, but I will see you all as much as possible. I am going to play in the NHL with the Blackhawks. I hope to see some of you guys their soon. But remember that if we do play against each other don't touch the goalie." The guys laugh at the ending of my sentence.

"Does Max know?" Jack asks

"No, that is the way it is going to stay. understood?" I ask

"okay." Jack says

" Thanks." I say

"no problem." Jack says

"Anyway, Jack can you come here for a second." I say

"okay?" Jack says as more of a question.

He walks up the front of the room the where I am standing.

"Jack take over the meeting for your team." I say handing him the jersey with the C and his last name on it.

Jack hugs me after a minute of starring at the C

"Thank you so much Samantha." He says

"Lead the team to the finals will yah" I say with a smirk

"You got it Sam." he says

"Captain what time does the flight leave tomorrow?" I ask Towes

"It leaves at 3:00A.M. so you probably should go pack since it is 12:00." Towes said

"Sam did you tell Anthony?" Jack asks

"Shit! I forgot! I will call him when I get to Chicago." I say looking at Jack with wide eyes.

"Jack we got to go come on." I say

"later guys." I say hugging all my old teammates before I leave. When I get to Jack I say "I'm going to miss you most of all scarecrow." The guys laugh.

"Sam you do remember that we room together right?" Jack asks

"Yeah, but it was funny as hell." I said back

"Towes what time should I meet you guys at the airport?" I ask

"We can come and pick you up if you want. To take you to the airport." Tyler says with a small smile.

"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Ty... I mean Mitchell. Sorry" I said looking down. My cheeks turning red. When I looked back up at him he was smiling.

"Its fine Adams. We should leave so we can get your stuff and you to the airport." Tyler said

"Okay." With that I said goodbye to my old teammates once again. Then we headed to Jack and I' s house so I could pack clothes and stuff to take with me.


(Sorry if this story is really awful. I am also sorry that it took me so long to put up this Crappy chapter.)

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